21 research outputs found

    analysis of the factors that affect the distribution and abundance of three neobuxbaumia species (cactaceae) that differ in their degree of rarity

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    We studied three species of columnar cacti in the genus Neobuxbaumia which differ in their degree of rarity: Neobuxbaumia macrocephala (the rarest), Neobuxbaumia tetetzo (intermediate), and Neobuxbaumia mezcalaensis (the most common). To investigate the ecological factors that limit their distribution and abundance, we surveyed 80 localities within the region of Tehuacan-Cuicatlan, in Central Mexico. At each locality we measured several environmental variables, and the density of the Neobuxbaumia populations present. We used a principal component analysis (PCA) to identify the factors that are associated to the presence/absence of each species. Additionally, we carried out multiple regressions between environmental variables and population density to test whether the variation in these variables was related to changes in abundance. The results show that factors significantly affecting the distribution of these species are mean annual temperature, altitude, rainfall, and soil proper-ties such as texture and organic matter content. N mezcalaensis reaches maximum population densities of 14,740 plants per ha (average density = 3943 plants per ha) and is associated with localities with relatively abundant rainfall. N tetetzo shows maximum population densities of 14,060 plants per ha (average = 3070 plants per ha), and is associated with sites located at high latitudes and with high phosphorous content in the soil. The rarest species, N macrocephala, shows maximum densities of 1180 plants per ha (average = 607 plants per ha) and is associated with localities with high soil calcium content. The distribution of this species is limited to sites with specific values of the environmental variables recorded, conferring it a high habitat specificity which accounts for its rarity. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved

    La heterogeneidad ambiental en un matorral xerófilo

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    Se caracterizó la heterogeneidad biótica y abiótica tanto espacial como temporal en dos zonas del matorral xerófilo de la Reserva Ecológica del Pedregal de San Ángel (REPSA). Se identificaron nueve grupos florísticos, los cuales presentaron una distribución diferencial de las especies vegetales presentes en la zona. Cada uno de los grupos fue nombrado respecto a las especies indicadoras, las cuáles fueron consideradas como determinantes de la fisonomía de la comunidad. Utilizando los análisis multivariados (TWINSPAN y CANOCO) se observó que la composición de especies de los grupos se modifi ca espacial y temporalmente. Este estudio sugiere que la variación de algunos factores abióticos como la profundidad del suelo y la pendiente influye de diferente manera en la heterogeneidad del sistema. La heterogeneidad temporal fue evidente al existir una diferente composición florística en la zona a lo largo de la temporada de lluvias y la temporada de secas