4 research outputs found

    A Conceptual Framework to Manage Resilience and Increase Sustainability in the Supply Chain

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    [EN] The challenges of global economies foster supply chains to have to increase their processes of collaboration and dependence between their nodes, generating an increase in the level of vulnerability to possible impacts and interruptions in their operations that may affect their sustainability. This has developed an emerging area of interest in supply chain management, considering resilience management as a strategic capability of companies, and causing an increase in this area of research. Additionally, supply chains should deal with the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social dimensions) by incorporating the three types of objectives in their strategy. Thus, there is a need to integrate both resilience and sustainability in supply chain management to increase competitiveness. In this paper, a systematic literature review is undertaken to analyze resilience management and its connection to increase supply chain sustainability. In the review, 232 articles published from 2000 to February 2020 in peer-reviewed journals in the Scopus and ScienceDirect databases are analyzed, classified, and synthesized. With the results, this paper develops a conceptual framework that integrates the fundamental elements for analyzing, measuring, and managing resilience to increase sustainability in the supply chain. Finally, conclusions, limitations, and future research lines are exposed.This study was supported by the Valencian Government in Spain (Project AEST/2019/019).Zavala-Alcívar, A.; Verdecho Sáez, MJ.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ. (2020). A Conceptual Framework to Manage Resilience and Increase Sustainability in the Supply Chain. Sustainability. 12(16):1-38. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12166300S1381216Roberta Pereira, C., Christopher, M., & Lago Da Silva, A. (2014). Achieving supply chain resilience: the role of procurement. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 19(5/6), 626-642. doi:10.1108/scm-09-2013-0346Pettit, T. 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    Inserción laboral de la formación dual técnica y tecnológica en el Ecuador

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    The research had as a general objective to analyze the labor insertion of the technical and technological dual training in Ecuador from the case of the Superior Technological Institute “Luis Arboleda Martínez”; located in the city of Manta - Ecuador, it was a non-experimental descriptive type, the population was made up of 19 representatives of companies that welcome students in their organizations as part of the dual training process, knowing their opinions, through the application of a questionnaire type checklist. It is also necessary to deepen scientific research from a perspective that allows concatenating the academic - business - social, in order that the institution can fulfill the role of teaching, research and social bonding with relevance to optimize the resources used , together that entrepreneurs are formed from the generation of research projects from an application approach.La investigación tuvo como objetivo general analizar la inserción laboral de la formación dual técnica y tecnológica en el Ecuador desde el caso del Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Luis Arboleda Martínez”; ubicado en la ciudad de Manta – Ecuador, fue de tipo descriptiva no experimental, la población estuvo conformada 19 representantes de empresas que acogen a los estudiantes en sus organizaciones como parte del proceso de formación dual, conociéndose sus apreciaciones, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario tipo lista de cotejo. Se hace necesario además profundizar en la investigación científica desde una perspectiva que permita concatenar lo académico – empresarial – social, con la finalidad de que en la institución se pueda cumplir con el rol de docencia, investigación y vinculación social con pertinencia a optimizar los recursos empleados, aunado que se forman emprendedores desde la generación de proyectos investigativos desde un enfoque aplicativo.


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    Este trabajo investigativo determina los aspectos positivos y negativos de los procesos de enseñanza–aprendizaje, ahora conocidos como interaprendizaje y, en este contexto es pertinente explorar y estudiar el clima social del aula en el que interactúan docentes y estudiantes; con el fin de conocer y comparar las percepciones que se desarrollan en cada una de ellas. El artículo presenta una base teórica conceptual con temas relacionados a la temática como son: el clima social, gestión pedagógica, técnicas y estrategias didáctico-pedagógicas innovadoras. Posteriormente se realiza la aplicación y levantamiento de la información a través de un caso de estudio con estudiantes y profesores de dos instituciones de educación primaria de la provincia de Manabí, con características diversas al ser la primera “particular-urbana” y la segunda “fiscal-rural”. Los objetivos planteados son el de conocer y describir el clima social y tipos de aula, así como los factores que inciden en estos ambientes. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación, se tomó como muestra representativa a todos los alumnos y docentes del séptimo año de educación básica de ambas instituciones; los métodos y técnicas empleados fueron: descriptivo, estadístico, entrevista y la encuesta; los instrumentos utilizados: cuestionarios de clima social (Moos y Trickett, 1987) en su adaptación ecuatoriana para profesores y estudiantes, detectando puntos críticos existentes dentro de las instituciones educativas, para implantar mejoras que contribuyan a crear ambientes o climas favorables que optimicen la calidad educativa con la visión de implantarlos al contexto de educación superior.PALABRAS CLAVE: Clima social; gestión pedagógica; metodología.EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT: SOCIAL CLIMATE IN THE CLASSROOM FROM THE PERCEPTION OF STUDENTS AND TEACHERS ABSTRACTThis research work determines the positive and negative aspects of the teaching-learning process, now known as mutual learning and, in this context it is pertinent to explore and study the social climate of the classroom in which teachers and students interact; in order to know and compare the perceptions that develop in each. The article presents a conceptual theoretical basis with issues related to the theme, such as: the social climate, educational management, educational and pedagogical techniques and innovative strategies. Subsequently the application and collection of information is made through a case study with students and teachers of two institutions of primary education in the province of Manabí. With many special features, the first "city school" and the second "rural school". The objectives are to understand and describe the social climate and types of classroom as well as the factors affecting these environments. For the development of this investigation, it was taken as a representative sample of all students and teachers in the seventh year of basic education of both institutions; the methods and techniques used were: descriptive, statistical, interview and survey; the instruments used: questionnaires social climate (Moos and Trickett, 1987) in its Ecuadorian adaptation for teachers and students, identifying existing critical points within educational institutions to implement improvements that help create environments or favorable climates that enhance educational quality with the vision of implanting the context of university education.KEYWORDS: Social climate; Pedagogical management; Methodology.</p