71 research outputs found

    Which Loans Do We Take? A Micro-Level Analysis of Croatian Households\u27 Debt Participation

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    This paper uses a new data set in order to explore micro-level patterns of household borrowing in Croatia. By analyzing cross-section data from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey, conducted for the first time in Croatia in 2017, we present the structure of household debt holdings and identify several household characteristics associated with debt participation in three types of bank debt: secured debt, non-collateralized loans, as well as overdrafts and/ or credit card debt. Our results indicate that: a) households with middle-aged heads tend to participate more and hold larger amounts of all three debt types; b) credit constrained households are more likely to take non-collateralized loans; c) inability to finance consumption and willingness to take risks when making saving and investment decisions contribute to participation in overdrafts and/or credit card debt

    Catalogue 2.0 and Bibliography 2.0 : Collaboratively Created Structured Resource Lists and their Aggregation

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    Paper presents how web 2.0 and its tools affect traditional library services and products such as catalogue and bibliography. Using set of social tools and their integration into the library services the user may be given a new means for personalization of traditional library tools. A whole new range of possibilities and usage scenarios open up not only for citations but also for multimedia and hyper textual interactivity with bibliography lists. These tools for bibliographic record management became easy to use but, in the same time, powerful enough to be accepted by library professionals. The paper presents key issues and possibilities surrounding the catalogue 2.0 and bibliography 2.0, points out the differences and similarities between them and suggests the possibility of integration or a creation of a network of these tools

    Bibliometrijska analiza časopisa Sociologija sela / Sociologija i prostor u razdoblju 1963.- 2012

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    Znanstveni časopis po svojoj je funkciji medijator u prijenosu rezultata istraživanja, spoznaja i ideja u relevantnom akademskom i stručnom okruženju. Kontinuirano 50-godišnje izlaženje časopisa odraz je stanja u znanstvenoj sredini, ali i važnosti problematike kojom se bavi. Bibliometrijska analiza provedena u ovom istraživanju pokazuje specifičnosti u znanstvenom komuniciranju praćenjem razvoja časopisa Sociologija sela / Sociologija i prostor kroz različite oblikovne karakteristike: rubrike u časopisu, oblike članaka, autorstvo, adrese autora, ali i kroz analize citiranih publikacija (9.563 citirana izvora) u 676 članaka. Citatne analize pokazale su određenu važnost knjiga i poglavlja u knjigama u odnosu na članke u časopisima, oko 42% (35% autorske knjige i 7% poglavlja u knjigama), ali značajno manju u usporedbi s dosadašnjim istraživanjima na međunarodnoj razini (Nederhof, 2006.). Medijan starosti citiranih članaka iz časopisa bio je približno sedam godina, dok je za knjige bio deset godina. Medijan citiranih referenci po članku značajno se povećao u razdoblju 1998.- 2012. godine, od 6 u razdoblju 1963.-1997. na 22. Citatnim analizama istražena je i komunikabilnost autora objavljenih članaka i njihova otvorenost prema relevantnim međunarodnim časopisima. Analiza citiranosti radova iz ovog časopisa prema podacima baze WoS pruža uvid u njegovu međunarodnu vidljivost. (IN ENGLISH: A scientific journal is a mediator of research results and theoretical insights in the relevant scientific community. Continued publishing of a journal for over 50 years shows both the status of the scientific community and the importance of the journal’s subject matter. The bibliometric analysis done in this research shows the specificities in scholarly communication by observing the development of the journal Rural Sociology / Sociology and Space (n= 1,168) through its different characteristics such as journal organisation and classification, types of published items, authorship, authors’ addresses and cited publications (n= 9,563) gathered from a subset of 676 papers. The median references age was approximately seven years for journal papers and ten years for books. Median number of references per paper grew from 6 in the period 1963-1997 to 22 in the period 1998-2012. Citation analysis has shown that books have become less important (35, 5% of the citations ), in comparison with earlier research (Nederhof, 2006). The communicability of authors towards relevant international communities is shown in their international references. The citation data gained from WoS citation indices demonstrate the international visibility of this journal.

    Which Loans Do We Take? A Micro-Level Analysis of Croatian Households\u27 Debt Participation

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    This paper uses a new data set in order to explore micro-level patterns of household borrowing in Croatia. By analyzing cross-section data from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey, conducted for the first time in Croatia in 2017, we present the structure of household debt holdings and identify several household characteristics associated with debt participation in three types of bank debt: secured debt, non-collateralized loans, as well as overdrafts and/ or credit card debt. Our results indicate that: a) households with middle-aged heads tend to participate more and hold larger amounts of all three debt types; b) credit constrained households are more likely to take non-collateralized loans; c) inability to finance consumption and willingness to take risks when making saving and investment decisions contribute to participation in overdrafts and/or credit card debt

    Produktivnost hrvatskih psihologa: scientometrijska analiza mreže suradnji na radovima indeksiranim u bazi WoS 1991-2010

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    Svrha rada je opisati produktivnost i međusobnu suradnju registriranih znanstvenika iz područja psihologije u Hrvatskoj (N = 241). Podaci o objavljenim radovima preuzeti su iz citatne baze WoS (Web of Science) za 169 znanstvenika u razdoblju od 1991. do 2010. godine. U skupu dobivenih radova (882 radova) provedena je analiza produktivnosti i koautorstva. Dobiveni rezultati o visokoj proporciji višeautorskih radova i nepostojanju spolnih razlika u produktivnosti u skladu su s nalazima u literaturi. Za analizu međusobne suradnje korištena je metoda analiza mreža (engl. social network analysis). Obrađeni su indikatori koji proizlaze iz tog pristupa i opisuju mrežu (gustoća i najveća komponenta) kao i poziciju pojedinca unutar mreže (mjere centralnosti: stupanj centralnosti, međupovezanost i blizina, te artikulacijski čvorovi i nepovezani članovi). Utvrdili smo da su dobiveni indikatori umjereno do visoko povezani s produktivnošću znanstvenika. Radi uvida u razvoj mreže suradnje provedena je analiza karakteristika mreže kroz vrijeme. Zaključujemo da analiza mreže pruža korisne prediktore znanstvene produktivnosti i dodatne informacije o međusobnoj suradnji članova mreže. Za cjelovitiji uvid u suradnju buduća istraživanja bi trebala uzimati u obzir i druge oblike suradnje te nadopuniti nacrte istraživanja relevantnim varijablama poput zadovoljstva poslom i organizacijske klime. Rezultati se mogu iskoristiti pri planiranju, organizaciji i evaluaciji znanstvene djelatnosti. (IN ENGLISH: The purpose of the research is to describe the productivity and cooperation of registered scientists in the field of Psychology in Croatia (N = 241) based on journal publications indexed in the Web of science (WoS) in the time period 1991-2010. A total of 882 publications were found for 169 authors and authorship and co-authorship were analysed. Productivity data is presented on a descriptive level. The results show a high proportion of multi-author works and a lack of gender differences in productivity which is in agreement with the current literature. For the analysis of cooperation, we used social network analysis methodology including analysis of the network through four separate time periods. Indicators describing both the network (density, largest component) and the position of nodes (authors) in the network (centrality measures: degree centrality, betweenness, closeness, articulation points and singles) were calculated and found do be in a medium to highly correlation with author productivity. We conclude that network analysis provides useful productivity predictors and additional insight into cooperation among members. For a more complete cooperation analysis, future research should also encompass other forms of cooperation as well as use additional relevant variables such as job satisfaction and organisational climate. The results may be useful for the planning, organisation and evaluation of scientific efforts.

    Sources for scientific frustrations: productivity and citation data

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    The paper discusses usage of citation indices and similar databases as the source of data for determining scientific professional advancement. A short study on per-author basis, using Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, Croatian scientific bibliography and online catalogue of the National and University Library in Zagreb, has been undertaken and shows disparate results for usage of these resources in mentioned context. Various problems surrounding such studies are discussed. Data complementation and especially firmer, more interconnected, national databases are recommended. Authors primary recommendation is thus to connect current national sources in a more wholesome system providing quality access to bibliometric data in this context. Fragments of the system are already present and usable: Crosbi(scientific bibliography), NSK (national catalogue),Hrčak (journal full text database)). This would impact both the self-consciousness of the individual scientist and the scientific politics bypassing the colonial and provincial mentality imposed by the monopoly of “international” commercial databases. Such integrated model of wholesome representation and distribution of scientific production on national level would serve as an answer to problems inherent to usage of citation databases such as WoS and Scopus

    Razvoj scienotometrije praćen kroz časopis Scientometrics od početka izlaženja 1978. do 2010. godine

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    Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su: 1. kvantitativno opisati glavno tijelo scientometrijske literature s posebnim fokusom na razvoj kroz vrijeme i 2. versatilno implementirati glavne scientometrijske postupke te opisati metodološku problematiku scientometrije. Prvi doprinos ovog rada je dakle u razumijevanju i uopće validaciji scientometrije kao zasebne pod- discipline informacijskih znanosti kroz primarno kvantitativnu obradu svih radova objavljenih u časopisu Scientometrics od početka objavljivanja 1978. do 2010. godine s posebnim naglaskom na članke. Među provedenim analizama posebno se mogu istaknuti analize autorstva i suradnje, citatne i ko-citatne analize te pregled u odnosu na glavnu tematiku radova. Drugi doprinos je u prikazu, implementaciji i povezivanju tradicionalnih metodoloških scientometrijskih postupaka s analizom mreža i tekstova radova. S obzirom na kompleksnost ulaznih podataka koji u većini slučajeva nisu stvoreni pod kontrolom istraživača, u sklopu prikaza metodologije posebno je detaljno prikazana i priprema podataka. Rad pruža kratak uvod o znanosti i istraživanjima znanosti s fokusom na proučavanje znanosti kroz znanstvenu literaturu. Nakon toga slijedi poglavlje o metodologiji podijeljeno u dva dijela: priprema i analiza. Radi promatranja ovog tijela literature s više aspekata, rezultati i rasprava su prikazani zajedno i slijede nakon metodologije. Rad završava kratkim zaključkom o razvoju i relevantnosti scientometrije kao i o sve većoj zainteresiranosti za istu. U prilogu 1. prenesen je Python kôd kojim su implementirani postupci opisani u metodologiji, kao i proizvedene tablice i većina slika koji se koriste u tekstu

    Collaborative Tagging : Providing User Created Organizational Structure for Web 2.0

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    The Web 2.0, having the user both creating and organizing content, has changed much of how one approaches to and uses the Web. While the concept of user-submitted content is by no means new, user created organizational structure is. The article gives an overview of the organizational means and processes that enable it. To provide the general framework the article gives a short overview of Web 2.0. It then centres on the collaborative tagging process as a central organizational process and means for the Web 2.0 and provides definitions for the Web 2.0 terminology used. After describing the general process, its strengths and weaknesses and pointing out that, while useful, it cannot replace professional indexing tools and library and information science professionals the article goes on to describe collaborative tagging and its specific features in general. Some of the more common services to use collaborative tagging are then described

    Collaborative tagging supported knowledge discovery

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    Web 2.0 has brought about a new sort of user centred services which rely a great deal on flexible organizational capabilities designed for user-supplied organization. Collaborative tagging is especially interesting in this context and this article explores what this kind of organization in connection with some Web 2.0 principles means for knowledge discovery in various ways. To fully explore this, the article defines collaborative tagging and gives an overview of collaborative tagging in general, of services using it and of tags themselves. It concludes with mechanisms this kind of approach to knowledge organization provides for knowledge discovery

    Bibliometric Analysis of Rural Sociology / Sociology and Space from 1963 - 2012

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    Znanstveni časopis po svojoj je funkciji medijator u prijenosu rezultata istraživanja, spoznaja i ideja u relevantnom akademskom i stručnom okruženju. Kontinuirano 50-godišnje izlaženje časopisa odraz je stanja u znanstvenoj sredini, ali i važnosti problematike kojom se bavi. Bibliometrijska analiza provedena u ovom istraživanju pokazuje specifičnosti u znanstvenom komuniciranju praćenjem razvoja časopisa Sociologija sela / Sociologija i prostor kroz različite oblikovne karakteristike: rubrike u časopisu, oblike članaka, autorstvo, adrese autora, ali i kroz analize citiranih publikacija (9.563 citirana izvora) u 676 članaka. Citatne analize pokazale su određenu važnost knjiga i poglavlja u knjigama u odnosu na članke u časopisima, oko 42% (35% autorske knjige i 7% poglavlja u knjigama), ali značajno manju u usporedbi s dosadašnjim istraživanjima na međunarodnoj razini (Nederhof, 2006.). Medijan starosti citiranih članaka iz časopisa bio je približno sedam godina, dok je za knjige bio deset godina. Medijan citiranih referenci po članku značajno se povećao u razdoblju 1998.- 2012. godine, od 6 u razdoblju 1963.-1997. na 22. Citatnim analizama istražena je i komunikabilnost autora objavljenih članaka i njihova otvorenost prema relevantnim međunarodnim časopisima. Analiza citiranosti radova iz ovog časopisa prema podacima baze WoS pruža uvid u njegovu međunarodnu vidljivost.A scientific journal is a mediator of research results and theoretical insights in the relevant scientific community. Continued publishing of a journal for over 50 years shows both the status of the scientific community and the importance of the journal’s subject matter. The bibliometric analysis done in this research shows the specificities in scholarly communication by observing the development of the journal Rural Sociology / Sociology and Space (n= 1,168) through its different characteristics such as journal organisation and classification, types of published items, authorship, authors’ addresses and cited publications (n= 9,563) gathered from a subset of 676 papers. The median references age was approximately seven years for journal papers and ten years for books. Median number of references per paper grew from 6 in the period 1963-1997 to 22 in the period 1998-2012. Citation analysis has shown that books have become less important (35, 5% of the citations ), in comparison with earlier research (Nederhof, 2006). The communicability of authors towards relevant international communities is shown in their international references. The citation data gained from WoS citation indices demonstrate the international visibility of this journal