261 research outputs found

    Influence of ion movement on the bound electron g-factor

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    In the relativistic description of atomic systems in external fields the total momentum and the external electric field couple to the angular momentum of the individual particles. Therefore, the motional state of an ion in a particle trap influences measurements of internal observables like energy levels or the g-factor. We calculate the resulting relativistic shift of the Larmor frequency and the corresponding g-factor correction for a bound electron in a hydrogen-like ion in the 1S state due to the ion moving in a Penning trap and show that it is negligible at the current precision of measurements. We also show that the analogous energy shift for measurements with an ion in the ground state of a Paul trap vanishes in leading order

    The structural control of the Mroczna Cave development on the slopes of Mt Kornuty (the Flysch Carpathians, Beskid Niski Mts)

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    The Mroczna Cave is one of the longest caves in the Beskid Niski Mts., located on the south-western slopes of Mt Kornuty, along the main scarp of the landslide. According to the geomechanical criterion, it is dilation cave, where extension has played a major role. Morphotectonic analysis indicates that the main gravitational movement was of a toppling nature but there were also rotation around the vertical axis as well as a backward rotation. The relatively large cave depth (15.5 m) and its shape (cross-section of its passages) indicate that it was formed along a new gravitational cutting surface of the rock massif, associated with joint sets

    The idea of regional geography as a subject during the crisis of geography at school

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    Współczesna geografia jako przedmiot nauczania przeżywa aktualnie kryzys, w dobie wdrażanych już od końca lat 90. zmian w systemie oświaty. Odzwierciedla się to zanikiem geograficznego – spójnego i syntetycznego myślenia u uczniów szkół podstawowych, a także gimnazjów. Nowy przedmiot szkolny – przyroda, stała się powodem utraty pierwotnego holistycznego charakteru geografii. Obecnie, wychodząc naprzeciw teoretycznym oczekiwaniom rynku pracy, geografia stała się przedmiotem społecznie zmarginalizowanym, co odzwierciedla się w redukcji liczby godzin lekcyjnych, tworzeniu profili klas nieuwzględniających rozszerzenia „geograficznego” oraz nastawieniu uczniów i rodziców. Z obecną sytuacją geografii pogodzili się już nawet geografowie, a wystarczy przecież spojrzeć w przeszłość i przekonać się, co stanowiło siłę geografii jako przedmiotu nauczania. Wacław Nałkowski w 1907 roku stwierdził, że geografia to dziedzina, która pozwala myśleć naukowo, czuć estetycznie oraz działać praktycznie, wraz z historią urealnia nam rzeczywistość i pozwala wydobyć z niej to, co dla nas istotne. Należy więc powrócić do geografii regionalnej i jej typologicznych opisów krajobrazu propagowanych przez klasyków nowożytnej geografii.Contemporary geography is experiencing a crisis as a school subject, in light of the changes in the education system, which are being implemented in Poland since the 1990s. This is reflected by geographic atrophy – lack of a coherent and synthetic thinking exhibited by students of primary and lower secondary schools. New school subject – natural science –caused the loss of the original holistic nature of geography. Currently, in order to meet the expectations of the labor market, geography became the subject socially marginalized, which is reflected in the reduction of teaching hours; number of “non-geography majors”; and in the attitude of pupils and parents. With this state of things even the geographers themselves have come to terms. They are the ones, however, who should look back and remind themselves of the power of geography as a subject in the past. Wacław Nałkowski wrote in 1907 that geography allows you to think scientifically, perceive aesthetically, and act practically. Along with history it constitutes the “real” in “reality” and allows us to take from it what is important to us. We should therefore return to the regional geography, to typological descriptions of landscape, promoted by the canonical authors of modern geography

    Morphotectonic analysis of the landslide relief on the SW slopes of Mt Kornuty (Flysch Carpathians, Beskid Niski Mts)

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    On the SW slopes of the Mt. Kornuty (Magura Wątkowska mountain range in the Beskid Niski Mts.) is located one of the largest landslide areas in the Polish Flysch Carpathians. The morphotectonic analysis performed using contour diagrams and rose directional diagrams, made it possible to determine the direction of gravity mass movement. In total, over than 2500 measurements of the spatial orientation of joint surfaces were made within the landslide zone. Changing the direction of the tectonic anisotropy of the in situ and ex situ forms allowed conducting the morphogenetic analysis, i.e. specifying the types of gravitational movements. Besides the commonly occurring toppling, also rockfalls, rotation around the horizontal or vertical axis, and antithetical displacements (thelistric type) were observed. The combination of several types of gravitational movements of different age allows us to unequivocally say that it is a complex type of landslide

    Dante’s Appropriations of Aristotle’s Universe

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    Effect of an arginine-to-isoleucine active site mutation on Escherichia coli malate dehydrogenase enzymatic activity

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    Citric acid cycle enzymes function in an environment with numerous substrate analogues and therefore contain active site residue organizations that confer high substrate specificity. Extensive research into the catalytic mechanism of Escherichia coli malate dehydrogenase (eMDH) has identified arginine81 as being crucial to catalysis. In this investigation, an engineered eMDH having an Ile81 rather than an Arg81 (R81I) was isolated using a hexahistadine (His6) tag. Enzymatic activity of the R81I mutant with respect to malate, lactate, and pyruvate was explored. The R81I mutant did show significant activity toward malate, but did not show significant activity toward lactate or pyruvate. Investigations into an R81F mutant eMDH and an R81W/M85E dimutant eMDH may provide more insight into the eMDH catalytic mechanism