80 research outputs found

    Switching of Magnetic Moments of Nanoparticles by Surface Acoustic Waves

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    We report evidence of the magnetization reversal in nanoparticles by surface acoustic waves (SAWs). The experimental system consists of isolated magnetite nanoparticles dispersed on a piezoelectric substrate. Magnetic relaxation from a saturated state becomes significantly enhanced in the presence of the SAW at a constant temperature of the substrate. The dependence of the relaxation on SAW power and frequency has been investigated. The effect is explained by the effective ac magnetic field generated by the SAW in the nanoparticles.Comment: Accepted in Europhysics Letter

    Valoración de Empresas. Análisis Sectorial. El sector eléctrico y gasista

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    El trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el valor económico y financiero de las empresas más destacadas del sector eléctrico y del gas español utilizando como herramientas métodos adaptados al marco teórico actual. Para ello, no bastará con aplicar los modelos en cuestión sino que también será conveniente plantear un análisis y estudio, en algunos aspectos detallado, de las propias empresas y del sector para poder establecer las hipótesis que sirvan como fundamento de la valoración. Una vez calculados los distintos valores, se procederá a la interpretación de los resultados obtenidos y se discutirá sobre su posible empleo en la práctica financiera.<br /

    Proposal of a production and management index (PMI) for tilapia farms

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    Tilapia is one of the most important species in aquaculture; however, there is no available index to show the performance of a production unit. It is desirable to assess the productivity using indexes, such as the production and management index for shrimps and the European production efficacy factor for broilers. These indexes are based on data production: growth, survival, and feed conversion of a full production cycle. Taking into account these parameters, we propose a production and management index (PMI) for tilapia that is applicable for a specific period of the production cycle. For the construction and validation of the PMI we have used production data from 8, 614 monthly records of 2 tilapia farms in Huila Department (Colombia), and because of the complexity of tilapia management, different anomalous situations have been detected and then defined as exceptions. As a result, 419 records were considered extreme values because 1 or more exceptions were met. The value of the PMI varies from 0 (the worst situation) to 3.55, which reflects high variability. We have constructed a PMI for tilapia as the product of 3 elements to obtain a positive value index. Instead of classic parameters, we had to calculate an adapted version of them: the relative average daily growth, the survival (as a complementary value of the estimated monthly mortality), and a feed conversion ratio index. To assess the utility of the PMI, some comparisons were performed using records from black and red tilapia. We observed significant differences depending on tilapia strain (PMIblack = 1.0248 vs. PMIred = 1.1661; P < 0.001), age (better values for small fish), and season (PMIrainy = 1.0847 vs. PMIdry = 1.1011; P = 0.026). According to these results, we can conclude that the PMI could be a useful tool for tilapia farmers, despite the complexity of the calculation

    Estudio sobre la acción hipoglucemiante de las semillas de Altramuz (Lupinus albus) IX. Acción sobre el sistema nerviosos central

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    In this work, the action of the fraction with hypoglycaemiant activity of the lupine seeds, on the S.N.C. is studied. We have followed the Irwing Screening, and studied more exhaustively the parameters clearly modified after the sample administration. The D.L.50 has been also determined. We conclude that this fraction originates sorne alterations on the motor activity of the experimentation animals, depending on the dose administrated (low dose, depression; high dose, stimulation), and also a clear disminution of the body temperature.En el presente trabajo se estudia la acción, sobre el Sistema Nervioso Central, de la fracción responsable de la actividad hipoglucemiante de las semillas de altramuz. Este trabajo se realiza escogiendo como base el esquema de Irwing y profundizando posteriormente en aquellos parámetros mas claramente modificados tras la administración de la muestra. Se completa el trabajo con la determinación de la D.L.50. Se llega a la conclusión de que la citada fricción manifiesta, en los animales de experimentación, unas alteraciones en la actividad motora, que dependen de la dosis administrada (bajas dosis depresión, elevadas dosis estimulación), así como unos claros descensos de la temperatura corporal

    Decreasing Medication Delays: Maximizing the Efficiency of Patient Assistance Program Applications Through an Electronic System at a Student-Run Free Clinic

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    Patient outcomes are highly dependent on the accurate and timely receipt of medications. Patient assistance programs (PAPs) provide key medications to uninsured patients at little to no cost. In Texas and our county, nearly 1 in 5 people are uninsured. Approximately 3,500 uninsured patients over the past year have received care from our clinic. PAP applications require various administrative steps to obtain approval for medication assistance, resulting in delays for patients to receive their medications. To combat these delays, we implemented a new electronic system, which has significantly decreased all administrative steps in completing applications

    Hybrid Closed-Loop System Achieves Optimal Perioperative Glycemia in a Boy With Type 1 Diabetes: A Case Report

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    The goal in type 1 diabetes (T1D) therapy is to maintain optimal glycemic control under any circumstance. Diabetes technology is in continuous development to achieve this goal. The most advanced Food and Drug Administration- and European Medicines Agency-approved devices are hybrid closed-loop (HCL) systems, which deliver insulin subcutaneously in response to glucose levels according to an automated algorithm. T1D is frequently encountered in the perioperative period. The latest international guidelines for the management of children with diabetes undergoing surgery include specific adjustments to the patient's insulin therapy, hourly blood glucose monitoring, and intravenous (IV) insulin infusion. However, these guidelines were published while the HCL systems were still marginal. We present a case of a 9-year-old boy with long-standing T1D, under HCL system therapy for the last 9 months, and needing surgery for an appendectomy. We agreed with the family, the surgical team, and the anesthesiologists to continue HCL insulin infusion, without further adjustments, hourly blood glucose checks or IV insulin, while monitoring closely. The HCL system was able to keep glycemia within range for the total duration of the overnight fast, the surgery, and the initial recovery, without any external intervention or correction bolus. This is, to the best of our knowledge, the first reported pediatric case to undergo major surgery using a HCL system, and the results were absolutely satisfactory for the patient, his family, and the medical team. We believe that technology is ripe enough to advocate for a "take your pump to surgery" message, minimizing the impact and our interventions. The medical team may discuss this possibility with the family and patients

    Studying the dosage-dependent influence of hydrophobic alkoxysilane/siloxane admixtures on the performance of repair micromortars

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    Cracks sealing in deteriorated concrete often requires the use of repair mortars of compatible composition, good adhesion to the substrate and free of shrinkage. Even where repair mortars properly bond to the substrate, that interface affords a preferred pathway for water ingress. Hydrophobic repair micromortars designed to seal cracks via injection might be one way to solve that problem. This article analyses the effect of adding three hydrophobic products (generic labelled as UCA-TP) comprising silica oligomers, n-octylamine (a surfactant) and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) in different proportions (10 wt% of PDMS :UCA-TP10, 28 wt% of PDMS: UCA-TP28 and 56 wt% of PDMS: UCA-TP56) to a fresh repair micromortar. The incorporation of UCA-TP products hastened the early hydration kinetics of repair micromortars, and, at the same time, after 7 days of hydration, declined the total heat released (the higher is the content of UCA-TP product and its proportion of PDMS the lower is the heat of hydration. The inclusion of the hydrophobic products substantially modified the repair micomortar wetting and water transport properties, by inducing a hydrophobic behavior (contact angle >100 degrees) and decreasing water absorption by >60%. Although adding those products to the repair micromortars increased porosity and lowered mechanical performance, 28 d compressive strength was consistently >50 MPa, a value that compared well to the original substrate. Simulated cracks were very effectively sealed by the repair micromortars
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