33 research outputs found

    Health Misinformation and the Power of Narrative Messaging in the Public Sphere

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    Numerous social, economic and academic pressures can have a negative impact on representations of biomedical research. We review several of the forces playing an increasingly pernicious role in how health and science information is interpreted, shared and used, drawing discussions towards the role of narrative. In turn, we explore how aspects of narrative are used in different social contexts and communication environments, and present creative responses that may help counter the negative trends. As traditional methods of communication have in many ways failed the public, changes in approach are required, including the creative use of narratives

    The Stem Cell Research Environment:A Patchwork of Patchworks

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    Few areas of recent research have received as much focus or generated as much excitement and debate as stem cell research. Hope for the therapeutic promise of this field has been matched by social concern associated largely with the sources of stem cells and their uses. This interplay between promise and controversy has contributed to the enormous variation that exists among the environments in which stem cell research is conducted throughout the world. This variation is layered upon intra-jurisdictional policies that are also often complex and in flux, resulting in what we term a 'patchwork of patchworks'. This patchwork of patchworks and its implications will become increasingly important as we enter this new era of stem cell research. The current progression towards translational and clinical research among international collaborators serves as a catalyst for identifying potential policy conflict and makes it imperative to address jurisdictional variability in stem cell research environments. The existing patchworks seen in contemporary stem cell research environments provide a valuable opportunity to consider how variations in regulations and policies across and within jurisdictions influence research efficiencies and directions. In one sense, the stem cell research context can be viewed as a living experiment occurring across the globe. The lessons to be gleaned from examining this field have great potential for broad-ranging general science policy application

    Touristic possibilities and regional culture of the city and the commune of Kozieglowy

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    The Koziegłowy commune is situated on the edge of the Kraków-Częstochowa upland, in the line of Silesia upland. In its scenery dominate plains and valleys with Boży Stok, Złoty Stok, Sarni Stok and Brynica rivers. About 17% of the total Koziegłowy commune area is covered by forests. The only in the commune sanctuary “Cisy w Hucie Starej” aims to protect yew-trees and covers an area of 2,1 hectares. A soft and temperate climate is favorable to agriculture. In the city and the commune of Koziegłowy there are several worth-seeing XV- and XVII –century monuments of art. The most important are churches: “Corpus Christi and St. Mary Magdalene”, “St. Barbara” in Koziegłowy; “St. Lawrence” in Cynków and “St. Michael Archangel” in Pińczyce. There are three touristic trials throughout Koziegłowy commune: two of them are bicycle trials and one walking trial. A dominate sport in the commune is cycling. Founded in 1978 a sport club “Błękitni MARCAR Koziegłowy” can be proud of many national representatives in road-, crosscountry- and mountain-cycling. However, the Koziegłowy commune is famous for its handicraft – especially plaiting. In conclusion: in spite of interesting places worth to see in the Koziegłowy commune, its touristic offer is still insufficient

    Touristic virtues of the Boronow commune

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    The Boronów commune is situated in the north-west part of Silesian province on the Silesian-Kraków upland. The commune area counts 5339 hectares and in about 66 % is covered by forests. Because of many scenery and natural virtues, in 1998 all of the commune area was included into the “Lasy nad górną Liswartą” landscape park. In the region of Dębowa Góra there is a forest’s sanctuary – “Rajchowa Góra” (founded in 1959) which aims to protect mixed forest with trees of average 130 years old. There are also about 100 species of vascular plants. Twenty seven trees (lime-trees, oaks, beeches, pines) in the commune is considered to be monuments of nature. Among many monuments of art in Boronów,Dębowa Góra, Grójec, Hucisko, Sitki, Doły, Zumpy – the most interesting is Our Lady of Rosary church in Boronów – zero class monument from the year of 1611. Throughout the commune run three touristic trials. However, in spite of undeniable touristic virtues, the Boronów commune dśsn’t have a good developed touristic infrastructure

    Rural youth’s image of leisure on other continents

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    The aim of the study was to investigate influence of different sources of knowledge on rural youth’s image of leisure on other continents. The survey was made by means of questioning a group of 108 students of junior high school aged 15–18 years old. Young people evaluated very positively the teaching effectivity of geographics, biology and physical educations in their schools. They also attend in outschool activities connecting with tourism and rest. Most of them claim that they prefere watching television than reading books in order to improving their geographic and touristic knowledge. Several questions of survey were connected to choosing the resting place on different continents. Students pointed on touristic places which are well-known of their landscapes, buildings, resting environment etc. On this basis we conclude that leisure on other countries is mainly influenced by television which provides additional in touristic knowledge

    Fasting increases palmitic acid incorporation into rat hind-limb intramuscular acylglycerols while short-term cold exposure has no effect

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the palmitic acid incorporation into intramuscular acylglycerols in perfused hind-limb skeletal muscles of different fibre types in rats either fasted for 48 h or exposed to cold (6 °C) for 12 h. Hind-limb preparations of fasted and cold exposed rats were perfused with buffers containing tritium labelled and cold palmitic acid. Palmitic acid incorporation into intracellular lipid pools in the soleus, plantaris, red and white gastrocnemius and red and white quadriceps was measured. It was found that fasting increased approximately 2-fold palmitic acid incorporation in all muscles examined regardless of the fibre type composition of the muscle. On the other hand, exposure to cold had no effect on the palmitic acid incorporation into intramuscular acylglycerols regardless the muscle fibre type. The increased incorporation of palmitic acid into acylglycerols in fasted animals is in line with data showing that 48 h fasting stimulates the expression of plasma membrane proteins putatively facilitating fatty acid uptake. It appears that although 12 h cold exposure increases the use of fatty acids as energy substrates it does not alter the incorporation of palmitic acid into intramuscular acylglycerols in the perfused rat hind-limb