93 research outputs found

    Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a recessive genetically heterogeneous disorder of motile cilia with chronic otosinopulmonary disease and organ laterality defects in ∼50% of cases. The prevalence of PCD is difficult to determine. Recent diagnostic advances through measurement of nasal nitric oxide and genetic testing has allowed rigorous diagnoses and determination of a robust clinical phenotype, which includes neonatal respiratory distress, daily nasal congestion, and wet cough starting early in life, along with organ laterality defects. There is early onset of lung disease in PCD with abnormal airflow mechanics and radiographic abnormalities detected in infancy and early childhood

    Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an autosomal recessive disorder of cilia structure, function, and biogenesis leading to chronic infections of the respiratory tract, fertility problems and disorders of organ laterality. The diagnosis can be challenging, using traditional tools such as characteristic clinical features, ciliary functional and ultra-structural defects; newer screening tools such as nasal nitric oxide levels and genetic testing add to the diagnostic algorithm. There are thirty-two known PCD causing genes, and in the future, comprehensive genetic testing may screen young infants prior to developing symptoms thus improving survival. Therapies include surveillance of pulmonary function and microbiology, in addition to airway clearance, antibiotics and ideally, early referral to bronchiectasis centers. As with CF, standardized care at specialized centers using a multidisciplinary approach likely improves outcomes. In conjunction with the CF foundation, the PCD foundation, and with lead investigators and clinicians, is developing a network of PCD clinical centers to coordinate the effort in North America and Europe. As the network grows, care and knowledge will improve

    Primary ciliary dyskinesia: improving the diagnostic approach

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    The diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) has relied on analysis of ciliary motility and ultrastructure; however, these tests are not readily available and have not been standardized. Consequently, the diagnosis of PCD may be delayed or missed or made incorrectly. This review outlines the potential utility of new diagnostic tests, including measurement of nasal nitric oxide (NO) production and systematic analysis for mutations in gene encoding ciliary proteins

    Calcium stone lithoptysis in primary ciliary dyskinesia

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    An association between lithoptysis and primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) has not been previously reported. However, reports of lithoptysis from 2 older patients (>60 yr) prompted a study of this association. We performed a prospective study of all PCD patients presenting to our institution between August 2003 and March 2006, seeking the symptom of lithoptysis or calcium deposition on radiology. A retrospective analysis of all PCD patients presenting prior to August 2003 was also performed. Patients age > or = 40 previously reviewed were recontacted. If a history of lithoptysis or calcium deposition was present, we further reviewed radiographic, microbiologic, and biochemical data, including serum calcium and phosphate. Broncholiths were analyzed by light and electron microscopy- and electron-dispersive X-ray analysis. In total, 142 patients (n=28 age > or = 40) were included, 41 in the prospective and 91 in the retrospective study. Lithoptysis was reported in 5 patients (all age > or = 40). Chest CT scans identified calcification (4/5), involving bronchiectatic airways in 3 patients and focal nodular calcification in 1 patient. Two other patients (age 46, 59) were identified with airway calcification without lithoptysis. Available broncholiths from 2 of these patients were composed of calcite, whereas a broncholith from 1 patient with focal nodular calcification contained calcium phosphate. Sputum was positive for Pseudomonas aeruginosa in all 7 patients, but negative for mycobacterial and fungal cultures. There is an association between lithoptysis and PCD in patients age > or = 40. We hypothesize that calcite stone formation is a biomineralization response to chronic airway inflammation and retention of infected airway secretions in PCD in a subset of PCD patients

    Calcium stone lithoptysis in primary ciliary dyskinesia

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    An association between lithoptysis and primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) has not been previously reported. However, reports of lithoptysis from 2 older patients (>60 yr) prompted a study of this association. We performed a prospective study of all PCD patients presenting to our institution between August 2003 and March 2006, seeking the symptom of lithoptysis or calcium deposition on radiology. A retrospective analysis of all PCD patients presenting prior to August 2003 was also performed. Patients age > or = 40 previously reviewed were recontacted. If a history of lithoptysis or calcium deposition was present, we further reviewed radiographic, microbiologic, and biochemical data, including serum calcium and phosphate. Broncholiths were analyzed by light and electron microscopy- and electron-dispersive X-ray analysis. In total, 142 patients (n=28 age > or = 40) were included, 41 in the prospective and 91 in the retrospective study. Lithoptysis was reported in 5 patients (all age > or = 40). Chest CT scans identified calcification (4/5), involving bronchiectatic airways in 3 patients and focal nodular calcification in 1 patient. Two other patients (age 46, 59) were identified with airway calcification without lithoptysis. Available broncholiths from 2 of these patients were composed of calcite, whereas a broncholith from 1 patient with focal nodular calcification contained calcium phosphate. Sputum was positive for Pseudomonas aeruginosa in all 7 patients, but negative for mycobacterial and fungal cultures. There is an association between lithoptysis and PCD in patients age > or = 40. We hypothesize that calcite stone formation is a biomineralization response to chronic airway inflammation and retention of infected airway secretions in PCD in a subset of PCD patients

    The prevalence of clinical features associated with primary ciliary dyskinesia in a heterotaxy population: results of a web-based survey

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia and heterotaxy are rare but not mutually exclusive disorders, which result from cilia dysfunction. Heterotaxy occurs in at least 12.1% of primary ciliary dyskinesia patients, but the prevalence of primary ciliary dyskinesia within the heterotaxy population is unknown. We designed and distributed a web-based survey to members of an international heterotaxy organisation to determine the prevalence of respiratory features that are common in primary ciliary dyskinesia and that might suggest the possibility of primary ciliary dyskinesia. A total of 49 members (25%) responded, and 37% of the respondents have features suggesting the possibility of primary ciliary dyskinesia, defined as (1) the presence of at least two chronic respiratory symptoms, or (2) bronchiectasis or history of respiratory pathogens suggesting primary ciliary dyskinesia. Of the respondents, four completed comprehensive, in-person evaluations, with definitive primary ciliary dyskinesia confirmed in one individual, and probable primary ciliary dyskinesia identified in two others. The high prevalence of respiratory features compatible with primary ciliary dyskinesia in this heterotaxy population suggests that a subset of heterotaxy patients have dysfunction of respiratory, as well as embryonic nodal cilia. To better assess the possibility of primary ciliary dyskinesia, heterotaxy patients with chronic oto-sino-respiratory symptoms should be referred for a primary ciliary dyskinesia evaluation

    Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia. Recent Advances in Diagnostics, Genetics, and Characterization of Clinical Disease

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a genetically heterogeneous recessive disorder of motile cilia that leads to oto-sino-pulmonary diseases and organ laterality defects in approximately 50% of cases. The estimated incidence of PCD is approximately 1 per 15,000 births, but the prevalence of PCD is difficult to determine, primarily because of limitations in diagnostic methods that focus on testing ciliary ultrastructure and function. Diagnostic capabilities have recently benefitted from (1) documentation of low nasal nitric oxide production in PCD and (2) discovery of biallelic mutations in multiple PCD-causing genes. The use of these complementary diagnostic approaches shows that at least 30% of patients with PCD have normal ciliary ultrastructure. More accurate identification of patients with PCD has also allowed definition of a strong clinical phenotype, which includes neonatal respiratory distress in >80% of cases, daily nasal congestion and wet cough starting soon after birth, and early development of recurrent/chronic middle-ear and sinus disease. Recent studies, using advanced imaging and pulmonary physiologic assessments, clearly demonstrate early onset of lung disease in PCD, with abnormal air flow mechanics by age 6–8 years that is similar to cystic fibrosis, and age-dependent onset of bronchiectasis. The treatment of PCD is not standardized, and there are no validated PCD-specific therapies. Most patients with PCD receive suboptimal management, which should include airway clearance, regular surveillance of pulmonary function and respiratory microbiology, and use of antibiotics targeted to pathogens. The PCD Foundation is developing a network of clinical centers, which should improve diagnosis and management of PCD

    Cri du Chat Syndrome and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: A Common Genetic Cause on Chromosome 5p

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    Cri du chat syndrome (CdCS) and primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) are rare diseases that present with frequent respiratory symptoms. PCD can be caused by hemizygous DNAH5 mutation in combination with a 5p segmental deletion attributable to CdCS on the opposite chromosome. Chronic oto-sino-pulmonary symptoms or organ laterality defects in CdCS should prompt an evaluation for PCD

    Next generation massively parallel sequencing of targeted exomes to identify genetic mutations in primary ciliary dyskinesia: Implications for application to clinical testing

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    Advances in genetic sequencing technology have the potential to enhance testing for genes associated with genetically heterogeneous clinical syndromes, such as primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD). The objective of this study was to investigate the performance characteristics of exon-capture technology coupled with massively parallel sequencing for clinical diagnostic evaluation

    Clinical and genetic aspects of primary ciliary dyskinesia/Kartagener syndrome

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder of motile cilia. Most of the disease-causing mutations identified to date involve the heavy (DNAH5) or intermediate (DNAI1) chain dynein genes in ciliary outer dynein arms, although a few mutations have been noted in other genes. Clinical molecular genetic testing for PCD is available for the most common mutations. The respiratory manifestations of PCD (chronic bronchitis leading to bronchiectasis, chronic rhino-sinusitis and chronic otitis media) reflect impaired mucociliary clearance owing to defective axonemal structure. Ciliary ultrastructural analysis in most patients (>80%) reveals defective dynein arms, although defects in other axonemal components have also been observed. Approximately 50% of PCD patients have laterality defects (including situs inversus totalis and, less commonly, heterotaxy and congenital heart disease), reflecting dysfunction of embryological nodal cilia. Male infertility is common and reflects defects in sperm tail axonemes. Most PCD patients have a history of neonatal respiratory distress, suggesting that motile cilia play a role in fluid clearance during the transition from a fetal to neonatal lung. Ciliopathies involving sensory cilia, including autosomal dominant or recessive polycystic kidney disease, Bardet-Biedl syndrome, and Alstrom syndrome, may have chronic respiratory symptoms and even bronchiectasis suggesting clinical overlap with PCD
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