6 research outputs found


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    A non-abelian group GG is called a \CA-group (\CC-group) if CG(x)C_G(x) is abelian(cyclic) for all xGZ(G)x\in G\setminus Z(G). We say xyx\sim y if and only if CG(x)=CG(y)C_G(x)=C_G(y).We denote the equivalence class including xx by[x][x]_{\sim}. In this paper, we prove thatif GG is a \CA-group and [x]=xZ(G)[x]_{\sim}=xZ(G), for all xGx\in G, then 2r1G2(r2)2^{r-1}\leq|G'|\leq 2^{r\choose 2}.where GZ(G)=2r,2r\frac {|G|}{|Z(G)|}=2^{r}, 2\leq r and characterize all groups whose [x]=xZ(G)[x]_{\sim}=xZ(G)for all xGx\in G and G100|G|\leq 100. Also, we will show that if GG is a \CC-group and [x]=xZ(G)[x]_{\sim}=xZ(G),for all xGx \in G, then GCm×Q8G\cong C_m\times Q_8 where CmC_m is a cyclic group of odd order mm andif GG is a \CC-group and [x]=xG[x]_{\sim}=x^G, for all xGZ(G)x\in G\setminus Z(G), then GQ8G\cong Q_8

    Desarrollando un modelo de participación social en el deporte para todos en Irán

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    The present study aims to design a social participation model in Iran’s sports for all. Based on the exploratory nature of the research subject, the study method was qualitative and a grounded theory strategy was carried out to design a social participation model in Iran’s sports for all. Sampling was purposive and had a snowball method. The theoretical saturation was obtained after 27 deep and semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable experts, and then major categories were extracted after com-pleting a coding process. Results of open coding revealed that 811 initial indicators and 184 final indicators determined causal, underlying and in-tervening conditions, strategies and consequences of social participation in Iran’s sports for all. Final indicators were classified into 63 concepts and 28 categories in the axial coding, and finally identified categories result-ing from selective coding explained a social participation model in Iran’s sports for all.Resumen: El objetivo del presente estudio es diseñar un modelo de partici-pación social en el deporte para todos en Irán. Basándose en la naturaleza exploratoria del tema de investigación, el método de estudio fue cualitativo y se llevó a cabo una estrategia de teoría fundamentada para diseñar un modelo de participación social en el deporte para todos en Irán. El muestreo fue in-tencional y tuvo un método de bola de nieve. La saturación teórica se obtuvo después de 27 entrevistas semiestructuradas con expertos en la materia, y, a continuación, se extrajeron las categorías principales después de completar un proceso de codificación. Los resultados de la codificación abierta revelaron que 811 indicadores iniciales y 184 indicadores finales determinaron las con -diciones y estrategias causales, subyacentes e intermedias de la participación social en el deporte para todos en Irán. Los indicadores finales se clasificaron en 63 conceptos y 28 categorías en la codificación axial y, finalmente, las categorías identificadas como resultado de la codificación selectiva explicaron un modelo de participación social en el deporte para todos en Irán

    Impacto de la estabilidad en el rendimiento de los clubes de fútbol de la Copa del Golfo Pérsico

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    The objective of this study was to determine the impact of sta-bility/instability on the performance of Persian Gulf Pro League football clubs. All the clubs that had participated in more than 3 seasons of the last 17 seasons (2001-2019) of the Persian Gulf Pro League were analyzed in this study (n=26). The performance of each team (improvement or worse-ning in ranking) and their stability were analyzed year after year in the pe-riod 2001-2019. The stability was divided in four components: CEO, head coach, players and club. The statistical analysis was performed with the software SPSS. Stability significantly (p<0.05) increased performance and instability significantly (p<0.05) decreased performance of the clubs in the four components studied: CEO, head coach, players and club. Therefore, it is expected that the results of this study encourage Iranian football clubs to increase their stabilityResumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el impacto de la estabilidad/inestabilidad en el rendimiento de los clubes de fútbol de la Copa del Golfo Pérsico. Todos los clubes que habían participado en más de 3 temporadas de las últimas 17 temporadas (2001-2019) de la Copa del Golfo Pérsico fueron analizados en este estudio (n=26). El rendimiento de cada equipo (mejora o empeoramiento en el ranking) y su estabilidad se analizaron año tras año en el período 2001-2019. La estabilidad se dividió en cuatro componentes: director, entrenador, jugadores y club. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el software SPSS. La estabilidad aumentó significativamente (p<0.05) el rendimiento y la inestabilidad disminuyó significativamente (p<0.05) el rendimiento de los clubes en los cuatro componentes estudiados: director, entrenador, jugadores y club. Por lo tanto, se espera que los resultados de este estudio animen a los clubes de fútbol iraníes a aumentar su estabilidad

    Investigation of Sarcocystis Infection in Slaughtered Goats in Jahrom Abattoir

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    Background and Objective: Sarcocyst infection is one of the most common zoonotic protozoan diseases caused by different Sarcocystis spp. Given the importance of this infection in public health, the infection rate of macroscopic and microscopic sarcocysts in slaughtered goats was determined in Jahrom abattoir. Materials and Methods : Between April and June in 2011, six tissues including the esophagus, tongue, diaphragm, shoulder muscles, thigh muscles, and heart of 4925 slaughtered goats were inspected to detect macroscopic sarcocysts in Jahrom abattoir. To detect microscopic cysts, four tissue samples (esophagus, tongue, diaphragm, and heart) from 400 goats free of macroscopic cysts were investigated randomly via impression smear and digestion method. Results: The infection rate of macroscopic cysts was 9.48% and the highest infection rate was observed in the esophagus (91.1%). There was no significant relationship between the infection rate of macroscopic cysts and the age or gender (p value >0.05). The infection rate of microscopic cysts was 59.5% and 100% via impression smear and digestion method, respectively. There was a significant relationship between the infection rate of microscopic cysts and age (p value =0.002), whereas the relationship between the infection rate and age did not constitute statistical significance (p value =0.700). Conclusion: The results showed that digestion method was the most sensitive method for the detection of sarcocystis in goats and 100% of the goats were infected by this method. Thus for the prevention of human infection, the meat should be frozen or cooked sufficiently before consumption irrespective of the results of carcass inspection

    Phytobiotic potential of Teucrium polium phenolic microcapsules against Salmonella enteritidis infection in mice

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    Salmonella\ua0infection is a major public health issue worldwide. Given the alarming increase in infections with antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and side effects of synthetic antibiotics, there is an\ua0increasing interest in medicinal plants as natural alternatives to synthetic drugs to combat antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. The present study investigated the biological properties and health-promoting effects of microencapsulated phenolic compounds of Teucrium polium leaves as a dietary phytobiotic in mice challenged by Salmonella enteritidis. Microcapsules showed a capsulation efficiency of 93.6% with a particle size of 1261.8\ua0nm with antioxidant and antibacterial activities in-vitro. The phytochemical analysis confirmed the presence of various phenolic compounds, i.e., ferulic acid, cinnamic acid, gallic acid, caffeic acid, salicylic acid, catechin, ellagic acid, and chrysin ranged between 121.6 and 975.3\ua0\ub5g/g DW. The microencapsulated phenolics exhibited improvement in the growth, liver function, morphometric parameters of ileum, antioxidant- and inflammation-related gene expression and inhibited the ileal population of S. enteritidis in mice challenged by S. enteritidis infection. The microencapsulated phenolics from T. polium leaves could be a promising phytobiotic approach to combat S. enteritidis infections