51 research outputs found

    Optimization of selectedp arameters of SiGe HBT transistors, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2000, nr 3,4

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    SiGe-base HBTs with Gaussian doping distribution are modeled including the effect of the drift field and variable Ge concentration in the base on the diffusion coefficient. Two different Ge distributions in the base are considered: a triangular one and a box one

    Rapid oncological diagnosis of lung cancer patients — specific facility experience

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    Introduction: In order to improve diagnosis procedure by public health service, an organizational solution called Rapid Oncological Therapy has been introduced. The introduction of this program caused criticism of the medical community, and state control authorities showed irregularities in its functioning in medical clinics. Its aim was to assess this process among lung cancer patients hospitalized in the Clinic for 9 months. Material and methods: After the analysis of imaging tests, the patients were qualified for invasive tests (bronchoscopy, EBUS). Patients with histopathological diagnosis of NSCLC were subjected to molecular diagnostics. After completing the diagnosis and establishing the final diagnosis, the patient's forfeiture was presented at the clinical meeting. Results: The analysis involved 209 patients who had a DILO card issued. 156 patients were diagnosed with lung cancer and qualified for the consulate. Among the histopathological types, NSCLC dominated — 80%. SCLC was 17% of the types. By the decision made on medical case conference, 135 patients have been qualified for casual treatment, among others 12% surgical treatment; 47% chemotherapy, 18% radiotherapy; 8% chemo-radiotherapy. An average waiting time for diagnosis process to begin, after DILO card has been issued was 16.33 (± 18.78) days, an average hospitalization and diagnosis time was 9.16 (± 6.61) days. Around 31.3 (± 14.93) days on average have passed from the start of diagnostical hospitalization until beginning of the causal treatment. Conclusions: In a multi-specialist center, it is possible to develop a care model for lung cancer patients, consistent with Rapid Oncological Diagnosis

    Modeling of the inverse base width modulation effect in HBT transistor with graded SiGe base, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2007, nr 3

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    A model of the position of the edge of emitter-base junction in the base and collector current pre-exponential ideality factor in HBT transistor with a SiGe base is presented. The model is valid for transistors with nonuniform profiles of doping and Ge content. The importance of taking into account the dependence of the effective density of states in SiGe on local Ge content and that of electron diffusion coefficient in SiGe on drift field for modeling accuracy is studied

    An impact of frequency on capacitances of partially-depleted SOI MOSFETs, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2000, nr 3,4

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    A non-quasi-static model of partially-depleted SOI MOSFETs is presented. Phenomena, which are particularly responsible for dependence of device admittances on frequency are briefly described. Several C-V characteristics of the SOI MOSFET calculated for a wide range of frequencies, preliminary results of numerical analysis and of measurements and brief analysis of the results are presented. Methods of model improvement are proposed

    Protected Areas: Geotourist Attractiveness for Weekend Tourists Based on the Example of Gorczański National Park in Poland

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    The aim of the publication was to assess the geotourist attractiveness of protected areas in Poland among weekend tourists based on the example of Gorczański National Park. The park location near urbanized areas makes it an attractive field for research on weekend tourism development. The tourist potential of the park is presented, starting from geological aspects and geotourist values. Then, the tourist potential was analysed, with a focus on geotourist resources, which include tourist trails and didactic routes. The tourist traffic volume was also examined. On the basis of legal documents, such as nature conservation plans, threats related to tourism development in protected areas were presented as indicated by park managers. In accordance with the Act on Nature Conservation, the threats are divided into four groups: internal existing and potential threats and external existing and potential threats. The tourists’ opinion on the geotourist attractiveness of the park was investigated with surveys conducted during selected weekends significant in the context of tourist traffic volume. Thus, a profile of people visiting the park for short stays was obtained, as well as their assessment of the tourist resources of the area, with particular emphasis on geotourist values

    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) — do the number of fulfilled diagnostic criteria predict the perinatal outcome?

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to check whether the number of fulfilled diagnostic criteria of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) had any association with patients’ characteristics and pregnancy outcomes. Material and methods: A total of 756 women with single pregnancies and GDM who gave birth at the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical University of Warsaw between 01.2013-12.2016 were included in a retrospective analysis. Patients were divided into 2 groups: A - 499 patients diagnosed with GDM on the basis of one diagnostic criterion, B - 257 patients diagnosed with GDM on the basis of more than one diagnostic criterion. Results: Patients from group A had lower pre-pregnancy BMI than those from group B (median 24.9 kg/m2 vs. 26.5 kg/m2, p=0.0003). Women from group A were less frequently treated with insulin than women from group B (19.1% vs. 32.7%; p=0.00002). Group A had lower median OGTT levels than group B (85.9 mg/dL vs. 94.1 mg/dL, p=0,0001; 160.2 mg/dL vs. 197.6 mg/dL, p=0.0001; 144.8 mg/dL vs. 167.0 mg/dL,p=0.0001; respectively). Moreover, in group B the average week of labor was earlier than in group A (mean 38,1 and 38,5 weeks of gestation, p=0,0006). Conclusions: Patients who fulfilled more than one diagnostic criterion for GDM may have worse pregnancy outcome. We think that a number of fulfilled diagnostic criteria for GDM may be an important risk factor for insulin therapy during pregnancy and earlier gestational age at delivery

    First experimental evidences of the ferroelectric nature of struvite

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    Struvite (MgNH4PO4·6H2O) is a mineral first identified in 1845. It is tested for several reasons: (1) it is a problem in liquid wastewater treatment plants; (2) on the other hand, it is recovered from this wastewater because of phosphorus, magnesium, and nitrogen; (3) it is the main component of infectious urinary stones. In this paper, we present the first experimental evidences of the ferroelectric nature of struvite at room temperature. Struvite shows a hysteresis loop and spontaneous electric polarization that can be reversed by an application of an external electric field. The measured value of residual polarization of struvite is equal to 0.95 μC/cm2. We also report observations of the ferroelectric domains in struvite using birefringence imaging technique. The non-centrosymmetry of the crystal lattice is confirmed with the use of the Kurtz−Perry powder test. The second harmonic generation response for struvite in relation to that of potassium dihydrogen phosphate is 0.36. We suggest that ferroelectric properties for struvite, in particular, spontaneous polarization, can have a significant impact on the behavior of struvite in aqueous solutions, such as liquid wastewater or urine

    Pheochromocytoma in 8-year observation at a single endocrinological center in Wroclaw

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    Wstęp: Guz chromochłonny występuje rzadko, powoduje zwykle nadciśnienie tętnicze i różnorodne, zmienne objawy kliniczne, co często utrudnia wczesne rozpoznanie i leczenie. Celem niniejszej pracy było przedstawienie danych klinicznych, efektywności diagnostyki i leczenia chorych z pheochromocytoma w ośrodku wrocławskim w okresie 8 lat. Materiał i metody: Wśród 37 chorych z pheochromocytoma leczonych w latach 2000-2007 w Klinice Endokrynologii, Diabetologii i Leczenia Izotopami Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu były 23 kobiety (23-75 lat) oraz 14 mężczyzn (17-74 lat). Zbadano częstość występowania poszczególnych objawów klinicznych, przydatność zastosowanych metod diagnostycznych i efekty leczenia. Wyniki: Czas trwania choroby do momentu rozpoznania wynosił od 2 miesięcy do 16 lat. Najczęstsze objawy to: nadciśnienie tętnicze napadowe lub stałe, tachykardia, bóle głowy, wzmożona potliwość, niepokój. Najczulszą laboratoryjną metodą diagnostyczną był pomiar stężenia metoksypochodnych katecholamin w moczu dobowym. Tomografia komputerowa u wszystkich chorych wykazała obecność guza nadnercza, częściej prawego; w 1 przypadku guz był umiejscowiony w ścianie pęcherza moczowego. Po operacji nadciśnienie tętnicze ustąpiło u 59% pacjentów, obniżyło się u 26,8%, a u 13,9% nie obserwowano poprawy. U 2 chorych guz był złośliwy, 1 kobieta zmarła po zabiegu. U 8 stwierdzono zespół MEN 2A. Wnioski: Rozpoznania pheochromocytoma zwykle dokonuje się po długim czasie trwania choroby. Najbardziej typowym objawem jest nadciśnienie tętnicze napadowe, które występuje jedynie u około 40%, inne objawy są niespecyficzne. Najbardziej przydatne diagnostycznie jest stwierdzenie podwyższonego wydalania metoksykatecholamin w moczu dobowym. Z badań obrazowych najbardziej efektywna jest tomografia komputerowa. Chorzy z pheochromocytoma powinni być rutynowo diagnozowani w kierunku współistnienia innych endokrynopatii, a szczególnie raka rdzeniastego i pierwotnej nadczynności przytarczyc - składowych zespołu MEN 2A.Introduction: Pheochromocytoma is rare tumor with a highly variable clinical presentation. This report provides clinical picture, efficiency of diagnostics and treatment of pheochromocytoma in 8-years in the endocrinological center in Wroclaw. Material and methods: The records of 37 patients with pheochromocytoma were identified, who were treated in 2000-2007 in the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Isotope Treatment in Wroclaw. There were 23 women (age 23-75 year) and 14 men (age 17-74). We studied frequency of clinical signs, usefulness of diagnostic methods and efficacy of treatment. Results: The duration of the clinical history ranged from 2 months to 16 years. The most frequent symptoms were: hypertension paroxysmal and constant, palpitations, headache, sweating and anxiety. The most sensitive diagnostic method was increased concentration of urinary metanephrine in 24-hour urine. Computed tomography was the most widely used method for tumor localization. Adrenal pheochromocytoma was detecting by CT in all patients, predominated in right adrenal, in 1 case in urinary bladder. Surgery caused remission of hypertension in 59%, improvement in 26.8%, and no changes in 13.9% of patients. Malignancy was reported in 2 cases, 1 woman died after surgery. MEN 2A occur in 21.6%. Conclusions: The diagnosis of pheochromocytma is usually made after long duration of the disease. The study confirms that clinical presentation of pheochromocytoma is variable and nonspecific, this finding makes the diagnosis very difficult. The most typical symptom is paroxysmal hypertension, which is present only in 40%, other symptoms are nonspecific. The measurement of 24-hour urinary metanephrines was the best indicator. CT was almost always successful in localizing the tumor. Patients with pheochromocytoma should be consider for other endocrine diseases especially medullary carcinoma, primary hyperparathyroidism and other component of MEN 2A