14 research outputs found


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    In this work some Unmanned Aerial Systems applications are discussed and applied to archaeological sites survey and 3D model reconstructions. Interesting results are shown for three important and different aged sites on north Sardinia (Italy). An easy and simplified procedure has proposed permitting the adoption of multi-rotor aircrafts for daily archaeological survey during excavation and documentation, involving state of art in UAS design, flight control systems, high definition sensor cameras and innovative photogrammetric software tools. Very high quality 3D models results are shown and discussed and how they have been simplified the archaeologist work and decisions

    Performance of CUF approach to analyze the structural behavior of slender bodies

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    This paper deals with the accurate evaluation of complete three-dimensional (3D) stress fields in beam structures with compact and bridge-like sections. A refined beam finite-element (FE) formulation is employed, which permits any-order expansions for the three displacement components over the section domain by means of the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF). Classical (Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko) beam theories are considered as particular cases. Comparisons with 3D solid FE analyses are provided. End effects caused by the boundary conditions are investigated. Bending and torsional loadings are considered. The proposed formulation has shown its capability of leading to quasi-3D stress fields over the beam domain. Higher-order beam theories are necessary for the case of bridge-like sections. Various theories are also compared in terms of shear correction factors on the basis of definitions found in the open literature. It has been confirmed that different theories could lead to very different values of shear correction factors, the accuracy of which is subordinate to a great extent to the section geometries and loading conditions. However, an accurate evaluation of shear correction factors is obtained by means of the present higher-order theories

    Quale futuro per il soggetto queer?

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    In dialogo con Federico Zappino, Lorenzo Bernini d\ue0 conto delle cosiddette "teorie queer antisociali", cio\ue8 di quelle teorie queer, ancora poco note in Italia dove il queer \ue8 stato per lo pi\uf9 mediato dalla ricezione del pensiero di Judith Butler, che insistono sul legame che la pulsione sessuale intrattiene con la pulsione di morte. In particolare, l'autore si sofferma sul pensiero di Leo Bersani e di Lee Edelman, e sulla loro critica alla nozione di "sessualit\ue0" in Michel Foucault e Judith Butler


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    Viviamo oggi in tempi politicamente interessanti: tempi in cui vecchie parole d\u2019ordine, significanti di appartenenze precise, vengono rimbalzate da un campo all\u2019altro, svuotate di senso e di significato, appiattite su una dimensione astorica e acritica, in nome del mito della fine delle ideologie, oppure strumentalizzate ai fini della ragione neoliberale. In questo scenario, Genealogie del presente intende riaprire lo spazio di un pensiero critico in grado di svelare la profondit\ue0 semantica e ideologica delle parole del discorso politico, bucando la superficie della retorica ufficiale, portando alla luce le sue ambiguit\ue0 ed esasperando le sue aporie. Diciotto interpreti acuti del presente, uniti in un comune percorso di ricerca che si snoda lungo un lessico di diciotto voci \u2013 Bene comune, Costituzione, Crisi, Democrazia, Destra/Sinistra, Eccellenza, Eguaglianza, Governabilit\ue0, Legalit\ue0, Movimento, Popolo, Povert\ue0, Precariet\ue0, Responsabilit\ue0, Sacrificio, Societ\ue0, Trasparenza, Futuro \u2013 la cui analisi critica appare fondamentale per una comprensione delle poste in gioco della nostra epoca

    Effects of thermo-mechanical loads on the aeroelastic instabilities of metallic and composite panels

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    Panel flutter phenomena can be strongly affected by thermal loads, and so a refined aeroelastic model is presented. Higher-order shell theories are used as structural models. The aerodynamic forces are described using the Piston Theory. Composite and sandwich structure are considered and different boundary condition are take into account.The effects of the thermal load on the aeorelastic behaviour are investigated


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    In this work some Unmanned Aerial Systems applications are discussed and applied to archaeological sites survey and 3D model reconstructions. Interesting results are shown for three important and different aged sites on north Sardinia (Italy). An easy and simplified procedure has proposed permitting the adoption of multi-rotor aircrafts for daily archaeological survey during excavation and documentation, involving state of art in UAS design, flight control systems, high definition sensor cameras and innovative photogrammetric software tools. Very high quality 3D models results are shown and discussed and how they have been simplified the archaeologist work and decisions