950 research outputs found

    The analysis of multilevel networks in organizations: models and empirical tests

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordStudies of social networks in organizations confront analytical challenges posed by the multilevel effects of hierarchical relations between organizational subunits on the presence or absence of informal network relations among organizational members. Conventional multilevel models may be usefully adopted to control for generic forms of non-independence between tie variables defined at multiple levels of analysis. Such models, however, are unable to identify the specific multilevel dependence mechanisms generating the observed network data. This is the basic difference between multilevel analysis of networks and the analysis of multilevel networks. The aim of this article is to show how recently derived multilevel exponential random graph models (MERGMs) may be specified and estimated to address the problems posed by the analysis of multilevel networks in organizations. We illustrate our methodological proposal using data on hierarchical subordination and informal communication relations between top managers in a multiunit industrial group. We discuss the implications of our results in the broader context of current theories of organizations as connected multilevel systems.Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF

    Detection of liquid xenon scintillation light with a Silicon Photomultiplier

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    We have studied the feasibility of a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) to detect liquid xenon (LXe) scintillation light. The SiPM was operated inside a small volume of pure LXe, at -95 degree Celsius, irradiated with an internal Am-241 alpha source. The gain of the SiPM at this temperature was estimated to be 1.8 x 10^6 with bias voltage at 52 V. Based on the geometry of the setup, the quantum efficiency of the SiPM was estimated to be 22% at the Xe wavelength of 178 nm. The low excess noise factor, high single photoelectron detection efficiency, and low bias voltage of SiPMs make them attractive alternative UV photon detection devices to photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) for liquid xenon detectors, especially for experiments requiring a very low energy detection threshold, such as neutralino dark matter searches

    Experiment Investigating the Connection between Weak Values and Contextuality

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    Weak value measurements have recently given rise to a large interest for both the possibility of measurement amplification and the chance of further quantum mechanics foundations investigation. In particular, a question emerged about weak values being proof of the incompatibility between Quantum Mechanics and Non-Contextual Hidden Variables Theories (NCHVT). A test to provide a conclusive answer to this question was given in [M. Pusey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 200401 (2014)], where a theorem was derived showing the NCHVT incompatibility with the observation of anomalous weak values under specific conditions. In this paper we realize this proposal, clearly pointing out the strict connection between weak values and the contextual nature of Quantum Mechanics.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Internal tides in the central Mediterranean Sea: observational evidence and numerical studies

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    Internal tides are studied in the central Mediterranean Sea using observational data and numerical experiments. Both numerical results and observations indicate that the baroclinic variability in this area is dominated by the K1 diurnal tide. In agreement with previous studies, the diurnal internal tides have the characteristics of Kelvin-like bottom trapped waves. They are mainly generated by the interaction of the induced barotropic tidal flow with the steep bathymetric gradient connecting the Ionian Sea with the shallow Sicily Channel. The bathymetric gradient appears to be the major forcing shaping the propagation paths of the internal tides. The most energetic internal tides follow the steep bathymetric gradient, propagating southward and tending to dissipate rapidly. Other waves cross the continental shelf south of Malta and then split with one branch moving toward the southern coast of Sicily and the other moving toward the west. Internal tides propagate with a variable phase velocity of about 1 ms(-1) and a wavelength of the order of 100 km. During their journey, the internal waves appear to be subject to local processes that can modify their characteristics. The induced vertical shear strongly dominates the vertical turbulence and generates vertical mixing that alters the properties of the water masses traversing the area. Barotropic and internal tides remove heat from the ocean surface, increasing atmospheric heating, and redistributing energy through increased lateral heat fluxes. Lateral heat fluxes are significantly greater in the presence of internal tides due to the simultaneous increase in volume fluxes and water temperatures

    A Parameter Model of Gas Exchange for the Seasonal Sea Ice Zone

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    Carbon budgets for the polar oceans require better constraint on air–sea gas exchange in the sea ice zone (SIZ). Here, we utilize advances in the theory of turbulence, mixing and air–sea flux in the ice–ocean boundary layer (IOBL) to formulate a simple model for gas exchange when the surface ocean is partially covered by sea ice. The gas transfer velocity (k) is related to shear-driven and convection-driven turbulence in the aqueous mass boundary layer, and to the mean-squared wave slope at the air–sea interface. We use the model to estimate k along the drift track of ice-tethered profilers (ITPs) in the Arctic. Individual estimates of daily-averaged k from ITP drifts ranged between 1.1 and 22 m d−1, and the fraction of open water (f) ranged from 0 to 0.83. Converted to area-weighted effective transfer velocities (keff), the minimum value of keff was 10−55 m d−1 near f = 0 with values exceeding keff = 5 m d−1 at f = 0.4. The model indicates that effects from shear and convection in the sea ice zone contribute an additional 40% to the magnitude of keff, beyond what would be predicted from an estimate of keff based solely upon a wind speed parameterization. Although the ultimate scaling relationship for gas exchange in the sea ice zone will require validation in laboratory and field studies, the basic parameter model described here demonstrates that it is feasible to formulate estimates of k based upon properties of the IOBL using data sources that presently exist

    The Digital Image Correlation technique applied to the deformation behavior of welded sheet joints

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    The existence of a welded zone generally influences the local strain and stress distribution especially in case of welding defects. A method able to measure the local deformability can hence give many important information about the real stress and strain fields useful to improve the welded structure design. In this experimental work, some new generation automotive steels have been considered, because of the well known welding problems due to their unstable microstructural condition. Such materials, known as Q&P steels and available only as thin sheets, require a suitable quenching process able to give high mechanical resistance and satisfying deformability. Some sheet samples were welded by electron beam technique, because it is able to reduce the width of the heat affected zone where the main microstructural changes are concentrated. From such samples, tensile specimens were machined. During the tensile tests, the deformations were measured both by a traditional extensometer and by a 3D Digital Image Correlation (3D DIC) technique. A preliminary investigation of the melted and the heat affected zones resulted in small dimensions (about 10 mm) and hence the measuring setup has been optimized in order maximize the achievable measuring resolution minimizing the resulting uncertainty. This result can be achieved by a pattern generated by a suitable software and by an accurate preparation of the surface where the pattern will be deposited on

    Intellectual abilities, language comprehension, speech, and motor function in children with spinal muscular atrophy type 1

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    Background: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a chronic, neuromuscular disease characterized by degeneration of spinal cord motor neurons, resulting in progressive muscular atrophy and weakness. SMA1 is the most severe form characterized by significant bulbar, respiratory, and motor dysfunction. SMA1 prevents children from speaking a clearly understandable and fluent language, with their communication being mainly characterized by eye movements, guttural sounds, and anarthria (type 1a); severe dysarthria (type 1b); and nasal voice and dyslalia (type 1c). The aim of this study was to analyze for the first time cognitive functions, language comprehension, and speech in natural history SMA1 children according to age and subtypes, to develop cognitive and language benchmarks that provide outcomes for the clinical medication trials that are changing SMA1 course/trajectory. Methods: This is a retrospective study including 22 children with SMA1 (10 affected by subtype 1a-1b: AB and 12 by 1c: C) aged 3–11 years in clinical stable condition with a coded way to communicate “yes” and “no”. Data from the following assessments have been retrieved from patient charts: one-dimensional Raven test (RCPM), to evaluate cognitive development (IQ); ALS Severity Score (ALSSS) to evaluate speech disturbances; Brown Bellugy modified for Italian standards (TCGB) to evaluate language comprehension; and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP-INTEND) to assess motor functioning. Results: SMA 1AB and 1C children were similar in age, with the former characterized by lower CHOP-INTEND scores compared to the latter. All 22 children had collaborated to RCPM and their median IQ was 120 with no difference (p = 0.945) between AB and C. Global median score of the speech domain of the ALSSS was 5; however, it was 2 in AB children, being significantly lower than C (6.5, p < 0.001). TCGB test had been completed by 13 children, with morphosyntactic comprehension being in the normal range (50). Although ALSSS did not correlate with both IQ and TCGB, it had a strong (p < 0.001) correlation with CHOP-INTEND described by an exponential rise to maximum. Conclusions: Although speech and motor function were severely compromised, children with SMA1 showed general intelligence and language comprehension in the normal range. Speech impairment was strictly related to global motor impairment