662 research outputs found

    Cooperation in the iterated prisoner's dilemma is learned by operant conditioning mechanisms

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    The prisoner's dilemma (PD) is the leading metaphor for the evolution of cooperative behavior in populations of selfish agents. Although cooperation in the iterated prisoner's dilemma (IPD) has been studied for over twenty years, most of this research has been focused on strategies that involve nonlearned behavior. Another approach is to suppose that players' selection of the preferred reply might he enforced in the same way as feeding animals track the best way to feed in changing nonstationary environments. Learning mechanisms such as operant conditioning enable animals to acquire relevant characteristics of their environment in order to get reinforcements and to avoid punishments. In this study, the role of operant conditioning in the learning of cooperation was evaluated in the PD. We found that operant mechanisms allow the learning of IPD play against other strategies. When random moves are allowed in the game, the operant learning model showed low sensitivity. On the basis of this evidence, it is suggested that operant learning might be involved in reciprocal altruism.Fil: Gutnisky, D. A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingenieria. Instituto de Ingeniería Biomédica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Zanutto, Bonifacio Silvano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingenieria. Instituto de Ingeniería Biomédica; Argentin

    Learning obstacle avoidance with an operant behavioral model

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    Artificial intelligence researchers have been attracted by the idea of having robots learn how to accomplish a task, rather than being told explicitly. Reinforcement learning has been proposed as an appealing framework to be used in controlling mobile agents. Robot learning research, as well as research in biological systems, face many similar problems in order to display high flexibility in performing a variety of tasks. In this work, the controlling of a vehicle in an avoidance task by a previously developed operant learning model (a form of animal learning) is studied. An environment in which a mobile robot with proximity sensors has to minimize the punishment for colliding against obstacles is simulated. The results were compared with the Q-Learning algorithm, and the proposed model had better performance. In this way a new artificial intelligence agent inspired by neurobiology, psychology, and ethology research is proposed.Fil: Gutnisky, D. A.. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería.Instituto de Ingeniería Biomédica; ArgentinaFil: Zanutto, Bonifacio Silvano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería.Instituto de Ingeniería Biomédica; Argentin

    Analysis of Propellantless Tethered System for the De-Orbiting of Satellites at End of Life

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    The increase of orbital debris and the consequent proliferation of smaller objects through fragmentation is driving the need for mitigation strategies that address this issue at its roots. The present guidelines for mitigation point out the need to deorbit new satellites injected into low Earth orbit (LEO) within a 25-year time. The issue is then how to deorbit the satellite with an efficient system that does not impair drastically the propellant budget of the satellite and, consequently, reduces its operating life. In this contest a passive system, which makes use of an electrodynamics tether to deorbit a satellite through Lorentz forces, has been investigated. The system collects electrons from the ionosphere at its anodic end (the conductive tether itself left bare) and emits electrons through a plasma contactor at the cathodic end. The current that circulates in the tether produces the Lorentz drag force through the interaction with the Earth’s magnetic field. Power can also be tapped from the tether for running the cathode and other ancillary on-board equipment. The deorbiting system will be carried by the satellite itself at launch and it will be deployed from the satellite at the end of its life. From that moment onward the system operates passively without requiring any intervention from the satellite itself. This thesis summarizes the results of the analysis carried out to show the deorbiting performance of the system starting from different orbital scenarios and for satellite configurations, and describing the tethered system by means of different mathematical models in order to include the lateral flexibility and increase the accuracy of the results, which can be easily scaled. Moreover high-fidelity and latest environmental routines has been used for magnetic field, ionospheric density, atmospheric density and a 4×4 gravity field model, since the environment is very important for describing appropriately each external interaction, in particular the electrodynamic one. The electric properties of the wire depends on its temperature, which is computed dynamically by a thermal model that considers all the major input fluxes and the heat emitted by the tether itself. At last the electric current along the rope is constantly evaluated during the reentry, since large variations happens passing from sunlight to shadow regions, and vice-versa. Without any control the system goes rapidly into instability, because the electrodynamic torque pumps continuously energy into the system enlarging the libration of the tether. So ad hoc strategies must be thought and included. In the past several techniques have been proposed, but with a lot of assumptions and limitations. In this work a new concept has been implemented, mounting in the satellite at the basis of the tether a damping mechanism for dissipating the energy associated with the lateral motion. At last the whole deployment of a tape tether has been analyzed. Several configurations have been studied, and the tradeoff analysis concluded that a non-motorized reeling deployer is well suited for a 1-3 cm wide tape like the tapes. Optimal reference profiles have been evaluated for two class of tether (3 and 5km), and are then used to regulate the brake mechanism mounted on the deployer itself to control the deployment. Different conditions have been analyzed to demonstrate the capabilities of the control law to provide a successful deployment in the presence of various error

    A Computational Theory for the Learning of Equivalence Relations

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    Equivalence relations (ERs) are logical entities that emerge concurrently with the development of language capabilities. In this work we propose a computational model that learns to build ERs by learning simple conditional rules. The model includes visual areas, dopaminergic, and noradrenergic structures as well as prefrontal and motor areas, each of them modeled as a group of continuous valued units that simulate clusters of real neurons. In the model, lateral interaction between neurons of visual structures and top-down modulation of prefrontal/premotor structures over the activity of neurons in visual structures are necessary conditions for learning the paradigm. In terms of the number of neurons and their interaction, we show that a minimal structural complexity is required for learning ERs among conditioned stimuli. Paradoxically, the emergence of the ER drives a reduction in the number of neurons needed to maintain those previously specific stimulus–response learned rules, allowing an efficient use of neuronal resources

    Gimme shelter: endangered waterbirds in the coastal area between Timavo and Tagliamento river mouths

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    Il presente contributo analizza lo stato dell’avifauna nidificante nella zona costiera del Friuli Venezia Giulia. Se per lo svernamento e la sosta durante le migrazioni la zona considerata è da ritenersi molto vocata con un numero di specie ed individui paragonabile alle altre zone umide maggiori dell’Alto Adriatico, per la nidificazione il valore locale risulta minore. Nel periodo riproduttivo la scarsa o nulla mobilità dei soggetti nidificanti deve essere compensata da condizioni di idoneità ambientale e di elevata tranquillità. La semplificazione territoriale seguita all’antropizzazione, in particolare alle bonifiche, unita al disturbo diretto da parte delle molteplici attività umane deprime le potenzialità dell’area. La nidificazione coloniale di Ciconiformi e Caradriformi è concentrata in porzioni molto ridotte di territorio (con l’eccezione del Gabbiano reale mediterraneo), talora al di fuori di ogni vincolo di tutela, mentre una serie di impatti naturali ed antropici mette a rischio il mantenimento di alcune popolazioni nidificanti. Fatta salva la conservazione dell’esistente, risulta necessario intraprendere alcune azioni volte a rallentare i fenomeni in atto e a ricostruire gli ambienti scomparsi. La ricostruzione delle barene in laguna di Marano e di un mosaico di zone umide d’acqua dolce con diverse tipologie (canneti, boschi umidi, prati temporaneamente allagati e pascolati) nelle zone perilagunari, insieme ad una gestione “integrata” di alcune delle valli da pesca estensive di maggiori dimensioni, potrebbero incrementare il valore delle zone umide regionali per gli uccelli acquatici nidificanti.This study analyses the state of conservation of breeding waterbirds in the coastal areas of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia. Such areas are very important for wintering and resting during migrations, with species and individual numbers comparable to those of the other main Northern Adriatic wetlands. However, breeding waterbirds are not as abundant and diverse. Indeed, during the reproductive season the presence of breeding individuals is related to good environmental conditions and to low levels of disturbance. The loss of habitats caused by human interventions, in particular wetland reclaiming, and the disturbance deriving from human activities, have drastically decreased the area potentials. Colonial breeding of Ciconidae and Caradridae is concentrated in very small territories (with the exception of the Yellow Legged Gull), that in some cases are not even protected, whereas a series of natural and human impacts places at risk the maintenance of some breeding populations. The efforts should thus be devoted both to the conservation of habitats and species that are already presents, and to the restoration of habitats that have disappeared. Saltmarsh rebuilding in Marano lagoon and the creation of a variety of freshwater wetlands (reedbeds, riveline woodlands, flooded and grazed meadows) in the perilagoonal areas, together with the integrated management of some extensive fishfarms, could increase the value of regional wetlands for breeding waterbirds

    Social Work in Italy: a change in Italian social services

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    Actualment, el sistema de serveis socials a Itàlia encara és complex i incomplet i no és sostenible políticament ni econòmicament. Els drets universals han deixat de ser l’objectiu essencial de les seves accions. La crisi econòmica i les tensions relacionades amb els problemes de seguretat i inclusió social generen incertesa sobre el futur i una pèrdua d’identitat, donant lloc a noves exigències de control social i unes expectatives d’inclusió limitades.Actualmente, el sistema de servicios sociales en Italia todavía es complejo e incompleto y no es sostenible política ni económicamente. Los derechos universales han dejado de ser el objetivo esencial de sus acciones. La crisis económica y las tensiones relacionadas con los problemas de seguridad e inclusión social generan incertidumbre sobre el futuro y una pérdida de identidad, dando lugar a nuevas exigencias de control social y a unas expectativas de inclusión limitadas.Still today, the Italian social services system is complex and incomplete, and no longer sustainable either politically or economically. The universality of rights is no longer the underlying objective that its actions must pursue. The economic crisis and the tensions concerning the issues of security and social inclusion generate fears about the future and a loss of identity, giving rise to new demands for social control and reduced prospects of inclusion