29 research outputs found

    Accounting for Housing in Poverty Analysis

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    The treatment of housing in the definition of income used to measure poverty makes a big difference to who is counted as poor. Both the Before Housing Costs (BHC) and After Housing Costs (AHC) measures in current use in the UK pose problems. BHC income does not capture the advantages of living in owner-occupied housing and AHC income might not account for the benefits of living in higher-quality accommodation. We explore the potential of including in income the difference between the estimated value of housing consumed and housing costs, which we refer to as net imputed rent. We investigate whether findings about child and pensioner poverty, and judgements about the effectiveness of poverty-reducing policies, are affected by accounting for housing in this way

    The route to take-up: raising incentive s or lowering barriers?

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    This paper investigates which measures are effective in promoting the take-up of welfare support by needy individuals, considering both financial incentives and policies intended to lower claiming costs. The analysis uses an exogenous policy change, the introduction of the Pension Credit in the United Kingdom in 2003, that reformed the income support scheme available to pensioners. While increasing the entitlement amount for a subgroup of eligible pensioners, the Pension Credit introduction was accompanied by other complementary measures, including an advertisement campaign, reformed `light touch administration and a more claimant-friendly application procedure. The behavioural response to such exogenous changes is identified using parametric and non parametric analysis of repeated cross sections of Family Resources Survey data. Results consistently show the efficacy of increased financial incentives as take-up triggers, while no effect is found for the `lowering barriers policies when unaccompanied by concurrent raised monetary rewards

    Do household surveys give a coherent view of disability benefit targeting?: A multisurvey latent variable analysis for the older population in Great Britain

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    We compare three major UK surveys, the British Household Panel Survey, Family Resources Survey and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, in terms of the picture that they give of the relationship between disability and receipt of the attendance allowance benefit. Using the different disability indicators that are available in each survey, we use a structural equation approach involving a latent concept of disability in which probabilities of receiving attendance allowance depend on disability. Despite major differences in design, once sample composition has been standardized through statistical matching, the surveys deliver similar results for the model of disability and receipt of attendance allowance. Provided that surveys offer a sufficiently wide range of disability indicators, the detail of disability measurement appears relatively unimportant

    Accounting for housing in poverty analysis

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    The treatment of housing in the definition of income used to measure poverty makes a big difference to who is counted as poor. Both the Before Housing Costs (BHC) and After Housing Costs (AHC) measures in current use in the UK pose problems. We compare BHC and AHC income with an alternative measure, overcoming their respective flaws by including in income the difference between the estimated value of housing consumed and housing costs, or net imputed rent. We investigate whether findings about poverty among children and pensioners, and the effectiveness of poverty-reducing policies, are affected by accounting for housing in this way

    A New Targeting - A New Take-Up? Non-Take-Up of Social Assistance in Germany after Social Policy Reforms

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    We present first estimates of rates of non-take-up for social assistance in Germany after the implementation of major social policy reforms in 2005. The analysis is based on a microsimulation model, which includes a detailed description of the German social assistance programme. Our findings suggest a moderate decrease in non-take-up compared to estimates before the reform. In order to identify the determinants of claiming social assistance, we estimate a model of take-up behaviour which considers potential endogeneity of the benefit level. The estimations reveal that the degree of needs, measured as the social assistance benefit level a household is eligible for, and the expected duration of eligibility are the key determinants of the take-up decision, while costs of claiming seem to play a minor role.Diese Studie liefert erste Schätzungen für Quoten der Nicht-Inanspruchnahme für Leistungen der Grundsicherung nach SGB II und SGB XII. Die Analyse basiert auf einem Mikrosimulationsmodell, welches eine detaillierte Abbildung der deutschen Sozialgesetzgebung erlaubt. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass sich die Nicht-Inanspruchnahme im Vergleich zur Situation vor der Hartz-IV-Reform verringert hat. Um die Determinanten der Inanspruchnahme zu bestimmen, schätzen wir ein Modell des Inanspruchnahmeverhaltens. Die Schätzungen zeigen, dass die Höhe des Anspruchs sowie die erwartete Bezugsdauer die entscheidenden Einflussfaktoren darstellen, während die Kosten der Inanspruchnahme eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen

    Acute health shocks and labour market outcomes

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    We investigate the labour supply response to acute health shocks experienced in the post-crash labour market by individuals of working age, using data from Understanding Society. Identification exploits uncertainty in the timing of an acute health shock, defined by the incidence of cancer, stroke, or heart attack. Results, obtained through a combination of coarsened exact and propensity score matching, show acute health shocks significantly reduce participation, with younger workers displaying stronger labour market attachment. The impact on older, more educated, women suggests an important role for preferences, financial constraints, and intra-household division of labour determining labour supply decisions

    No preliminary evidence of differences in astrocyte density within the white matter of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in autism

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    Background: While evidence for white matter and astrocytic abnormalities exist in autism, a detailed investigation of astrocytes has not been conducted. Such an investigation is further warranted by an increasing role for neuroinflammation in autism pathogenesis, with astrocytes being key players in this process. We present the first study of astrocyte density and morphology within the white matter of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in individuals with autism. Methods: DLPFC formalin-fixed sections containing white matter from individuals with autism (n = 8, age = 4-51 years) and age-matched controls (n = 7, age = 4-46 years) were immunostained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Density of astrocytes and other glia were estimated via the optical fractionator, astrocyte somal size estimated via the nucleator, and astrocyte process length via the spaceballs probe. Results: We found no evidence for alteration in astrocyte density within DLPFC white matter of individuals with autism versus controls, together with no differences in astrocyte somal size and process length. Conclusion: Our results suggest that astrocyte abnormalities within the white matter in the DLPFC in autism may be less pronounced than previously thought. However, astrocytic dysregulation may still exist in autism, even in the absence of gross morphological changes. Our lack of evidence for astrocyte abnormalities could have been confounded to an extent by having a small sample size and wide age range, with pathological features potentially restricted to early stages of autism. Nonetheless, future investigations would benefit from assessing functional markers of astrocytes in light of the underlying pathophysiology of autism

    Inequity in healthcare use among older people after 2008: The case of Southern European Countries

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    Despite the sizeable cuts in public healthcare spending, part of the austerity measures recently undertaken in Southern European countries, little attention has been devoted to monitoring distributional aspects of healthcare usage. This study aims at measuring socioeconomic inequities in primary and secondary healthcare experienced some time after the crisis onset in Italy, Spain and Portugal. The analysis, based on data drawn from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), focuses on older people, who generally face significantly higher healthcare needs, and whose health appeared to have worsened in the aftermath of the crisis. The Horizontal Inequity indexes reveal remarkable socioeconomic inequities in older people’s access to secondary healthcare in all three countries. In Portugal, the one country facing most severe healthcare budget cuts and where user charges apply also to GP visits, even access to primary care exhibits a significant pro-rich concentration. If reducing inequities in older people’s access to healthcare remains a policy objective, austerity measures maybe pulling the Olive belt countries further way from achieving it