13 research outputs found

    Representações de licenciandos em física sobre a divulgação científica como recurso pedagógico no Ensino Médio

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    No presente artigo analisamos aspectos das possibilidades de inclusão de pesquisas sobre a leitura de textos de divulgação científica em cursos de licenciatura em física. Nosso objetivo consiste em compreender que discursos sobre textos de divulgação científica são manifestados por licenciandos em física em determinadas condições de produção e como o trabalho pedagógico com uma pesquisa sobre leitura de divulgação científica por estudantes de Ensino Médio pode interferir nas representações de licenciandos sobre essa estratégia de ensino. Adotamos um referencial teórico baseado em uma vertente francesa da análise de discurso desenvolvida a partir de trabalhos de Michel Pêcheux. A investigação, de caráter qualitativo, tem por material empírico produções de estudantes em uma disciplina de um curso de licenciatura em física em uma universidade pública paulista. Os resultados indicam deslocamentos nas representações dos estudantes pela atribuição de sentidos à leitura de textos de divulgação científica em aulas de física no Ensino Médio, como recurso capaz de contribuir para promover novas mediações e aprendizagens.Representations of Undergraduate Physics Students about Scientific Divulgation as a Pedagogical Resource in High SchoolAbstractIn this article, we analyze aspects of the possibilities of including researches about reading of scientific divulgationtexts in undergraduate physics courses. Our objective is to understand discourses about texts of scientificdivulgation manifested by future physics teachers students under certain production conditions and how thepedagogical work with a research about reading of scientific divulgation by high school students can interfere inthe representations of undergraduate students about this pedagogical strategy. We adopted a theoretical frameworkbased on a French line of discourse analysis developed from works of Michel Pêcheux. The empirical material ofthis qualitative research are productions of students in a discipline of an undergraduate teachers training in physicscourse for future teachers at a public university in São Paulo state. The results indicate displacements in therepresentations of students, through the attribution of meanings to the reading of scientific divulgation texts inhigh school physics classes, as a resource capable of contributing to promote new mediations and learnings.Keywords: Scientific Divulgation. Reading. Discourse Analysis. Undergraduate Teacher Training In Physics.

    Production Of Senses And Possibilities Of Intervention In The Physics Teaching To High School Students: The Reading Of A Book On Isaac Newton [produção De Sentidos E Possibilidades De Mediação Na Física Do Ensino Médio: Leitura De Um Livro Sobre Isaac Newton]

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    This paper presents and analyses aspects of the production of senses by high school students through the analysis of written answers to a questionnaire about a book on the life and works of Isaac Newton. The questions are addressed with the objective of making it possible for the readers to share their accounts of how they have interacted with the read material, especially concerning the author's writing style and the Physics contents brought by the book. The theoretical support of this paper lies on the French Discourse Analysis, largely spread in Brazil by Eni Orlandi. The reading of scientific texts in the school environment stands out as a different activity compared to the standards of the Physics classes regularly observed at schools. The collected reports reveal several possibilities of teacher intervention in order to give way to a more effective learning process in the field of physics and also to the building of a scientific culture among high school students.293437446Poskitt, K., (2002) Isaac Newton e sua Maçã, , Companhia das Letras, São Paulo, Coleção Mortos de FamaLança, T., (2005) Newton numa Leitura de Divulgação Científica: Produção de Sentidos nò Ensino Médio, , Tese de Mestrado, Universidade Estadual de CampinasGama, L.C., (2005) Divulgação Científica: Leituras em Classes de Ensino Médio, , Tese de Mestrado, Universidade Estadual de CampinasOrlandi, E., (2000) Discurso e Leitura, , Ed. Cortez, São Paulo e Editora da Unicamp, Campinas, 5a edOrlandi, E., (2000) Análise de Discurso: Princípios e Procedimentos, , Pontes, CampinasH.C. Silva e M.J.P.M. Almeida, in Linguagens, Leituras e Ensino de Ciência, editado por M.J.P.M. Almeida e H.C. Silva (Mercado das Letras, Campinas, 1998)M.J.P.M. Almeida. Discursos da Ciência e da Escola: Ideologia e Leituras Possíveis (Mercado de Letras, Campinas, 2004)L.O.Q. Peduzzi, in Ensino de Física: Conteúdo, Metodologia e Epistemologia numa Concepção Integradora, editado por M. Pietrocola (Editora da UFSC, Florianópolis, 2001)Ricon, A.E., Almeida, M.J.P.M., (1991) Leitura Teoria e Prática, 10 (18), p. 7Zanetic, J., (1989) Física Também É Cultura, , Tese de Doutorado, Faculdade de Educação, Universidade de São Paul

    Evaluation of lamellar spacing selection in eutectic alloys using phase field model

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)In this work, the phase field model is applied to a study of regular eutectic alloys grown by directional solidification. The numerical solution of the equations allows one to obtain the lamellar eutectic microstructure for certain growth conditions. We consider, here, the case of the CBr(4)-C(2)Cl(6) system, which is studied experimentally in the literature insofar as the morphological characteristics of its growth and its physical properties are concerned. The model developed here allows one to obtain interfacial patterns which display interfacial curvature effects, distribution of solute in the liquid, lamellar terminations and oscillatory instabilities. The relation between the lamellar spacing and the growth rate is found by comparing it with that predicted experimentally as well as by other simulation methods. The results indicate the possibility of using the phase field model in the qualitative and quantitative study of processes involving phase transformations in materials engineering and science. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.442695701Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Hearing Preservation after Cochlear Implantation: UNICAMP Outcomes

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    Background. Electric-acoustic stimulation (EAS) is an excellent choice for people with residual hearing in low frequencies but not high frequencies and who derive insufficient benefit from hearing aids. For EAS to be effective, subjects' residual hearing must be preserved during cochlear implant (CI) surgery. Methods. We implanted 6 subjects with a CI. We used a special surgical technique and an electrode designed to be atraumatic. Subjects' rates of residual hearing preservation were measured 3 times postoperatively, lastly after at least a year of implant experience. Subjects' aided speech perception was tested pre- and postoperatively with a sentence test in quiet. Subjects' subjective responses assessed after a year of EAS or CI experience. Results. 4 subjects had total or partial residual hearing preservation; 2 subjects had total residual hearing loss. All subjects' hearing and speech perception benefited from cochlear implantation. CI diminished or eliminated tinnitus in all 4 subjects who had it preoperatively. 5 subjects reported great satisfaction with their new device. Conclusions. When we have more experience with our surgical technique we are confident we will be able to report increased rates of residual hearing preservation. Hopefully, our study will raise the profile of EAS in Brazil and Latin/South America