7 research outputs found

    Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Sawah dan Sayuran di Desa Dawi-Dawi Kecamatan Wonggeduku Kabupaten Konawe

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    This research aims to find out Paddy and vegetable farm income, and Paddy and vegetable farm efficiency in Dawi-Dawi Village, Wonggeduku Subdistrict, Konawe Regency. The population of this research is comprised of all farmers who grow paddy and plant vegetables (tomato and yardlong bean) in Dawi-Dawi Village, Wonggeduku Subdistrict, Konawe Regency which consist of 21 farmers. Samples are taken using census method, in which all of the population is taken as research sample. Therefore, a number of samples in this research are 21 farmers. The data are analyzed using income analysis, namely, Pd = TR TC and farm efficiency analysis R/C Ratio = TR/TC. The results show that: (1) paddy farm incomes per season range from IDR 1,901,250 – IDR 24,492,250 with the average of IDR 7,697,670. Tomato farm incomes per season range from IDR 1,979,772 – IDR 25,351,820 with an average of IDR 7,970,189. Yardlong bean farm incomes per season range from IDR 1,532,389 – IDR 3,391,000 with an average of IDR 1,822,370, and (2) Paddy, tomato and yardlong bean farms are deemed efficient with the R/C ratio of 2.73, 2.97, and 3.13 respectively

    Analisis Rantai Pasok Produk Beras dari Kabupaten Konawe Selatan ke Kota Kendari

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    This study aims to find out how the supply chain of rice from South Konawe to Kendari. This type of research is included in descriptive research or categorized in qualitative research method by using survey method that is described, explain and interpret a phenomenon that occurs on an object and data is qualitative, ie data that is described with words or sentences by category to obtain a conclusion. This research was conducted in South Konawe Village specifically at UD. Fandi in Laeya District, South Konawe District in August 2017. Data collection techniques were conducted through observation, interviews, discussions with supply chain members and documentation at the research sites. Supply Chain of rice products from South Konawe District to Kendari City starts from Farmers, Rice Millers, Distributors UD Fandi, Retailer and Final Consumer. Farmers as rice suppliers cultivate and sell their crops to the rice mills, then the mills' process rice from farmers into rice products to be sold to Distributor. In this research, the Distributor Party also as the owner of rice milling, after the packaging of rice products, will then be distributed to retailers both in South Konawe District itself and outside the region, especially Kendari City distributor of UD. Fandi has a rice warehouse which is a shelter of rice products that will be sold to retailers in Kendari City. The selling price of rice products from Distributor UD. Fandi is accepted by retailers in South Konawe and outside Kendari especially divided by size, for rice with size 50 kg sold with price Rp. 420.000, - and for rice with size 25 kg sold with price Rp. 220.000, Furthermore the retailers will repackage the rice products into several sizes that are tailored to the needs of the end consumer is the size of 10 kg, and size 5 kg. for rice with size 10 kg sold with price Rp. 110.000, - and rice with size 5 kg sold with price Rp. 55.000, -. But retailers also sell rice with liter sizes which for liters sold to consumers at a price of Rp. 8,000-8,500, / litres. This is done to adjust to the level of end consumer needs

    Analisis Persediaan Bahan Baku pada Usaha Mete di Kota Kendari (Studi Kasus pada UD. Mete Mubaraq Lombe)

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    This research aims to know the inventory of raw cashew nuts peeled on UD. Mete Mubaraq Lombe of the year 2017; Analyze the efficiency of the inventory of raw materials according to the EOQ method on UD. Mete Mubaraq Lombe; determine the Safety Stock and Reorder Point at UD. Mete Mubaraq Lombe. The study was designed as a case study of using primary data and secondary data, variables in this study include a Total Inventory Cost, Ordering Cost and Carrying Cost. There were some of the results obtained in this study. First, the type of raw materials used is cashew nuts peeled from Region Lombe by way of partnering. The volume of purchase of raw materials over the past year as many as 52,000 kg. Booking fees during the year 2017 are Rp 43,872,000. Storage costs during the year 2017 are Rp 48,144,000. Secondly, the supply of raw materials of peeled cashew nuts more efficiently by using the EOQ method. It can be seen from the difference in TIC companies issued in the year 2017 is Rp. 45,878,000.4 while the EOQ method based on the TIC of Rp 18,762,434.4. So the difference in TIC is Rp. 27,115,566. Thirdly, in order not to run out of stock in the warehouse, then the safety stock that must always be available in the company as much as 1,459.26 kg and company do a reorder point when the raw materials in the warehouse as much as 1,690.46 kg

    Analisis Integrasi Vertikal Pasar Komoditas Cabai Rawit (Capsicum Frutescens L.) di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara

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    This research is motivated by the unequal production of cayenne pepper in all regency cities in Southeast Sulawesi, Resulting in the distribution to some regions that cause price changes that may occur at any time. Changes in the price of cayenne pepper are used by intermediary traders to manipulate prices at the consumer level and at the producer level, the data shows that between 1992 and 2014 there was a difference between the price of cayenne pepper between the consumer market and the producer market. The purpose of this study was to analyze the vertical integration of commodity market of cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) in Southeast Sulawesi. This research was conducted in January 2017 until May 2017. The data used are secondary data sourced from Disperindag and BPS in the form of time series data from 1992 to 2014. The analysis method used is Johansen Cointegration and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The results show that the vertical market of cayenne pepper between producers and consumers in Southeast Sulawesi has been integrated with the long term, While in the short term there has been no integration of producer and consumer markets. Where price relation occurs only one direction that producer price influence consumer price while consumer price does not influence producer price, If both markets are interconnected then the market is integrated. Based on this, it is expected that the active role of extension agents and farmer groups to provide price information, So that producers, can know the price information that occurs at the consumer level vice versa


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    This research aims to create: (1) the value added of sago starch from raw material component, reward to labor, profit and remuneration from its supporting component; (2) the effect of variables on production capacity, labor, raw materials, output prices, other input prices on added value. This research is a case study on Processing Group of Sago Lameuru of Ranomeeto Barat District of South Konawe Regency of Southeast Sulawesi Province. The data used are primary data through observation and direct interview (logbook) with Processing Group Sago Lameuru and sago starch retailer in sago center consumer market center of Kendari. Using value added analysis of Hayami method, 1987 and multiple regression analysis. The result of the analysis shows that the added value of sago starch is Rp 2.918,43 / kg, and simultaneously variable X (production capacity, raw material, labor, output price, labor wage, raw material price, and other input contribution ) Showed significant influence. Partially sago starch raw material and output price have an effect on added value, while other variable variables are not significant at α = 0,1. Keywords: influencing factor, sago starch, value adde