126 research outputs found

    First human study in treatment of unresectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer with irinotecan-loaded beads (DEBIRI)

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    The objective of this pilot clinical study was to assess the safety, technical feasibility, pharmacokinetic (PK) profile and tumour response of DC Bead™ with irinotecan (DEBIRI™) delivered by intra-arterial embolisation for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. Eleven patients with unresectable liver metastases from CRC, tumour burden <30% of liver volume, adequate haematological, liver and renal function, performance status of <2 were included in this study. Patients received up to 4 sessions of TACE with DEBIRI at 3-week intervals. Feasibility of the procedure, safety and tumour response were assessed after each cycle. PK was measured after the first cycle. Patients were followed up to 24 weeks. Only mild to moderate adverse events were observed. DEBIRI is a technically feasibile procedure; no technical complications were observed. Average Cmax for irinotecan and SN-38 was 194 ng/ml and 16.7 ng/ml, respectively, with average t½ of 4.6 h and 12.4 h following administration of DEBIRI. Best overall response during the study showed disease control in 9 patients (2 patients with partial response and 7 with stable disease, overall response rate of 18%). Our study shows that transarterial chemoembolisation with irinotecan-loaded DC beads (DEBIRI) is safe, technically feasible and effective with a good PK profile

    Transarterielle Chemoembolisation als Selektionsmarker für Patienten mit HCC vor LTX unter retrospektiver Zuhilfenahme histologischer Ergebnisse [meeting abstract]

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    Einleitung: Für die meisten Patienten mit HCC ist die LTX die einzige kurative Behandlungsoption. Bei diesen Patienten scheint eine Kontrolle der Erkrankung durch lokale Verfahren im Intervall bis zur LTX zu erreichen zu sein. Als das beste Verfahren gilt die transarterielle Chemoembolisation (TACE). Die Effektivität ist jedoch umstritten. Möglicherweise kann sie aber Patienten startifizieren, die ein hohes Rezidivrisiko haben. Material und Methoden: Im Zeitraum zwischen 1995 und 2005 wurden n=27 Patienten mit HCC im Alter zwischen 22 und 69 Jahren transplantiert. Hiervon erhielten n=15 Patienten eine Vorbehandlung in Form einer alleinigen TACE oder kombiniert mit PEI [n=1] bzw. LITT [n=1]. Retrospektiv wurde das Gesamtüberleben sowie das „Event-free-survival“ (Rezidiv, Reinfektion und Tod) analysiert. Ergebnisse: Die mittlere Wartezeit betrug bei Patienten in der TACE-Gruppe 214 Tage, bei Patienten ohne Vorbehandlung 133 Tage. Bei einem mittleren Nachbeobachtungszeitraum von 1097 ± 1193 Tagen für TACE-Patienten und 1674 ± 966 Tagen für non-TACE-Patienten betrug das Überleben für Patienten, die mit TACE vorbehandelt wurden 83,3%, für Patienten, die keine TACE erhielten 86.7% (p=0,5693). Gleiches fand sich für das Event-free-survival (p=0,8823). Das Gesamtüberleben der Patienten, die auf der Warteliste einen Tumorprogress hatten lag bei 77%, während Patienten mit stabiler Tumorgröße oder Regredienz der Tumore ein Überleben von 93% aufwiesen (p=0,0153). Unter TACE-Behandlung zeigten 5/15 Patienten eine zunehmende Anzahl an Herden im histologischen Präparat verglichen mit der Ausgangsbildgebung. Nur bei einem Patienten zeigte sich der Progress der Erkrankung bereits in der präoperativen Bildgebung. Patienten mit einem Progress der Erkrankung hatten ein Gesamtüberleben von 60%, während Patienten mit „stable disease“ oder Rückgang der Herde ein Gesamtüberleben von 100% hatten (p=0,0180). Schlussfolgerung: Unseren Ergebnisse zufolge ist der Effekt der TACE als Bridgingverfahren auf das Überleben der Patienten fraglich. Allerdings scheint die TACE zur Riskostratifizierung geeignet zu sein. In unserem Patientenkollektiv hatten Patienten, die eine Progredienz der Erkrankung auf der Warteliste zeigten ein signifikant schlechteres Gesamtüberleben. Dies gilt auch bei ausschließlicher Betrachtung der Patienten mit TACE

    Rapidly Aggravated Dissecting Flap by Angiography during Percutaneous Stent Placement for Acute Isolated Superior Mesenteric Artery Dissection

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    Acutely aggravated dissecting flap and consequent occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) by simple contrast passage during initial angiography for percutaneous stent placement is a uncommon event, which usually is not reported. After analysis of many factors that underlie development of such complications, we present herein one case of successful treatment of isolated SMA dissection and its complications with favorable outcomes during 25 months follow-up after percutaneous stent placement

    CT-guided intratumoural administration of cisplatin/epinephrine gel for treatment of malignant liver tumours

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    To analyze prospectively the interventional and clinical aspects of computed tomography-guided direct intratumoural injection of a novel chemotherapeutic administration and the parenchymal changes of tumour and necrosis in malignant liver tumours. Eight patients with 17 colorectal liver metastases were treated with a mean of 5.1 injections and nine patients with 13 hepatocellular carcinoma nodules with a mean of 3.1 treatments with computed tomography guided local applications of a novel cisplatin/epinephrine gel. This application provides a higher local and lower systemic drug concentration. Volumes of tumour and necrosis prior and after treatment were measured by computer generated volumetric analysis. Contrast enhanced studies verified pretherapeutic viable tumour volumes with a value of 77.4 ml in the metastases and 29.2 ml in the hepatocellular carcinoma nodules. Intratumoural drug application resulted in a significant increase of necrosis and a decrease in viable tumour volume to be 68.3 ml in metastases and 14.5 ml in hepatocellular carcinoma. Local therapy control rate for the follow up to 6 months was 38 and 71% for the group of metastases and hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively. Direct intratumoural injection of cisplatin/epinepthrine injectable gel is a feasible and good tolerated method and results in the development of a statistically significant increase in necrosis in malignant liver tumours. For hepatocellular carcinoma a higher local therapy control rate compared to colorectal metastases can be reported

    Evaluation of a robotic technique for transrectal MRI-guided prostate biopsies

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    Item does not contain fulltextOBJECTIVES: To evaluate the accuracy and speed of a novel robotic technique as an aid to perform magnetic resonance image (MRI)-guided prostate biopsies on patients with cancer suspicious regions. METHODS: A pneumatic controlled MR-compatible manipulator with 5 degrees of freedom was developed in-house to guide biopsies under real-time imaging. From 13 consecutive biopsy procedures, the targeting error, biopsy error and target displacement were calculated to evaluate the accuracy. The time was recorded to evaluate manipulation and procedure time. RESULTS: The robotic and manual techniques demonstrated comparable results regarding mean targeting error (5.7 vs 5.8 mm, respectively) and mean target displacement (6.6 vs 6.0 mm, respectively). The mean biopsy error was larger (6.5 vs 4.4 mm) when using the robotic technique, although not significant. Mean procedure and manipulation time were 76 min and 6 min, respectively using the robotic technique and 61 and 8 min with the manual technique. CONCLUSIONS: Although comparable results regarding accuracy and speed were found, the extended technical effort of the robotic technique make the manual technique - currently - more suitable to perform MRI-guided biopsies. Furthermore, this study provided a better insight in displacement of the target during in vivo biopsy procedures.01 februari 201