88 research outputs found


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    Jejunoileal diverticulosis is a rare, often asymptomatic condition, consisting of acquired false diverticula. Diagnosis of ileal perforation is usually made incidentally or after complications, including obstruction, haemorrhage and diverticulitis. A previously healthy 17-year-old man presented to the Emergency Department with diffuse abdominal pain and fever. CT scan showed air-fluid level in the RLQ and free intraperitoneal air and fluid. The patient underwent an urgent exploratory laparotomy with an intestinal resection and primary anastomosis. We report a rare case of ileal perforation, due to diverticular disease in a healthy young man, treated an urgent surgery. Such an event requires immediate surgical intervention, especially if it presents as an acute abdomen. Although it can become a surgical emergency, jejunoileal diverticulosis remains underdiagnosed


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    Amyand's hernia is an inguinal hernia, containing the appendix within the hernial sac. Claudius Amyand described the first clinical case in 1735. Despite the high incidence of inguinal canal hernia disease in the population with approximately 20 milion patients that undergo hernia repair annually, Amyand's hernia is a rare clinical conditions. It is characterized by an incidence of 1 % (0,19-1.7) and in 0,13 % of all cases, the appendix is inflamed. In this article, we will present our experience related to the treatment of a complicated Amyand's hernia, occasionally found during an emergency surgery for the repair of an incarcerated inguinal hernia. In addition, we will conduct a medical review of this pathology that often represents an unpleasant surprise for the surgeon


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    This essay's main goal the present review is to highlight the connections between intestinal dysbiosis and the ensuing activation of the mucosal lymphatic system. One of the study's goals is to investigate the impact on mood caused by a serotonergic deficit driven by mucosal inflammation. It assesses the relationship between food consumption and the onset of psychological and mental illness as a secondary end aim. Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases and psychological and psychiatric mood disorders appear to benefit therapeutically from the sort of diet they consume

    Complete vaginal stenosis and hematocolpus in two bitches with a history of GnRH treatment to postpone puberty

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗTwo mixed-breed bitches (18 and 19 months), that had been treated, one year before, with deslorelin acetate implant to postpone puberty, were hospitalized and monitored during their first heat. The heat was presumed by the owners, that observed vulvar swelling in both cases but no vulvar bloody discharge. The following diagnostic procedures were employed: physical genital tract examination, vaginoscopy, vaginal cytology, endocrine assay, ultrasound and X-ray using vaginal infusion of iodum and pneumobladder as positive and negative contrasts. In bitch 1, vaginal cytology and progesterone levels confirmed the presence of an ovulatory “dry” oestrus, without cytological presence of red blood cells, progressing to dioestrus. Ultrasound showed preovulatory follicles and, in the following days, transition to corpora lutea. The caudal abdomen presented a large ovoid cystic structure filled with echoic fluid, next to the bladder. Radiographic scans demonstrated a normal bladder profile, while the contrast medium failed to enter into the cranial vagina. On the basis of these findings, the bitch 1 was submitted to laparotomy 10 days after the end of oestrus. A vaginal dilatation (10x5 cm), from which brown fluid was aspirated, was found and resected together with uterus and ovaries. Bitch 2 had the same diagnostic route and findings, but she was laparotomized 3 months after the heat. During this period no spontaneous regression of the lesion was observed. At laparotomy, the vaginal dilatation (8x4 cm) was only aspirated and the bitch regularly neutered. In both cases, cytology of the fluid taken from the vaginal sac revealed superficial epithelial cells and abundant degenerate red blood cells. Histology (bitch 1) confirmed the vaginal origin of the dilatation and revealed an additional Gärtner duct cyst. The abnormality (hematocolpus) probably originated by an inadequate drainage of proestrous bloody discharge because of a severe vaginal stenosis. A congenital origin of the lesion was unlikely; it was strongly suspected that the treatment of the prepubertal bitches interfered, by an irreversible way, with the normal development of the vagina

    On the stability of quantum holonomic gates

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    We provide a unified geometrical description for analyzing the stability of holonomic quantum gates in the presence of imprecise driving controls (parametric noise). We consider the situation in which these fluctuations do not affect the adiabatic evolution but can reduce the logical gate performance. Using the intrinsic geometric properties of the holonomic gates, we show under which conditions on noise's correlation time and strength, the fluctuations in the driving field cancel out. In this way, we provide theoretical support to previous numerical simulations. We also briefly comment on the error due to the mismatch between real and nominal time of the period of the driving fields and show that it can be reduced by suitably increasing the adiabatic time.Comment: 7 page

    Hypersurface Bohm-Dirac models

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    We define a class of Lorentz invariant Bohmian quantum models for N entangled but noninteracting Dirac particles. Lorentz invariance is achieved for these models through the incorporation of an additional dynamical space-time structure provided by a foliation of space-time. These models can be regarded as the extension of Bohm's model for N Dirac particles, corresponding to the foliation into the equal-time hyperplanes for a distinguished Lorentz frame, to more general foliations. As with Bohm's model, there exists for these models an equivariant measure on the leaves of the foliation. This makes possible a simple statistical analysis of position correlations analogous to the equilibrium analysis for (the nonrelativistic) Bohmian mechanics.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, RevTex. Completely revised versio

    La colla di fibrina nelle ernioplastiche tension-free: nostra esperienza

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    Scopo di questo studio è dimostrare la possibilità, nell’ernioplastica secondo Lichtenstein, di fissare la mesh alle strutture muscolo-fasciali con colla di fibrina, evitando l’uso di punti di sutura. La fissazione della rete di prolene con Tissucol è stata effettuata in 28 pazienti, mentre nello stesso periodo la tecnica tradizionale di Lichtenstein è stata eseguita in altri 28 pazienti. I vantaggi dell’uso della colla di fibrina sono: nessun trauma chirurgico, perfetta fissazione della mesh, riduzione del dolore e della morbilità, abbassamento dei costi. La metodica è sicura e facilmente riproducibile. I risultati sono promettenti anche se la verifica va effettuata con casistiche più consistenti e follow-up più lungo

    Molecular diagnosis of pancreatic cancer: where do we stand?

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    Pancreatic cancer remains a disease with a dismal prognosis due mostly to its late diagnosis. An early diagnosis would have a significant impact on the prognosis and, eventually, on the incidence of the disease itself. Many progresses have been made in the molecular diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. High risk patients would likely benefits from biologic screening, before the general population. Most of the markers remain limited to phase I and II studies. The challenges include the lack of specificity of some of the markers, as well as the lack of standardization within the laboratories. Further research is necessary prior to the application of the currently known biomarkers for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer