21 research outputs found

    Bridging the Gap between Laboratory and Field Experiments in American Eel Detection Using Transfer Learning and Convolutional Neural Network

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    An automatic system that utilizes data analytics and machine learning to identify adult American eel in data obtained by imaging sonars is created in this study. Wavelet transform has been applied to de-noise the ARIS sonar data and a convolutional neural network model has been built to classify eels and non-eel objects. Because of the unbalanced amounts of data in laboratory and field experiments, a transfer learning strategy is implemented to fine-tune the convolutional neural network model so that it performs well for both the laboratory and field data. The proposed system can provide important information to develop mitigation strategies for safe passage of out-migrating eels at hydroelectric facilities

    Waveform modeling and inversion of ambient noise cross-correlation functions in a coastal ocean environment

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    The article of record as published may be found at https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4928303Theoretical studies have shown that cross-correlation functions (CFs) of time series of ambient noise measured at two locations yield approximations to the Green's functions (GFs) that describe propagation between those locations. Specifically, CFs are estimates of weighted GFs. In this paper, it is demonstrated that measured CFs in the 20–70 Hz band can be accurately modeled as weighted GFs using ambient noise data collected in the Florida Straits at ∼100 m depth with horizontal separations of 5 and 10 km. Two weighting functions are employed. These account for (1) the dipole radiation pattern produced by a near-surface source, and (2) coherence loss of surface-reflecting energy in time-averaged CFs resulting from tidal fluctuations. After describing the relationship between CFs and GFs, the inverse problem is considered and is shown to result in an environmental model for which agreement between computed and simulated CFs is good

    FTO-mediated m6A demethylation regulates GnRH expression in the hypothalamus via the PLCβ3/Ca2+/CAMK signalling pathway

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    Abstract N6-methyladenosine (m6A) plays a crucial role in the development and functional homeostasis of the central nervous system. The fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene, which is highly expressed in the hypothalamus, is closely related to female pubertal development. In this study, we found that m6A methylation decreased in the hypothalamus gradually with puberty and decreased in female rats with precocious puberty. FTO expression was increased at the same time. Methylated RNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeRIP-seq) showed that the m6A methylation of PLCβ3, a key enzyme of the Ca2+ signalling pathway, was decreased significantly in the hypothalamus in precocious rats. Upregulating FTO increased PLCβ3 expression and activated the Ca2+ signalling pathway, which promoted GnRH expression. Dual-luciferase reporter and MeRIP-qPCR assays confirmed that FTO regulated m6A demethylation of PLCβ3 and promoted PLCβ3 expression. Upon overexpressing FTO in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) in female rats, we observed advanced puberty onset. Meanwhile, PLCβ3 and GnRH expression in the hypothalamus increased significantly, and the Ca2+ signalling pathway was activated. Our study demonstrates that FTO enhances GnRH expression, which promotes puberty onset, by regulating m6A demethylation of PLCβ3 and activating the Ca2+ signalling pathway

    Ocean remote sensing with acoustic daylight: Lessons from experiments in the Florida Straits

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    Ambient and shipping noise in the ocean provides acoustic illumination, which can be used, similarly to daylight in the atmosphere, to characterize the environment. Phase information, which is particularly sensitive to sound speed variations and current velocity, can be retrieved from noise observations by the process known as noise interferometry. Approximations to acoustic Green's functions, which describe sound propagation between two locations, are estimated by cross-correlating time series of diffuse noise measured at those locations. Noise-interferometry-based approximations to Green's functions can be used as the basis for a variety of inversion algorithms, thereby providing a purely passive alternative to active-source ocean acoustic remote sensing. This paper gives an overview of results from noise interferometry experiments conducted in the Florida Straits at 100 m depth in December 2012, and at 600 m depth in September/October 2013. Under good conditions for noise interferometry, estimates of cross-correlation functions are shown to allow one to perform advanced phase-coherent signal processing techniques to: perform waveform inversions; estimate currents by exploiting nonreciprocity; perform time-reversal/back-propagation calculations; and investigate modal dispersion using time-warping techniques. Conditions which are favorable for noise interferometry are identified and discussed. [Work supported by NSF and ONR.