317 research outputs found

    Organic Soil Management: Impacts on Yields, Soil Quality and Economics

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    Understanding organic management practices is a key in developing sustainable organic farming systems. We report the results of four different organic fertilization strategies in a field trial on yields, soil quality and economic performance. We found highest yields and economic performance in two direct plant feeding strategies. One of these strategies, a newly developed strategy based on biowaste compost (GFT) and an additional fertilizer performed well in terms of yields but looks also very promising in terms of soil quality and biodiversity. The economic perspective of this strategy renders it promising in regions with little animal manures

    Organic fertilisers of the mac trial and their impact on soil quality, environment and climate change

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    After 8 years, the MAC field trial in Lelystad, the Netherlands, shows the effects of different fertiliser strategies, ranging from animal manure to plant compost to mineral fertiliser. The impact on yield, soil quality, soil health, environment and climate change is discussed. The trial is unique in monitoring the effect of so many types of fertilisers over so many year

    Hulpmeststoffen: inzet en werking in de open teelten

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    Ondanks een strategie gericht op verzorging van de bodemvruchtbaarheid kan tijdens de biologische teelt van groenten- en akkerbouwgewassen een additionele gift met een snelwerkende meststof noodzakelijk zijn. In de praktijk hebben we het dan over de inzet van hulpmeststoffen. Voor de biologische landbouw zijn er diverse hulpmeststoffen op de markt. De verschillen zitten vooral in de stikstofbeschikbaarheid, de herkomst en de prijs. In deze brochure zetten we de actuele kennis op een rij

    Aardbei op weerbare bodem : benutten van natuurlijke functies voor het leveren van ecosysteemdiensten

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    In this research, 11 soils of strawberry growers in Noord-Brabant and Limburg are examined for disease suppressiveness. Soils are examined for a number of biological, chemical and physical characteristics, in order to relate those parameters to the degree of disease suppressiveness. Strawberry growers were interviewed on management practices, in particular on the application of organic manure and compost, and on the frequency and use of chemical soil disinfestation

    De ontwikkeling van een indicator voor het bodemleven en de bodemkwaliteit van akkergronden op basis van overige aaltjes

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    Om vast te stellen of de doelen voor duurzamer bodemgebruik worden gehaald, kunnen indicatoren worden gebruikt. Op basis van de wetenschappelijke literatuur bleek dat aaltjes relevant zijn voor het bodemvoedselweb en de functionele biodiversiteit. Ook bleek dat aaltjes goede mogelijkheden bieden om als indicator te worden gebruikt. Om de indicator te kunnen gebruiken moet deze op de een of andere manier iets zeggen over het bodemleven (biodiversiteit) en bodemkwaliteit. Er werd veel tijd besteed aan de implementatie en kwaliteitscontrole van de DNA-testen. Uit eerdere ervaringen bleek namelijk dat het overzetten van DNA-testen uit laboratoriumomstandigheden naar routineomstandigheden niet zo eenvoudig was

    Organic fertilisers of the MAC trial and their impact on soil quality, environment and climate change.

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    After 8 years, the MAC field trial in Lelystad, the Netherlands, shows the effects of different fertiliser strategies, ranging from animal manure to plant compost to mineral fertiliser. The impact on yield, soil quality, soil health, environment and climate change is discussed. The trial is unique in monitoring th eeffect of so many types of fertilisers over so many years

    Waiting List Dynamics and Lung Transplantation Outcomes After Introduction of the Lung Allocation Score in The Netherlands

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    The Netherlands was the third country to adopt the lung allocation score (LAS) for national allocation of donor lungs in April 2014. Evaluations of the introduction of the LAS in the United States and Germany showed mainly beneficial effects, including increased survival after transplantation. Methods: Data for transplant candidates from 2010 to 2019 were retrieved from the Dutch Transplant Foundation database. Diagnosis categories and outcomes were compared between the periods before and after the introduction of the LAS. Time-dependent Cox regression and Fine-Gray analyses were performed to compare the chance for transplantation before and after introduction of the LAS. Results: The cohort comprised 1276 patients. After introduction of the LAS, the annual number of transplantations and waiting list mortality did not change. The proportion of patients on the waiting list and transplanted patients with pulmonary fibrosis increased (25%-37%, P < 0.001; 22%-39%, P < 0.001). The chance of transplantation increased significantly for patients with pulmonary fibrosis after introduction of the LAS (hazard ratio 1.9 [95% confidence interval 1.4-2.9]). Patients who died on the waiting list had an increased LAS compared to the time of placement on the waiting list, reflecting clinical deterioration. This was not the case in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P < 0.001). Overall survival was similar after introduction of the LAS (5-y survival 68%, compared to 74% [P = 0.171]). Conclusions: After the introduction of the LAS in The Netherlands, an increased proportion of transplantations was performed for patients with pulmonary fibrosis. Overall survival after transplantation did not change

    Kennis en ervaring minimale grondbewerking : verslag van de "FAB-II bodem "bijenkomst 16 februari 2009

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    Maandag 16 februari 2009 vond van 13:00 tot 17:00 de bijeenkomst “Kennis en ervaring minimale grondbewerking” plaats op de proefboerderij van PPO-agv te Westmaas. Na een plenair deel met bijdragen vanuit onderzoek, advies en teeltontwikkelingen werd in discussiegroepen de huidige stand in de praktijk besproken om kennislacunes bloot te leggen. Dit verslag geeft een overzicht van de resultaten en ingangspunten voor vervolgonderzoek en activiteite

    Low-dose CT measurements of airway dimensions and emphysema associated with airflow limitation in heavy smokers:a cross sectional study

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    Background: Increased airway wall thickness (AWT) and parenchymal lung destruction both contribute to airflow limitation. Advances in computed tomography (CT) post-processing imaging allow to quantify these features. The aim of this Dutch population study is to assess the relationships between AWT, lung function, emphysema and respiratory symptoms.Methods: AWT and emphysema were assessed by low-dose CT in 500 male heavy smokers, randomly selected from a lung cancer screening population. AWT was measured in each lung lobe in cross-sectionally reformatted images with an automated imaging program at locations with an internal diameter of 3.5 mm, and validated in smaller cohorts of patients. The 15th percentile method (Perc15) was used to assess the severity of emphysema. Information about respiratory symptoms and smoking behavior was collected by questionnaires and lung function by spirometry.Results: Median AWT in airways with an internal diameter of 3.5 mm (AWT(3.5)) was 0.57 (0.44 - 0.74) mm. Median AWT in subjects without symptoms was 0.52 (0.41-0.66) and in those with dyspnea and/or wheezing 0.65 (0.52-0.81) mm (pConclusions: Post processing standardization of airway wall measurements provides a reliable and useful method to assess airway wall thickness. Increased airway wall thickness contributes more to airflow limitation than emphysema in a smoking male population even after adjustment for smoking behavior.</p

    A Multi-Modal Public Transport Solution For Male, Maldives

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    Male, the island capital of the Maldives, an archipelago of over 1000 islands in the Indian Ocean faces chronic traffic congestion. This 2 sq km island is home to over 100,000 people. There is a taxi service comprising of around 450 vehicles and a dhoni (ferry) service amounting to over 100 vessels to neighbouring islands. Male, which is fast becoming a small urban centre faces typical peak period traffic issues. The vehicle fleet is dominated by motor cycles which still contribute to traffic congestion in narrow streets. The taxi system which comprises of individually owned taxis registered with a ‘call centre’, provide limited services but fails during peak demand periods especially on rainy days. There is very little coordination between the ferry and taxi services. The paper is based on the results of a detailed urban transport planning study carried out in Male Urban Area which included passenger interviews, vehicle counts and travel time surveys covering all modes of motorized and non-motorized travel. This paper investigates the introduction of a mini-bus transport system that would provide easy transfers between ferries and major traffic generators and attractors. The contribution of a mini-bus service in the long-term is also discussed with respect to implementation of traffic demand management measures. This paper discuses the most appropriate type of vehicle that could be used and the potential framework for ownership and management of such a system taking in to consideration the multi-modal connectivity and also the service parameters for the operation of a successful minibus service. The paper also analyses the present operation of the ferry services and investigates its ownership and operation parameters for efficiency and cost effectiveness. The paper reports reasons for the varied efficiencies seen on the different routes and the impact the informal and loosely regulated service providers have on the key performance indicators of these services. It also compares cost between different ferry services and studies the relationship between the ownership structure, technology levels, productivity and fare.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne