165 research outputs found

    Quantum Degenerate Systems

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    Degenerate dynamical systems are characterized by symplectic structures whose rank is not constant throughout phase space. Their phase spaces are divided into causally disconnected, nonoverlapping regions such that there are no classical orbits connecting two different regions. Here the question of whether this classical disconnectedness survives quantization is addressed. Our conclusion is that in irreducible degenerate systems --in which the degeneracy cannot be eliminated by redefining variables in the action--, the disconnectedness is maintained in the quantum theory: there is no quantum tunnelling across degeneracy surfaces. This shows that the degeneracy surfaces are boundaries separating distinct physical systems, not only classically, but in the quantum realm as well. The relevance of this feature for gravitation and Chern-Simons theories in higher dimensions cannot be overstated.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Back-reaction of a conformal field on a three-dimensional black hole

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    The first order corrections to the geometry of the (2+1)-dimensional black hole due to back-reaction of a massless conformal scalar field are computed. The renormalized stress energy tensor used as the source of Einstein equations is computed with the Green function for the black-hole background with transparent boundary conditions. This tensor has the same functional form as the one found in the nonperturbative case which can be exactly solved. Thus, a static, circularly symmetric and asymptotically anti-de Sitter black hole solution of the semiclassical equations is found. The corrections to the thermodynamic quantities are also computed.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Topological Invariants, Instantons and Chiral Anomaly on Spaces with Torsion

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    In a spacetime with nonvanishing torsion there can occur topologically stable configurations associated with the frame bundle which are independent of the curvature. The relevant topological invariants are integrals of local scalar densities first discussed by Nieh and Yan (N-Y). In four dimensions, the N-Y form N=(TaTaRabeaeb)N= (T^a \wedge T_a - R_{ab} \wedge e^a \wedge e^b) is the only closed 4-form invariant under local Lorentz rotations associated with the torsion of the manifold. The integral of NN over a compact D-dimensional (Euclidean) manifold is shown to be a topological invariant related to the Pontryagin classes of SO(D+1) and SO(D). An explicit example of a topologically nontrivial configuration carrying nonvanishing instanton number proportional to N\int N is costructed. The chiral anomaly in a four-dimensional spacetime with torsion is also shown to contain a contribution proportional to NN, besides the usual Pontryagin density related to the spacetime curvature. The violation of chiral symmetry can thus depend on the instanton number of the tangent frame bundle of the manifold. Similar invariants can be constructed in D>4 dimensions and the existence of the corresponding nontrivial excitations is also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, RevTeX, no figures, two column

    Thermodynamics of Black Holes in Schroedinger Space

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    A black hole and a black hyperboloid solutions in the space with the Schroedinger isometries are presented and their thermodynamics is examined. The on-shell action is obtained by the difference between the extremal and non-extremal ones with the unusual matching of the boundary metrics. This regularization method is first applied to the black brane solution in the space of the Schroedinger symmetry and shown to correctly reproduce the known thermodynamics. The actions of the black solutions all turn out to be the same as the AdS counterparts. The phase diagram of the black hole system is obtained in the parameter space of the temperature and chemical potential and the diagram contains the Hawking-Page phase transition and instability lines.Comment: 20 page

    New Gauge Supergravity in Seven and Eleven Dimensions

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    Locally supersymmetric systems in odd dimensions whose Lagrangians are Chern-Simons forms for supersymmetric extensions of anti-de Sitter gravity are discussed. The construction is illustrated for D=7 and 11. In seven dimensions the theory is an N=2 supergravity whose fields are the vielbein (eμae_{\mu}^{a}), the spin connection (ωμab\omega_{\mu}^{ab}), two gravitini (ψμi\psi_{\mu}^{i}) and an sp(2)sp(2) gauge connection (aμjia_{\mu j}^{i}). These fields form a connection for osp(28)osp(2|8). In eleven dimensions the theory is an N=1 supergravity containing, apart from eμae_{\mu}^{a} and ωμab\omega_{\mu}^{ab}, one gravitino ψμ\psi_{\mu}, and a totally antisymmetric fifth rank Lorentz tensor one-form, bμabcdeb_{\mu}^{abcde}. These fields form a connection for osp(321)osp(32|1). The actions are by construction invariant under local supersymmetry and the algebra closes off shell without requiring auxiliary fields. The N=2[D/2]N=2^{[D/2]}-theory can be shown to have nonnegative energy around an AdS background, which is a classical solution that saturates the Bogomolnyi bound obtained from the superalgebra.Comment: 5pages, RevTeX, no figures, two columns, minor typos correcte

    Conserved charges for gravity with locally AdS asymptotics

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    A new formula for the conserved charges in 3+1 gravity for spacetimes with local AdS asymptotic geometry is proposed. It is shown that requiring the action to have an extremum for this class of asymptotia sets the boundary term that must be added to the Lagrangian as the Euler density with a fixed weight factor. The resulting action gives rise to the mass and angular momentum as Noether charges associated to the asymptotic Killing vectors without requiring specification of a reference background in order to have a convergent expression. A consequence of this definition is that any negative constant curvature spacetime has vanishing Noether charges. These results remain valid in the limit of vanishing cosmological constant.Comment: 5 pages, 2 Columns, revtex. Last version for Phys. Rev. Let

    Higher codimension braneworlds from intersecting branes

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    We study the matching conditions of intersecting brane worlds in Lovelock gravity in arbitrary dimension. We show that intersecting various codimension 1 and/or codimension 2 branes one can find solutions that represent energy-momentum densities localized in the intersection, providing thus the first examples of infinitesimally thin higher codimension braneworlds that are free of singularities and where the backreaction of the brane in the background is fully taken into account.Comment: 20 pages; v2. references and comments added to match the published versio

    Predicting total reaction cross sections for nucleon-nucleus scattering

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    Nucleon total reaction and neutron total cross sections to 300 MeV for 12C and 208Pb, and for 65 MeV spanning the mass range, are predicted using coordinate space optical potentials formed by full folding of effective nucleon-nucleon interactions with realistic nuclear ground state densities. Good to excellent agreement is found with existing data.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Reply to the comment by D. Kreimer and E. Mielke

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    We respond to the comment by Kreimer et. al. about the torsional contribution to the chiral anomaly in curved spacetimes. We discuss their claims and refute its main conclusion.Comment: 9 pages, revte