7 research outputs found

    La satira: uno specchio dell’antipolitica nell’Italia giolittiana

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    In Italia la stampa satirica ha sempre potuto contare su un nutrito pubblico di lettori. In sede storica, al contrario, non ha goduto della giusta considerazione, pur essendo una fonte fondamentale per fare una storia della mentalità. Più di ogni altro mezzo espressivo, la satira cerca ed esige la complicità del destinatario. L’autore satirico sia che voglia blandire o turbare i propri lettori, non può fare a meno di confrontarsi con la loro mentalità e partire da essa per elaborare le modalità espressive e il contenuto del suo messaggio.Nel corso dell’età giolittiana la difficoltà di costruire un felice rapporto tra governo e governati creò le condizioni per la diffusione di un generalizzato malcontento nei confronti della classe dirigente e della politica tout court. In questo contesto, la satira ha giocato un ruolo significativo nel rappresentare l’opinione pubblica offrendo ai sentimenti antipolitici un ambito entro il quale esprimersi.Prendendo in esame la produzione satirica di un periodico celebre come il «Travaso delle idee» è possibile risalire alla mentalità del ceto piccolo-borghese, al quale il settimanale si rivolgeva, e desumere un paradigma della retorica antipolitica declinata dalla satira.In Italy, the satirical press has always had a wide readership. The historians, on the contrary, rarely have used the satirical press as a source in their studies, although it is a key source to history of mentality. More than any other means of expression, satire requires the complicity of his audience. The satirist, whether he want coax or whether disturb his readers, must confront with their mentality and he must start from it to develop the ways of expression and the content of the message.During the giolittian age the difficulty of building a successful relationship between the government and the citizens created the conditions for the diffusion of a general dissatisfaction with the ruling class and politics in general. In this context, the satire has played a significant role to represent the public opinion and it has offered a framework to the anti-politics feeling to express themselves.Looking to the pages of the «Travaso delle idee», a famous satirical magazine, we can be study and understand the mentality of middle class, and we can derive a paradigm of anti-politic rhetoric declined from satire

    La satira: uno specchio dell'antipolitica nell'Italia giolittiana

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    In Italia la stampa satirica ha sempre potuto contare su un nutrito pubblico di lettori. In sede storica, al contrario, non ha goduto della giusta considerazione, pur essendo una fonte fondamentale per fare una storia della mentalità. Più di ogni altro mezzo espressivo, la satira cerca ed esige la complicità del destinatario. L�autore satirico sia che voglia blandire o turbare i propri lettori, non può fare a meno di confrontarsi con la loro mentalità e partire da essa per elaborare le modalità espressive e il contenuto del suo messaggio. Nel corso dell�età giolittiana la difficoltà di costruire un felice rapporto tra governo e governati creò le condizioni per la diffusione di un generalizzato malcontento nei confronti della classe dirigente e della politica tout court. In questo contesto, la satira ha giocato un ruolo significativo nel rappresentare l�opinione pubblica offrendo ai sentimenti antipolitici un ambito entro il quale esprimersi. Prendendo in esame la produzione satirica di un periodico celebre come il «Travaso delle idee» è possibile risalire alla mentalità del ceto piccolo-borghese, al quale il settimanale si rivolgeva, e desumere un paradigma della retorica antipolitica declinata dalla satira

    Cardiac adaptation to severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia

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    7noABSTRACT Objective Prenatal heart adaptations to congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) could help define postnatal outcome. Methods We retrospectively analyzed post-mortem tissues from fetuses with severe CDH (n = 7). Histology and immunohistochemical distribution of desmin, muscle actin [HHF35], endothelin-1 [ET-1] and TGF-β were evaluated. Results In the atrium, desmin, HHF35, ET-1, TGF-β were found expressed only in preterm CDH. Dishomogeneous ventricular distribution of cardiac growth factors were detected in term CDH. The cardiomyocyte nucleus/cytoplasmatic ratio in CDH was higher compared with controls (p = 0.01). Small intramyocardial artery density and vascular wall thickness was increased in CDH compared with controls (p = 0.03 and p < 0.01). In comparison with the ventricles, the interventricular septum showed a greater vessel density (p = 0.01) and a greater vascular wall thickness, particularly compared with the CDH right ventricle (p = 0.02). Conclusion Left ventricle immaturity seems to be a cardiac adaptive response of severe CDH in utero.reservedmixedPelizzo, Gloria; Bussani, Rossana; Zandonà, Lorenzo; Custrin, Ana; Bellieni, Carlo Valerio; De Silvestri, Annalisa; Calcaterra, ValeriaPelizzo, Gloria; Bussani, Rossana; Zandonà, Lorenzo; Custrin, Ana; Bellieni, Carlo Valerio; De Silvestri, Annalisa; Calcaterra, Valeri

    La satira: uno specchio dell’antipolitica nell’Italia giolittiana

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    In Italy, the satirical press has always had a wide readership. The historians, on the contrary, rarely have used the satirical press as a source in their studies, although it is a key source to history of mentality. More than any other means of expression, satire requires the complicity of his audience. The satirist, whether he want coax or whether disturb his readers, must confront with their mentality and he must start from it to develop the ways of expression and the content of the message. During the giolittian age the difficulty of building a successful relationship between the government and the citizens created the conditions for the diffusion of a general dissatisfaction with the ruling class and politics in general. In this context, the satire has played a significant role to represent the public opinion and it has offered a framework to the anti-politics feeling to express themselves. Looking to the pages of the «Travaso delle idee», a famous satirical magazine, we can be study and understand the mentality of middle class, and we can derive a paradigm of anti-politic rhetoric declined from satire

    Gut Microbiota Profiling of Pediatric Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Obese Patients Unveiled by an Integrated Meta-omics-Based Approach

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    There is evidence that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is affected by gut microbiota. Therefore, we investigated its modifications in paediatric NAFLD patients using targeted-metagenomics (MG) and metabolomics (MB). Stools were collected from 61 consecutive patients diagnosed with NAFL, NASH, or obesity and 54 healthy subjects (CTRLs), matched in a case-control fashion. Operational taxonomic units were pyrosequenced targeting 16S ribosomal RNA and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) determined by solid-phase micro-extraction GC-MS. The α-diversity was highest in CTRLs followed by obese, NASH, NAFL patients and β-diversity distinguished between patients and CTRLs, but not NAFL and NASH. Compared to CTRLs, in NAFLD patients Actinobacteria were significantly increased and Bacteroidetes reduced. There were no significant differences amongst NAFL, NASH, and obese groups. Overall NAFLD patients had increased levels of Bradyrhizobium, Anaerococcus, Peptoniphilus, Propionibacterium acnes, Dorea, Ruminococcus and reduced proportions of Oscillospira and Rikenellaceae compared to CTRLs. After reducing MG and MB data dimensionality, multivariate analyses indicated Oscillospira decrease in NAFL and NASH groups, and Ruminococcus, Blautia, and Dorea increase in NASH patients compared to CTRLs. Of the 292 VOCs, 26 were up- and 2 down-regulated in NAFLD patients. Multivariate analyses found that combination of Oscillospira, Rickenellaceae, Parabacteroides, Bacteroides fragilis, Sutterella, Lachnospiraceae, 4-methyl-2-pentanone, 1-butanol, and 2-butanone could discriminate NAFLD patients from CTRLs. Univariate analyses found significantly lower levels of Oscillospira and higher levels of 1-pentanol and 2-butanone in NAFL compared to CTRLs. In NASH, lower levels of Oscillospira were associated with higher abundance of Dorea, Ruminococcus and higher levels of 2-butanone, 4-methyl-2-pentanone compared to CTRLs