211 research outputs found

    Variable localization of Toll-like receptors in human fallopian tube epithelial cells

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    Objective: To determine the localization, expression, and function of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in fallopian tube epithelial cells. Methods: The localization of TLRs in fallopian tube epithelial cells was investigated by immunostaining. Surprisingly, the intensity of staining was not equal in the secretory and ciliated cells. After primary cell culture of fallopian tube epithelial cells, ring cloning was used to isolate colonies of ciliated epithelial cells, distinct from non-ciliated epithelial cells. The expression of TLRs 1-10 was examined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, and protein localization was confirmed by immunostaining. The function of the TLRs was determined by interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-8 production in response to TLR2, TLR3, TLR5, TLR7, and TLR9 ligands. Results: Fallopian tube epithelial cells expressed TLRs 1-10 in a cell-type-specific manner. Exposing fallopian tube epithelial cells to TLR2, TLR3, TLR5, TLR7, and TLR9 agonists induced the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 and IL-8. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that TLR expression in the fallopian tubes is cell-type-specific. According to our results, ciliated cells may play more effective role than non-ciliated cells in the innate immune defense of the fallopian tubes, and in interactions with gametes and embryos

    The Effect of Estradiol and Progesterone on Toll Like Receptor Gene Expression in A Human Fallopian Tube Epithelial Cell Line

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    OBJECTIVE: Toll like receptors (TLRs) are one of the main components of the innate im- mune system. It has been reported that expression of these receptors are altered in the female reproductive tract (FRT) during menstrual cycle. Here we used a fallopian tube epithelial cell line (OE-E6/E7) to evaluate the effect of two sex hormones in modulating TLR expression. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this experimental study, initially TLR gene expression in OE- E6/E7 cells was evaluated and compared with that of fallopian tube tissue using quanti- tative real time-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and immunostaining. Thereafter, OE-E6/E7 cells were cultured with different concentrations of estradiol and progesterone, and combination of both. qRT-PCR was performed to reveal any changes in expression of TLR genes as a result of hormonal treatment. RESULTS: TLR1-10 genes were expressed in human fallopian tube tissue. TLR1-6 genes and their respective proteins were expressed in the OE-E6/E7 cell line. Although estradiol and progesterone separately had no significant effect on TLR expression, their combined treatment altered the expression of TLRs in this cell line. Also, the pattern of TLR expres- sion in preovulation (P), mensturation (M) and window of implantation (W) were the same for all TLRs with no significant differences between P, M and W groups. CONCLUSION: These data show the significant involvement of the combination of es- tradiol and progesterone in modulation of TLR gene expression in this human fal- lopian tube cell line. Further experiments may reveal the regulatory mechanism and signalling pathway behind the effect of sex hormones in modulating TLRs in the hu- man FRT

    Human sperm DNA damage has an effect on immunological interaction between spermatozoa and fallopian tube

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    Background: Toll-like receptors play a crucial role in the immunological interaction between the spermatozoa and fallopian tube and contribute to the ovulation, sperm capacitation, fertilization, and pregnancy. Objectives: To investigate the expression of toll-like receptors and their adaptor molecules and cytokines under the effect of spermatozoa with high DNA fragmentation (high DF) in human fallopian tube cell line (OE-E6/E7) and compare to those in normal spermatozoa. Materials and methods: Fresh semen samples were obtained from 10 unexplained infertile males with high DF (more than 20) and from 10 healthy donors with a DF less than 3. After sperm preparation, samples were co-cultured with OE-E6/E7. Toll-like receptors, myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), TIR domain-containing adapter protein (TIRAP), TIR domain-containing adapter-inducing IFN-b (TRIF), TRIF-related adapter molecule as well as IL-6, IL-8, IFN-�, and TNFa mRNA expression were evaluated by quantitative real-time PCR. Protein levels of these cytokines and chemokines were measured using ELISA method. Results: TLR 1-6 mRNA expression in OE-E6/E7 was significantly higher under the effect of spermatozoa with high DF compared to the spermatozoa with low DF. Furthermore, significantly increased mRNA expression of MyD88, TIRAP, and TRIF was observed in the high DF group compared to the low DF group, except TRIF-related adapter molecule. Moreover, the expression of IL-6 and IL-8 in the high DF group was significantly higher than low DF group, although there was no significant difference in IFN-� and TNFa expression between the groups. Discussion and conclusion: Damage-associated molecular patterns from DNA damage activate TLR signaling pathway in human fallopian tubes and result in the upregulation of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. This situation may provide pathologic environment for capacitation, fertilization, embryo development, and implantation in female reproductive tract and can be one of the mechanisms of infertility in men with high DF. © 2019 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Androlog

    Sex hormones alter the response of Toll-like receptor 3 to its specific ligand in fallopian tube epithelial cells.

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    Objective: The fallopian tubes play a critical role in the early events of fertilization. The rapid innate immune defense is an important part of the fallopian tubes. Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3), as a part of the innate immune system, plays an important role in detecting viral infections. In this basic and experimental study, the effect of sex hormones on the function of TLR3 in the OE-E6/E7 cell line was investigated. Methods: The functionality of TLR3 in this cell line was evaluated by cytokine measurements (interleukin [IL]-6 and IL-1b) and the effects of sex hormones on TLR3 were tested by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Additionally, TLR3 small interfering RNA (siRNA) and a TLR3 function-blocking antibody were used to confirm our findings. Results: The production of IL-6 significantly increased in the presence of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly(I:C)) as the TLR3 ligand. Using a TLR3-siRNA-ransfected OE-E6/E7 cell line and function-blocking antibody confirmed that cytokine production was due to TLR3. In addition, 17-β estradiol and progesterone suppressed the production of IL-6 in the presence and absence of poly(I:C). Conclusion: These results imply that sex hormones exerted a suppressive effect on the function of TLR3 in the fallopian tube cell line when different concentrations of sex hormones were present. The current results also suggest that estrogen receptor beta and nuclear progesterone receptor B are likely to mediate the hormonal regulation of TLR3, as these two receptors are the main estrogen and progesterone receptors in OE-E6/E7 cell line

    Design and evaluation of a novel nanodrug delivery system for reducing the side effects of clomiphene citrate on endometrium

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    Background: Stimulation of ovulation with clomiphene citrate can cause side effects on endometrial receptivity. Formulation with nano-size may be an alternative therapy for women with ovulatory disorders. In this study, we investigated sustained-release clomiphene citrate by using Phosal-based formulation (PBF) and evaluate its decreased side effect on the endometrial receptivity. Methods: In the in-vitro study, CC loaded PBF was analyzed using Zetasizer, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In the in-vivo study, 24 female mice were randomly divided into three groups: CC (5 mg/kg), CC/PBF (5 mg/kg) and SS (1 ml) daily administered and injected with 5 IU HCG and mated after two days. At day 4.5, pregnant mice were euthanized and endometrial tissue was extracted for quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) analysis. Results: The optimized PBF contained Phosal 50PG/glycerol in a 2:8 ratios (w/w) and the particle size of optimum formulation was 67 ± 0.30551 nm and the release of CC from CC-containing PBF was slightly faster in the first 24 h; wherein, 29 of CC was released, and 76 of CC was released up to 120 h. The mRNA levels of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), leukemia inhibitory factor receptor alpha (LIFR), HOXA10, Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (HB-EGF), and epidermal growth factor (EGF) were significantly upregulated and MUC1 and PGR mRNA levels were significantly downregulated in the CC-containing PBF-treated animals compared with only CC group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Sustained release formulation of clomiphene citrate increased its targeting efficiency and improved the impact of the CC on implantation. Figure not available: see fulltext. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Comparative evaluation of NOTCH signaling molecules in the endometrium of women with various gynecological diseases during the window of implantation

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    Objective(s): NOTCH signaling pathway is well known for its role in cell fate, cell survival, cell differentiation, and apoptosis. Some of the NOTCH signaling genes are critical for endometrial function and implantation in animals and appear to play a similar role in humans. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the potential roles of some main components of the NOTCH family in human endometrium during implantation period in common gynecological diseases. Materials and Methods: Endometrial NOTCH receptors NOTCH1, 3, 4 and ligand JAG1, 2 and survivin mRNA expression were investigated using the Q-PCR technique and the amount of the JAG1, 2 proteins was also determined by Western blot. Samples were obtained from 12 patients with endometriosis, 12 patients with repeated implantation failure (RIF), 12 patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and 10 healthy fertile women as a control group. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 18. Group comparisons were performed by one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis. Results: All patient groups failed to show the expected mid-luteal increase in NOTCH1, JAG 1, 2, and survivin expression as documented in the control group. Moreover, a significant rise in NOTCH3 expression levels was found only in PCOS women. There was a direct correlation between gene expression and protein level for JAG 1, 2. Conclusion: Aberrant NOTCH signaling molecules expression suggests that altered development of the endometrium at the molecular level may be associated with the impaired decidualization and implantation failure in gynecological disorders such as endometriosis, PCOS, and RIF. © 2019, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Comparing various protocols of human and bovine ovarian tissue decellularization to prepare extracellular matrix-alginate scaffold for better follicle development in vitro

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    Background: Nowadays, the number of cancer survivors is significantly increasing as a result of efficient chemo/radio therapeutic treatments. Female cancer survivors may suffer from decreased fertility. In this regard, different fertility preservation techniques were developed. Artificial ovary is one of these methods suggested by several scientific groups. Decellularized ovarian cortex has been introduced as a scaffold in the field of human fertility preservation. This study was carried out to compare decellularization of the ovarian scaffold by various protocols and evaluate the follicle survival in extracellular matrix (ECM)-alginate scaffold. Results: The micrographs of H&E and DAPI staining confirmed successful decellularization of the ovarian cortex in all experimental groups, but residual DNA content in SDS-Triton group was significantly higher than other groups (P < 0.05). SEM images demonstrated that complex fiber network and porosity structure were maintained in all groups. Furthermore, elastin and collagen fibers were observed in all groups after decellularization process. MTT test revealed higher cytobiocompatibility of the SDS-Triton-Ammonium and SDS-Triton decellularized scaffolds compared with SDS groups. Compared to the transferred follicles into the sodium alginate (81), 85.9 of the transferred follicles into the decellularized scaffold were viable after 7 days of cultivation (P = 0.04). Conclusion: Although all the decellularization procedures was effective in removal of cells from ovarian cortex, SDS-Triton-Ammonium group showed less residual DNA content with higher cytobiocompatibility for follicles when compared with other groups. In addition, the scaffold made from ovarian tissues decellularized using SDS-Triton-Ammonium and sodium alginate is suggested as a potential 3D substrate for in vitro culture of follicles for fertility preservation. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Circulating levels of Meteorin-like protein in polycystic ovary syndrome: A case-control study

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    Patients diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are at high risk of developing a myriad of endocrinologic and metabolic derailments. Moreover, PCOS is a leading cause of habitual abortion, also known as recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Meteorin-like protein (Metrnl) is a newly discovered adipokine with the potential to counteract the metaflammation. This study aimed at determining the associations of serum Metrnl levels with homocysteine, hs-CRP, and some components of metabolic syndrome in PCOS-RPL and infertile PCOS patients.This case-control study was conducted in 120 PCOS patients (60 PCOSRPL and 60 infertile) and 60 control. Serum hs-CRP and homocysteine were assessed using commercial kits, while adiponectin, Metrnl, FSH, LH, free testosterone and insulin levels were analyzed using ELISA technique. Serum Metrnl levels were found to be lower in PCOS patients when compared to controls (67.98 ± 26.66 vs. 96.47 ± 28.72 pg/mL, P 0.001)). Furthermore, serum adiponectin levels were lower, while free testosterone, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, homocysteine, and hs-CRP were significantly higher in PCOS group compared to controls. Moreover, serum Metrnl correlated with BMI, adiponectin, and homocysteine in controls, and inversely correlated with FBG, fasting insulin, and HOMA-IR in PCOS group and subgroups. Besides, it inversely correlated with hs-CRP in control, and PCOS group and subgroups. These findings revealed a possible role of Metrnl in the pathogenesis of PCOS and RPL. Nevertheless, there is a necessity for future studies to prove this concept. © 2020 Public Library of Science. All rights reserved