728 research outputs found


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    This study quantified the differences in the kinetic profiles of the back squat, deadlift, step-up, and lunge. Eleven subjects performed 2 repetitions of their 5 repetition maximum in each of the 4 exercises. Kinetic data were collected using a force platform. The exercises were compared based on their peak vertical ground reaction force (GRFP) and rate of force development (RFD) in both the eccentric and concentric phase. A repeated measures ANOVA indicated differences (p ≤ 0.001) in GRFP attained for the different exercises in both the eccentric and concentric phase. No significant differences (p ≥ 0.05) were found for RFD for any of the exercises in either the eccentric or concentric phase. Results can guide the development of training programs that are specific to strength, explosiveness, or osteogenesis

    Measuring water sorption isotherm of mortar containing chloride

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    The water sorption isotherm of materials is of great importance to predict their durability. Many different methods are used in the literature to measure this water sorption isotherm. Chloride present in concrete elements/structures e.g. in marine exposure, can change the water sorption of the material. In this paper, the water sorption isotherm of a standard mortar with and without chloride is measured with a hygroscopic method. The chloride penetration into the sample is obtained by the vacuum saturation method. Subsequently the sample is placed in a glass vessel and dried. By injecting a known amount of water into the vessel, the water evaporates and is partly adsorbed by the sample until an equilibrium state is reached. With the known amount of the injected water into the vessel, the humidity inside the vessel and the volume of the vessel, one point of the adsorption isotherm is determined. For measuring the next point, more water is injected into the vessel. More points are measured in the same manner until the sample is saturated and with this the adsorption isotherm is completed. Afterwards, the measurement of the desorption isotherm starts with blowing dry air with a known flow, humidity and duration into the vessel. After reaching equilibrium, the first point of the desorption curve is measured. The next point is measured by blowing more dry air into the vessel. This continues until the sample is completely dry and with it the desorption isotherm is also completed

    Representing composition, spatial structure and management intensity of European agricultural landscapes: A new typology

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    Comprehensive maps that characterize the variation in agricultural landscapes across Europe are lacking. In this paper we present a new Europe-wide, spatially-explicit typology and inventory of the diversity in composition, spatial structure and management intensity of European agricultural landscapes. Agricultural landscape types were characterized at a 1 k

    Suspended sediment transport around a large-scale laboratory breaker bar

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    The authors wish to thank the staff of CIEMLAB (Joaquim Sospedra, Oscar Galego and Ricardo Torres) and Mick Poppe from the University of Twente for their contributions to the experiments. We are also grateful to fellow SINBAD researchers and to prof. Peter Thorne for their feedback on preliminary results and to two anonymous reviewers and prof. dr. Suzanne J.M.H. Hulscher for their feedback on the draft manuscript. The research presented in this paper is part of the SINBAD project, funded by STW (12058) and EPSRC (EP/J00507X/1, EP/J005541/1). We further acknowledge the European Community’s FP7 project Hydralab IV (contract no. 261520) for funding the accompanying SandT-Pro experiments and the ACVP development by CNRS-LEGI (D. Hurther, P.-A. Barraud, J.-M. Barnoud).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Wave Boundary Layer Hydrodynamics and Sheet Flow Properties under Large-Scale Plunging-Type Breaking Waves

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    The authors wish to thank the staff of CIEMLAB, in particular Joaquim Sospedra, Oscar Galego and Ricardo Torres, for their hospitality and hard work during the experimental campaign. This research was funded by the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Programme through the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative HYDRALAB+ COMPLEX (no. 654110), the French DGA funded ANR Astrid Maturation project MESURE (no. ANR-16- ASMA-0005-01) and the SINBAD project funded by STW (12058) in the Netherlands and by EPSRC (EP/J00507X/1, EPJ005541/1) in the UK. Data of this study are available at U. Twente repository doi (10.4121/uuid:753f1d84-36e5-47fa-b74b-55c288545b9b). Comments and remarks raised by the two anonymous reviewers helped to improve the quality of the paper.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Methylprednisolone Treatment in Brain Death-Induced Lung Inflammation-A Dose Comparative Study in Rats

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    Background: The process of brain death (BD) leads to a pro-inflammatory state of the donor lung, which deteriorates its quality. In an attempt to preserve lung quality, methylprednisolone is widely recommended in donor lung management. However, clinical treatment doses vary and the dose-effect relation of methylprednisolone on BD-induced lung inflammation remains unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of three different doses methylprednisolone on the BD-induced inflammatory response. Methods: BD was induced in rats by inflation of a Fogarty balloon catheter in the epidural space. After 60 min of BD, saline or methylprednisolone (low dose (5 mg/kg), intermediate dose (12.5 mg/kg) or high dose (22.5 mg/kg)) was administered intravenously. The lungs were procured and processed after 4 h of BD. Inflammatory gene expressions were analyzed by RT-qPCR and influx of neutrophils and macrophages were quantified with immunohistochemical staining. Results: Methylprednisolone treatment reduced neutrophil chemotaxis as demonstrated by lower IL-8-like CINC-1 and E-selectin levels, which was most evident in rats treated with intermediate and high doses methylprednisolone. Macrophage chemotaxis was attenuated in all methylprednisolone treated rats, as corroborated by lower MCP-1 levels compared to saline treated rats. Thereby, all doses methylprednisolone reduced TNF-alpha, IL-6 and IL-1 beta tissue levels. In addition, intermediate and high doses methylprednisolone induced a protective anti-inflammatory response, as reflected by upregulated IL-10 expression when compared to saline treated brain-dead rats. Conclusion: We showed that intermediate and high doses methylprednisolone share most potential to target BD-induced lung inflammation in rats. Considering possible side effects of high doses methylprednisolone, we conclude from this study that an intermediate dose of 12.5 mg/kg methylprednisolone is the optimal treatment dose for BD-induced lung inflammation in rats, which reduces the pro-inflammatory state and additionally promotes a protective, anti-inflammatory response

    A Laboratory Study of the Effects of Size, Density, and Shape on the Wave‐Induced Transport of Floating Marine Litter

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    Floating marine litter is transported by several mechanisms, including surface waves. In studies of marine litter transport, the wave‐induced drift is set to be equal to the Stokes drift, corresponding to the Lagrangian‐mean wave‐induced drift of an infinitesimally small tracer. Large‐scale experiments are used to show how the wave‐induced drift of objects of finite size depends on their size, density, and shape. We observe increases in drift of 95% compared to Stokes drift for discs with diameters of 13% of the wavelength, up to 23% for spheres with diameters of 3% of the wavelength, whereas drift is reduced for objects that become submerged such as nets. We investigate what these findings may imply for the transport of plastic pollution in realistic wave conditions and we predict an increase in wave‐induced drift for (very) large plastic pollution objects. The different extrapolation techniques we explore to make this prediction exhibit a large range of uncertainty