1,710 research outputs found

    On the relevance of q-distribution functions: The return time distribution of restricted random walker

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    There exist a large literature on the application of qq-statistics to the out-of-equilibrium non-ergodic systems in which some degree of strong correlations exists. Here we study the distribution of first return times to zero, PR(0,t)P_R(0,t), of a random walk on the set of integers {0,1,2,...,L}\{0,1,2,...,L\} with a position dependent transition probability given by n/La|n/L|^a. We find that for all values of a[0,2]a\in[0,2] PR(0,t)P_R(0,t) can be fitted by qq-exponentials, but only for a=1a=1 is PR(0,t)P_R(0,t) given exactly by a qq-exponential in the limit LL\rightarrow\infty. This is a remarkable result since the exact analytical solution of the corresponding continuum model represents PR(0,t)P_R(0,t) as a sum of Bessel functions with a smooth dependence on aa from which we are unable to identify a=1a=1 as of special significance. However, from the high precision numerical iteration of the discrete Master Equation, we do verify that only for a=1a=1 is PR(0,t)P_R(0,t) exactly a qq-exponential and that a tiny departure from this parameter value makes the distribution deviate from qq-exponential. Further research is certainly required to identify the reason for this result and also the applicability of qq-statistics and its domain.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. The replacement correct that two papers in the reference list were not mentioned in the tex

    Discovery of GRS 1915+105 variability patterns in the Rapid Burster

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    We report the discovery of two new types of variability in the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary MXB 1730-335 (the 'Rapid Burster'). In one observation in 1999, it exhibits a large-amplitude quasi-periodic oscillation with a period of about 7 min. In another observation in 2008, it exhibits two 4-min long 75 per cent deep dips 44 min apart. These two kinds of variability are very similar to the so-called ρ\rho or 'heartbeat' variability and the θ\theta variability, respectively, seen in the black hole low-mass X-ray binaries GRS 1915+105 and IGR J17091-3624. This shows that these types of behavior are unrelated to a black hole nature of the accretor. Our findings also show that these kinds of behaviour need not take place at near-Eddington accretion rates. We speculate that they may rather be related to the presence of a relatively wide orbit with an orbital period in excess of a few days and about the relation between these instabilities and the type II bursts.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    A Firm Upper Limit to the Radius of the Neutron Star in SAX J1808.4-3658

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    We show that observations of X-ray pulsing from SAX J1808.4-3658 place a firm upper limit of 13.8 m^{1/3} km on the radius of the neutron star, where m is its mass in solar units. The limit is independent of distance or assumptions about the magnetospheric geometry, and could be significantly tightened by observations of the pulsations in the near future. We discuss the implications for the equation of state and the possible neutron star mass.Comment: (7 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters

    A new bursting X-ray transient: SAX J1750.8-2900

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    We have analysed in detail the discovery measurements of the X-ray burster SAX J1750.8-2900 by the Wide Field Cameras on board BeppoSAX in spring 1997, at a position ~1.2 degrees off the Galactic Centre. The source was in outburst on March 13th when the first observation started and showed X-ray emission for ~ 2 weeks. A total of 9 bursts were detected, with peak intensities varying from ~ 0.4 to 1.0 Crab in the 2-10 keV range. Most bursts showed a fast rise time (~ 1s), an exponential decay profile with e-folding time of ~ 5s, spectral softening during decay, and a spectrum which is consistent with few keV blackbody radiation. These features identify them as type-I X-ray bursts of thermonuclear origin. The presence of type-I bursts and the source position close to the Galactic Centre favours the classification of this object as a neutron star low mass X-ray binary. X-ray emission from SAX J1750.8-2900 was not detected in the previous and subsequent Galactic bulge monitoring, and the source was never seen bursting again.Comment: 13 pages, 3 Postscript figures, aaspp4 styl

    Relativistic outflow from two thermonuclear shell flashes on neutron stars

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    We study the exceptionally short (32-41 ms) precursors of two intermediate-duration thermonuclear X-ray bursts observed with RXTE from the neutron stars in 4U 0614+09 and 2S 0918-549. They exhibit photon fluxes that surpass those at the Eddington limit later in the burst by factors of 2.6 to 3.1. We are able to explain both the short duration and the super-Eddington flux by mildly relativistic outflow velocities of 0.1cc to 0.3cc subsequent to the thermonuclear shell flashes on the neutron stars. These are the highest velocities ever measured from any thermonuclear flash. The precursor rise times are also exceptionally short: about 1 ms. This is inconsistent with predictions for nuclear flames spreading laterally as deflagrations and suggests detonations instead. This is the first time that a detonation is suggested for such a shallow ignition column depth (yigny_{\rm ign} = 1010^{10} g cm2^{-2}). The detonation would possibly require a faster nuclear reaction chain, such as bypassing the alpha-capture on 12^{12}C with the much faster 12^{12}C(p,γ\gamma)13^{13}N(α\alpha,p)16^{16}O process previously proposed. We confirm the possibility of a detonation, albeit only in the radial direction, through the simulation of the nuclear burning with a large nuclear network and at the appropriate ignition depth, although it remains to be seen whether the Zel'dovich criterion is met. A detonation would also provide the fast flame spreading over the surface of the neutron star to allow for the short rise times. (...) As an alternative to the detonation scenario, we speculate on the possibility that the whole neutron star surface burns almost instantly in the auto-ignition regime. This is motivated by the presence of 150 ms precursors with 30 ms rise times in some superexpansion bursts from 4U 1820-30 at low ignition column depths of ~108^8 g cm2^{-2}.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic