3 research outputs found


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    Memorizing the Qur'an is a process to maintain and preserve the purity of the Qur'an which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by heart so that there is no falsification either in whole or in part. In guiding their students the teacher needs to seek several things in order to improve the ability to memorize the Al-Qur'an of the students he guides. SMP Bahrul Maghfiroh is one of the schools that facilitates students who are interested in memorizing the Qur'an by opening a new program, namely the tahfidz class. The focus of this research is to describe the efforts of tahfidz teachers in improving students' ability to memorize the Qur'an, to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors faced by tahfidz teachers in improving students' ability to memorize the Qur'an. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with the type of case study. The researcher found that the efforts made by the tahfidz teacher were to analyze abilities, provide motivation and memorization tasks and punishments, muroja'ah, and use methods. Supporting factors include special time, Qur'an Reading House facilities, food supplements, learning systems and facilities.Inhibiting factors include the lack of student understanding and correct pronunciation of makhorijul letters, changing student conditions, limited time and different student backgrounds.

    Pendampingan UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah) Dengan Pelatihan Digital Marketing Di Desa Kalibaru Manis

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    Business actors are slowly starting to leave conventional marketing methods and switch to digital marketing. Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technology via the internet, social media, cell phones, or other digital media. There are many advantages to getting from digital marketing, namely: scalable, more efficient, and broad-reaching. With the application of digital marketing, it is hoped that MSME actors will be able to develop and compete. MSME owners in Kalibaru Manis village still have problems such as limited human resources, limited business capital, system limitations in business administration, and the lack of ability for marketing, especially promotion, making them less able to compete with large business owners who are already strong and supported by advanced technology. advanced. Then, UMKM (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) assistance was carried out with Digital Marketing training in Kalibaru Manis Village, Banyuwangi Regency. With digital marketing training, it is hoped that it will be able to develop the business sector for MSME actors in Kalibaru Manis village. With collaboration with youth organizations, we are able to preserve the program that we run while carrying out mentoring in the village of Kalibaru Manis

    Inovasi Pengolahan Susu Sapi Murni menjadi Susu Aneka Rasa Guna Meningkatkan Nilai Jual

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    Susu murni merupakan bahan makanan yang bernilai gizi tinggi yang diperoleh dari hasil pemerahan hewan seperti sapi, Kerbau, Kuda, Kambing dan Unta. Susu sapi mudah rusak bila penanganannya kurang baik, Sehingga mempunyai masa simpan relatif singkat. Dusun Besuki Desa Wringinanom, Kecamatan Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang merupakan desa yang terletak di Daerah Pegunungan, dimana terletak di Lereng Gunung Semeru yang memiliki potensi memiliki banyak jenis rumput yang beraneka ragam. Makasiswa KSM Tematik UNISMA 2022 kelompok 51 melakukan sosialisasi secara langsung kepada masyarakat tentang produksi susu dan bagaimana cara pengelolahan dan memberikan aneka rasa pada susu sapi. Kebanyakan masyarakat setempat belum tau tata cara pengelolahan susu secara benar. Masyarakat yang berternak sapi perah di dusun ini kurang bervariasi, langkah mengelola susu sapi yang paling tepat yaitu dengan mengawetkan susu sapi melalui proses pemanasan dan memberikan aneka rasa pada susu, salah satunya yaitu melalui proses Pasteurisasi susu dan rasa rasa pada susu. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, diduga banyak masyarakat yang lebih menyukai susu aneka rasa dibandingkan susu murni tanpa perasa. Diharapkan dari hasil kegiatan sosialisasi pengolahan susu sapi masyarakat dapat meningkatkan minat terhadap susu dan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian hasil pengolahan susu