106 research outputs found

    Generalized Dirichlet to Neumann operator on invariant differential forms and equivariant cohomology

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    In a recent paper, Belishev and Sharafutdinov consider a compact Riemannian manifold MM with boundary M\partial M. They define a generalized Dirichlet to Neumann (DN) operator Λ\Lambda on all forms on the boundary and they prove that the real additive de Rham cohomology structure of the manifold in question is completely determined by Λ\Lambda. This shows that the DN map Λ\Lambda inscribes into the list of objects of algebraic topology. In this paper, we suppose GG is a torus acting by isometries on MM. Given XX in the Lie algebra of GG and the corresponding vector field XMX_M on MM, one defines Witten's inhomogeneous coboundary operator dXM=d+ιXMd_{X_M} = d+\iota_{X_M} on invariant forms on MM. The main purpose is to adapt Belishev and Sharafutdinov's boundary data to invariant forms in terms of the operator dXMd_{X_M} and its adjoint δXM\delta_{X_M}. In other words, we define an operator ΛXM\Lambda_{X_M} on invariant forms on the boundary which we call the XMX_M-DN map and using this we recover the long exact XMX_M-cohomology sequence of the topological pair (M,M)(M,\partial M) from an isomorphism with the long exact sequence formed from our boundary data. We then show that ΛXM\Lambda_{X_M} completely determines the free part of the relative and absolute equivariant cohomology groups of MM when the set of zeros of the corresponding vector field XMX_M is equal to the fixed point set FF for the GG-action. In addition, we partially determine the mixed cup product (the ring structure) of XMX_M-cohomology groups from ΛXM\Lambda_{X_M}. These results explain to what extent the equivariant topology of the manifold in question is determined by the XMX_M-DN map ΛXM\Lambda_{X_M}. Finally, we illustrate the connection between Belishev and Sharafutdinov's boundary data on F\partial F and ours on M\partial M.Comment: 21 page

    Spam image email filtering using K-NN and SVM

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    The developing utilization of web has advanced a simple and quick method for e-correspondence. The outstanding case for this is e-mail. Presently days sending and accepting email as a method for correspondence is prominently utilized. Be that as it may, at that point there stand up an issue in particular, Spam mails. Spam sends are the messages send by some obscure sender just to hamper the improvement of Internet e.g. Advertisement and many more.  Spammers introduced the new technique of embedding the spam mails in the attached image in the mail. In this paper, we proposed a method based on combination of SVM and KNN. SVM tend to set aside a long opportunity to prepare with an expansive information set. On the off chance that "excess" examples are recognized and erased in pre-handling, the preparation time could be diminished fundamentally. We propose a k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) based example determination strategy. The strategy tries to select the examples that are close to the choice limit and that are effectively named. The fundamental thought is to discover close neighbors to a question test and prepare a nearby SVM that jelly the separation work on the gathering of neighbors. Our experimental studies based on a public available dataset (Dredze) show that results are improved to approximately 98%

    Flow injection analysis of some oxidants using spectrophotometric detection

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    AbstractA spectrophotometric flow-injection method has been devised for the determination of nanomole quantities of some oxidants i.e. iodate, periodate, permanganate and hydrogen peroxide. The method is based on the oxidation of iron(II) to iron(III) and the measurement of the absorbance of the red iron(III)–thiocyanate complex at 485nm. The optimal oxidation pH and the linearity ranges of the calibration curves have been investigated. The analytical aspects of the method including the statistical evaluation of the results are discussed. The analysis of some authentic samples showed an average percentage recovery of 99%

    Quality of life among menopausal women

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    Background: The transition through menopause is a life event that can profoundly affect quality of life. More than 80% of women report physical and psychological symptoms that commonly accompany menopause, with varying degree of severity and life disruption. The aim of this study was to assess the menopausal related symptoms and their impact on the women’s quality of life. Research questions: Are the menopausal symptoms impacts on the women’s quality of life?Methods: A descriptive design was used. A convenient sample composed of 90 women at range of age between 40-60 years was recruited from gynecological department. An interviewing sheet was designed by the researchers and menopause specific quality of life questionnaire were used to collect the data.Results: The present study showed that the most severe symptoms of vasomotor, psychosocial, physical and sexual domains were, hot flushes (29%), experiencing poor memory (48.3%), being dissatisfied with their personal life (44.8%), Low backache (41.9%), and change in sexual desire (36.8%). The overall scores of menopausal quality of life for each domain are indicated that the highest mean score in sexual domain (3.19 ± 1.99), followed by psychosocial (2.94 ± 1.45).  Conclusions: It can be concluded that the most severe symptoms of vasomotor, psychosocial, physical and sexual domains were, hot flushes, poor memory, dissatisfaction with personal life, low backache, and change in  sexual desire. While the mean scores of each domain suggest that menopausal symptoms were associated with decrease in women quality of life.

    Electro-generated Chemiluminescent Determination of Methotrexate in Pharmaceutical Preparations by Tris (2,2-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) Using Flow Injection

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    A novel electro-generated chemiluminescence method for the determination of methotrexate (2,4-diamino-N10-methyl pteroyl glutamic acid) in pharmaceutical formulations is proposed. The method was based on the chemiluminescence (CL) emission intensity produced as a result of the electrochemical oxidation of the nbspinto the active nbspform, which then reacts with the methotrexate and produces light.nbspReaction variables were thoroughly investigated. The optimum conditions were incorporated in the procedure. Linear calibration curve were obtained for signal in mV versus concentration in mol L1 in the range 0-21times107 M with percentage relative standard deviation of less than 2% (n = 6) and correlation coefficient of r = 0.99986. The method described here proved to be very convenient and easy to use for the assay of methotrexate in drug formulations. This method was tested by the determination of methotrexate in different drugs containing known concentration

    Effect of in ovo injection of epigallocatechin-3 gallate and oleuropein on hatching, productive and physiological aspects of broiler chicks exposed to short heat stress

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    This study was aimed to investigate the influence of in ovo injection (IO) into air cell (AC) or yolk sac (YS) of epigallocatechin-3 gallate (EG) and oleuropein (OL) as antioxidants on hatching, physiological and productive performance of heat-stressed chicks. 840 fertile eggs were chosen for IO on 12th day of incubation. Eggs were divided into 7 groups within 4 replications each as follows: negative control (NC) without IO and other groups involved IO of 100 μl distilled water and 5 mg each of EG and OL in both AC and YS sites of egg. After hatching, chicks were exposed to heat stress for 24 h and raised for 42 d. Compared with NC, the results revealed that main effect of IO with EG and OL increased (p≤0.05) hatchability and decreased deformed chicks and serum levels of glucose, cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase, corticosterone and heat shock protein 70 with enhancing feed efficiency, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and thyroxine in serum or liver. High chick length and relative chick weight with low serum protein carbonyl and feed intake were recorded (p≤0.05) by EG. Low rectal temperature and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio with high body weight were recordered (p≤0.05) by OL. No mainly altered effects between both IO sites on most variables measured. However, there were significant influences among interactive treatments which related to in ovo injected substance in an injection site-dependent manner. It is concluded that improved hatchability, physiological and productive characteristics of heat-stressed chicks were achieved by IO of EG and OL

    Effect of Pregnancy Resulting from Hormonal Treatment for Estrus Synchronization in the Blood and Metabolic Changes in Local Ewes

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          أجريت الدراسة في الحقل الحيواني ومختبرات قسم تقنيات الإنتاج الحيواني الكلية التقنية /المسيب للمدة من 20/9/2018 لغاية 20/4/2019 لدراسة تاثير الحمل الناتج من المعاملات الهرمونية لتوحيد الشبق في التغيرات الدمية والأيضية في النعاج المحلية. استعملت في الدراسة 20 نعجة  تراوحت أعمارها مابين 2-4 سنوات، وزعت عشوائياً على مجموعتين 10 بواقع نعاج لكل مجموعة. ُوحد الشبق في المجموعة الأولى بحقن هرمون البروستوكلاندين (PGF2 α) بجرعة 500 وحدة دولية وبفارق زمني مقداره 10 أيام، بينما في المجموعة الثانية وضعت الاسفنجات المهبلية المشبعة ب10 ملغم من هرمون الحمل الصناعي  FGA Chronogest)), لمدة 12 يوماً. حقنت بعد سحب الاسفنجات المهبلية بجرعة 500 وحدة دولية من هرمون مصل الفرس الحامل. لُقحت النعاج باكباش عالية الخصوبة (كبش/10 نعاج). جٌمع الدم كل شهر وفصل المصل وحفظ بدرجة حرارة -20 درجة مئوية لحين التحليل. بينت النتائج ان لاشهر الحمل تأثيراً معنوياً ((p<0.05 في معدل تركيز الكلوكوز والبروتين الكلي والنسبة المئوية لحجم الخلايا المرصوصة وخضاب الدم  عند استعمال هرمون البروستوكلاندين لتوحيد الشبق، ولوحظ تأثير عالي المعنوية  (p<0.01) لاشهر الحمل في البروتين الكلي والكوليستيرول وحجم الخلايا المرصوصة وخضاب الدم عند استعمال الاسفنجات المهبلية لتوحيد الشبق.    This study was conducted in animal farm and laboratories of the  Technical Animal  Production Department of Al-Mussaib Technical College during period from 20/9/2018 to 20/4/2019 to investing the effect of pregnancy that resulting from hormonal treatments to estrus synchronization in the blood and metabolic changes in local ewes, the study include twenty ewes with age  ranged from 2-4 years, and randomly were  distributed in two groups sub groups 10 ewes for each group. for the first group, estrus synchronization  were done by injection of the Prostaglandin (PGF2α)  hormone  using 500 IU with 10 days time difference for. While for the second group intravaginal  progesterone sponges containing 10 mg of fluorogestone acetate (FGA) were putted  for 12 days period of  time , The ewes of the two groups were injected with 500 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin(eCG)  after the sponges were removal. The ewes were naturally mated with high fertility (ram / 10 ewes). The blood samples were Collected for each month and stored at -20C° until assayed. The obtained  results indicated that  the months of pregnancy had significantly effect (p <0.05) in the  average concentration of glucose, total protein, packed cell volume (PCV), and hemoglobin when the hormone Prostaglandin is used as well as months of pregnancy had   a significant effect (p <0.01) for total protein, cholesterol, packed cell volume (PCV) and hemoglobin when  Vaginal sponges were used. &nbsp

    Treatment of Disseminated Mycobacterial Infection with High-Dose IFN-γ in a Patient with IL-12Rβ1 Deficiency

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    IFN-γ has been used in the treatment of IL-12Rβ1 deficiency patients with disseminated BCG infection (BCGosis), but the optimal dose to reach efficacy is not clear. We used IFN-γ in the treatment of a 2.7-year-old patient with IL-12Rβ1 deficiency and refractory BCG-osis. IFNγ was started at a dose of 50 μg/m2 3 times per week. The dose was upgraded to 100 mcg/m2 after 3 months, then to 200 mcg/m2 6 months afterwards. Serum mycobactericidal activity and lymphocytes number and function were evaluated throughout the study. There was no clinical response to IFN-γ with 50 or 100 μg/m2 doses. However, there was some response to the 200 μg/m2 dose with no additional adverse effects. The serum mycobactericidal activity was not significantly different during the whole treatment period. Lymphocytes proliferation in response to PHA was significantly higher after 3 months of using the highest dose as compared to the lowest dose. The tuberculin skin test reaction remained persistently negative. We conclude that in a patient with IL-12Rβ1 deficiency, IFN-γ at a dose of 200 μg/m2, but not at lower dosages, was found to have a noticeable clinical effect with no additional adverse effects

    Genetic Biomarkers of Antipsychotic-Induced Prolongation of the QT Interval in Patients with Schizophrenia.

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    Antipsychotics (AP) induced prolongation of the QT interval in patients with schizophrenia (Sch) is an actual interdisciplinary problem as it increases the risk of sudden death syndrome. Long QT syndrome (LQTS) as a cardiac adverse drug reaction is a multifactorial symptomatic disorder, the development of which is influenced by modifying factors (APs' dose, duration of APs therapy, APs polytherapy, and monotherapy, etc.) and non-modifying factors (genetic predisposition, gender, age, etc.). The genetic predisposition to AP-induced LQTS may be due to several causes, including causal mutations in the genes responsible for monoheme forms of LQTS, single nucleotide variants (SNVs) of the candidate genes encoding voltage-dependent ion channels expressed both in the brain and in the heart, and SNVs of candidate genes encoding key enzymes of APs metabolism. This narrative review summarizes the results of genetic studies on AP-induced LQTS and proposes a new personalized approach to assessing the risk of its development (low, moderate, high). We recommend implementation in protocols of primary diagnosis of AP-induced LQTS and medication dispensary additional observations of the risk category of patients receiving APs, deoxyribonucleic acid profiling, regular electrocardiogram monitoring, and regular therapeutic drug monitoring of the blood APs levels