8 research outputs found

    A statistical assessment of drought variability and climate prediction for Kansas

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    Master of ScienceDepartment of AgronomyXiaomao LinThe high-quality climate data and high-resolution soil property data in Kansas and adjacent states were used to develop drought datasets for the monthly Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), and the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) over 1900 to 2014. The statistical analysis of these multiple drought indices were conducted to assess drought occurrence, duration, severity, intensity, and return period. Results indicated that the PDSI exhibited a higher frequency for every category of drought in central and western Kansas than the SPEI by up to 10%. Severe and extreme drought frequency was the highest in southwest Kansas around the Arkansas River lowlands and lowest in the southeast. The mean total drought frequency for eastern, central, and western Kansas was 36%, 39%, and 44%, respectively. The regional mean correlations between the SPI and SPEI were greater than or equal to 0.95 for all regions, but due to statistically significant increases in potential evaporation in western Kansas, the PDSI and SPEI are recommended over the SPI for meteorological and hydrological drought analysis. Drought variability of the last 115 years was analyzed through the Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) techniques and their Varimax rotations from 1900 to 2014 in Kansas. Large-scale synoptic patterns primarily dominated the Kansas spatial drought structures, especially during long-duration events. The EOFs indicated that the first principal components of drought explained approximately 70% of the drought variability across the state and demonstrated a statistically significant wetting trend over the last 115 years, oscillating at a period of about 14 years for all drought indices. The 99° W meridian line acted as the dominant transitional line demarcating the areas of Kansas’ climate and vegetation relationship as spatial drought presented. The Multivariate El Nino Index (MEI) signal , which modulates global and regional climate variabilities, provided a low-frequency indicator to couple with Kansas drought’s leading modes by varying leads of 3 to 7 months depending on the use of drought index and time steps selected. Large-scale predictors of surface temperature and precipitation are evaluated from the monthly forecasts in Climate Forecast System version 2.0 (CFSv2) from North Dakota down through central Texas (32.6 - 47.7°N and 92.8 - 104.1°W). By using singular value decomposition (SVD), the CFSv2 monthly forecasts of precipitation and 2-m temperature were statistically downscaled using ensemble mean predictions of reforecasts from 1982-2010. Precipitation skill was considerably less than temperature, and the highest skill occurred during the wintertime for 1-month lead time. Only the central and northern plains had statistically significant correlations between observed and modeled precipitation for 1-month lead time. Beyond a 1-month lead time, prediction skill was regionally and seasonally dependent. For the 3-month lead time, only the central plains demonstrated statistically significant mean anomaly correlation. After three-month lead times, the ensemble means of forecasts have shown limited reliable predictions which could make the forecast skill too low to be useful in practice for precipitation. However, temperature forecasts at lead times greater than five months showed some skill in predicting wintertime temperatures

    Recent Ogallala Aquifer Region Drought Conditions as Observed by Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies from GRACE

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    Recent severe drought events have occurred over the Ogallala Aquifer region (OAR) during the period 2011–2015, creating significant impacts on water resources and their use in regional environmental and economic systems. The changes in terrestrial water storage (TWS), as indicated by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), reveals a detailed picture of the temporal and spatial evolution of drought events. The observations by GRACE indicate the worst drought conditions occurred in September 2012, with an average TWS deficit of ~8 cm in the northern OAR and ~11 cm in the southern OAR, consistent with precipitation data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project. Comparing changes in TWS with precipitation shows the TWS changes can be predominantly attributable to variations in precipitation. Power spectrum and squared wavelet coherence analysis indicate a significant correlation between TWS change and the El Nino- Southern Oscillation, and the influence of equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures on TWS change is much stronger in the southern OAR than the northern OAR. The results of this study illustrate the value of GRACE in not just the diagnosis of significant drought events, but also in possibly improving the predictive power of remote signals that are impacted by nonregional climatic events (El Nino), ultimately leading to improved water resource management applications on a regional scale. Editor’s note: This paper is part of the featured series on Optimizing Ogallala Aquifer Water Use to Sustain Food Systems. See the February 2019 issue for the introduction and background to the series

    Transition Pathways to Sustainable Agricultural Water Management: A Review of Integrated Modeling Approaches

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    Agricultural water management (AWM) is an interdisciplinary concern, cutting across traditional domains such as agronomy, climatology, geology, economics, and sociology. Each of these disciplines has developed numerous process-based and empirical models for AWM. However, models that simulate all major hydrologic, water quality, and crop growth processes in agricultural systems are still lacking. As computers become more powerful, more researchers are choosing to integrate existing models to account for these major processes rather than building new cross-disciplinary models. Model integration carries the hope that, as in a real system, the sum of the model will be greater than the parts. However, models based upon simplified and unrealistic assumptions of physical or empirical processes can generate misleading results which are not useful for informing policy. In this article, we use literature and case studies from the High Plains Aquifer and Southeastern United States regions to elucidate the challenges and opportunities associated with integrated modeling for AWM and recommend conditions in which to use integrated models. Additionally, we examine the potential contributions of integrated modeling to AWM — the actual practice of conserving water while maximizing productivity

    Advancing climate resilient agriculture in the U.S. Great Plains: modeling climate dynamics and impacts on crop production

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of AgronomyXiaomao LinClimate variability has historically been a major driver of food production across the globe. Projections of climate demonstrate changes in the variability of temperature and precipitation, threatening the security of food production in areas such as the U.S Great Plains, one of the most agriculturally significant regions in the world. In this region over pumping of groundwater from the Ogallala Aquifer, which has been critical to sustain crop productivity in semiarid regions, has led to declines in the water table. Large-scale irrigated agriculture along with changes of land cover and land use may produce significant interactions with regional climate in the future. These critical issues motivated three objectives for this dissertation: 1) identify the historical behavior of drought, a major agricultural climate driver, 2) dynamically model the agricultural water management impacts on regional climate change, and 3) quantify changes in the resiliency of wheat production to environmental changes in the Great Plains. In this dissertation, multiple long-term surface climate, regional satellite, and crop phenology and production datasets were integrated and investigated in simulations and analysis. Statistical and dynamic climate modeling were the main methodologies utilized in this study. Regional climate analysis indicated that winter and summer growing season temperatures and drought intensities have significantly increased in the U.S. Great Plains in recent decades. There were 9−12 identified seasonal subregions of homogeneous drought variability, and several subregions demonstrated wetting trends since the early twentieth century. Summer and winter drought became more and less complex across space and time, respectively, indicating changes in resource management may be necessary to mitigate impacts in the future. Regional climate model simulations with new irrigation modules developed indicated that irrigation significantly alters the ambient moisture and temperature profiles at the surface and the mid-levels of the atmosphere. Precipitation increased over irrigated grid cells that had a reduction in the number of acres under irrigation over the last thirty years. Choice of land surface model parameterizations and modeling scale was a significant source of uncertainty in several climate responses, suggesting that future research should carefully examine these options during initial experimental design. Statistical modeling of winter wheat yields demonstrated that at the regional level historical changes in climate since the early 1970s have negatively impacted yield trends while changes in phenology have partially offset some of the negative impacts from climate change. Furthermore, recently developed winter wheat varieties have higher sensitivities to both spring heat and cold stress. Newer varieties achieved their optimal yield response under higher precipitation regimes, indicating recent varieties were less resilient to weather-related impacts. Both changes in phenology and climate sensitivities helped explain the observed increase in yield variance in recent decades at the regional and variety levels. Overall, this dissertation explored diverse areas related to climate resiliency in agriculture, leading to new insights into relationships between major climate drivers and crop production while introducing new tools that provide pertinent information to a wide audience, including agronomists, breeders, and earth system modelers

    Recent Ogallala Aquifer Region Drought Conditions as Observed by Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies from GRACE

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    Recent severe drought events have occurred over the Ogallala Aquifer region (OAR) during the period 2011–2015, creating significant impacts on water resources and their use in regional environmental and economic systems. The changes in terrestrial water storage (TWS), as indicated by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), reveals a detailed picture of the temporal and spatial evolution of drought events. The observations by GRACE indicate the worst drought conditions occurred in September 2012, with an average TWS deficit of ~8 cm in the northern OAR and ~11 cm in the southern OAR, consistent with precipitation data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project. Comparing changes in TWS with precipitation shows the TWS changes can be predominantly attributable to variations in precipitation. Power spectrum and squared wavelet coherence analysis indicate a significant correlation between TWS change and the El Nino- Southern Oscillation, and the influence of equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures on TWS change is much stronger in the southern OAR than the northern OAR. The results of this study illustrate the value of GRACE in not just the diagnosis of significant drought events, but also in possibly improving the predictive power of remote signals that are impacted by nonregional climatic events (El Nino), ultimately leading to improved water resource management applications on a regional scale. Editor’s note: This paper is part of the featured series on Optimizing Ogallala Aquifer Water Use to Sustain Food Systems. See the February 2019 issue for the introduction and background to the series

    Recent Ogallala Aquifer Region Drought Conditions as Observed by Terrestrial Water Storage Anomalies from GRACE

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    Recent severe drought events have occurred over the Ogallala Aquifer region (OAR) during the period 2011–2015, creating significant impacts on water resources and their use in regional environmental and economic systems. The changes in terrestrial water storage (TWS), as indicated by the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), reveals a detailed picture of the temporal and spatial evolution of drought events. The observations by GRACE indicate the worst drought conditions occurred in September 2012, with an average TWS deficit of ~8 cm in the northern OAR and ~11 cm in the southern OAR, consistent with precipitation data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project. Comparing changes in TWS with precipitation shows the TWS changes can be predominantly attributable to variations in precipitation. Power spectrum and squared wavelet coherence analysis indicate a significant correlation between TWS change and the El Nino- Southern Oscillation, and the influence of equatorial Pacific sea surface temperatures on TWS change is much stronger in the southern OAR than the northern OAR. The results of this study illustrate the value of GRACE in not just the diagnosis of significant drought events, but also in possibly improving the predictive power of remote signals that are impacted by nonregional climatic events (El Nino), ultimately leading to improved water resource management applications on a regional scale. Editor’s note: This paper is part of the featured series on Optimizing Ogallala Aquifer Water Use to Sustain Food Systems. See the February 2019 issue for the introduction and background to the series

    Transition Pathways to Sustainable Agricultural Water Management: A Review of Integrated Modeling Approaches

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    Agricultural water management (AWM) is an interdisciplinary concern, cutting across traditional domains such as agronomy, climatology, geology, economics, and sociology. Each of these disciplines has developed numerous process-based and empirical models for AWM. However, models that simulate all major hydrologic, water quality, and crop growth processes in agricultural systems are still lacking. As computers become more powerful, more researchers are choosing to integrate existing models to account for these major processes rather than building new cross-disciplinary models. Model integration carries the hope that, as in a real system, the sum of the model will be greater than the parts. However, models based upon simplified and unrealistic assumptions of physical or empirical processes can generate misleading results which are not useful for informing policy. In this article, we use literature and case studies from the High Plains Aquifer and Southeastern United States regions to elucidate the challenges and opportunities associated with integrated modeling for AWM and recommend conditions in which to use integrated models. Additionally, we examine the potential contributions of integrated modeling to AWM — the actual practice of conserving water while maximizing productivity