230 research outputs found

    Local development of Italian voluntary organizations

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    The aim of the paper is to present some of the results from Istat second survey on voluntary organizations, focusing on the analysis of the heterogeneity among and within them. Data shows that in 1997, in Italy, there were almost 12 thousand voluntary organizations. The majority of them (59.9%) work in the North of the country and there are only four regions collecting more than 50% of the whole universe. Besides territorial differences there are also structural differences among organizations: about 50 percent are members of larger groups, a third are old organizations and most (49.7%) work with a very little number of volunteers (less than twenty).Regarding their economic size, about 50 percent have an income of less than 20 million lire (10,329 euro). Volunteers operating within these organizations are almost 6 hundred thousand and the majority are men (57.4%). Involvment of volunteers is concentrated in their middle ages (45.1% of the volunteers are between 30 and 54), most are employed people (48.2%) and their level of education is not very high (only 11% of the volunteers have a university degree). Most of the Italian voluntary organizations operate in Health (37.6%) and Social Protection (28.7%), while the others work in sectors like Recreation Activities, Emergency and Relief, Environment, Education, Advocacy, Sport Activities and Culture. Within this framework some statistical methods are applied to illustrate organizational diversity within the population of italian voluntary organizations. Even in this homogeneous subset of nonprofit institutions the relationships and processes out of which facilities and networks are produced vary, being influenced by organizational charateristics instead of territorial differences.

    Natural motion around the Martian moon Phobos : The dynamical substitutes of the libration point orbits in an elliptical three-body problem with gravity harmonics

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    The Martian moon Phobos is becoming an appealing destination for future scientific missions. The orbital dynamics around this planetary satellite is particularly complex due to the unique combination of both small mass-ratio and length-scale of the Mars-Phobos couple: the resulting sphere of influence of the moon is very close to its surface, therefore both the classical two-body problem and circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP) do not provide an accurate approximation to describe the spacecraft’s dynamics in the vicinity of Phobos. The aim of this paper is to extend the model of the CR3BP to consider the orbital eccentricity and the highly-inhomogeneous gravity field of Phobos, by incorporating the gravity harmonics series expansion into an elliptic R3BP, named ER3BP-GH. Following this, the dynamical substitutes of the Libration Point Orbits (LPOs) are computed in this more realistic model of the relative dynamics around Phobos, combining methodologies from dynamical systems theory and numerical continuation techniques. Results obtained show that the structure of the periodic and quasi-periodic LPOs differs substantially from the classical case without harmonics. Several potential applications of these natural orbits are presented to enable unique low-cost operations in the proximity of Phobos, such as close-range observation, communication, and passive radiation shielding for human spaceflight. Furthermore, their invariant manifolds are demonstrated to provide high-performance natural landing and take-off pathways to and from Phobos’ surface, and transfers from and to Martian orbits. These orbits could be exploited in upcoming and future space missions targeting the exploration of this Martian moon

    Local development of Italian voluntary organizations

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    The aim of the paper is to present some of the results from Istat second survey on voluntary organizations, focusing on the analysis of the heterogeneity among and within them. Data shows that in 1997, in Italy, there were almost 12 thousand voluntary organizations. The majority of them (59.9%) work in the North of the country and there are only four regions collecting more than 50% of the whole universe. Besides territorial differences there are also structural differences among organizations: about 50 percent are members of larger groups, a third are old organizations and most (49.7%) work with a very little number of volunteers (less than twenty).Regarding their economic size, about 50 percent have an income of less than 20 million lire (10,329 euro). Volunteers operating within these organizations are almost 6 hundred thousand and the majority are men (57.4%). Involvment of volunteers is concentrated in their middle ages (45.1% of the volunteers are between 30 and 54), most are employed people (48.2%) and their level of education is not very high (only 11% of the volunteers have a university degree). Most of the Italian voluntary organizations operate in Health (37.6%) and Social Protection (28.7%), while the others work in sectors like Recreation Activities, Emergency and Relief, Environment, Education, Advocacy, Sport Activities and Culture. Within this framework some statistical methods are applied to illustrate organizational diversity within the population of italian voluntary organizations. Even in this homogeneous subset of nonprofit institutions the relationships and processes out of which facilities and networks are produced vary, being influenced by organizational charateristics instead of territorial differences

    Identification of new orbits to enable future mission oppportunities for the human exploration of the Martian moon Phobos

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    One of the paramount stepping stones towards NASA's long-term goal of undertaking human missions to Mars is the exploration of the Martian moons. Since a precursor mission to Phobos would be easier than landing on Mars itself, NASA is targeting this moon for future exploration, and ESA has also announced Phootprint as a candidate Phobos sample-and-return mission. Orbital dynamics around small planetary satellites are particularly complex because many strong perturbations are involved, and the classical circular restricted three-body problem (R3BP) does not provide an accurate approximation to describe the system's dynamics. Phobos is a special case, since the combination of a small mass-ratio and length-scale means that the sphere-of-influence of the moon moves very close to its surface. Thus, an accurate nonlinear model of a spacecraft's motion in the vicinity of this moon must consider the additional perturbations due to the orbital eccentricity and the complete gravity field of Phobos, which is far from a spherical-shaped body, and it is incorporated into an elliptic R3BP using the gravity harmonics series-expansion (ER3BPGH). In this paper, a showcase of various classes of non-keplerian orbits are identified and a number of potential mission applications in the Mars-Phobos system are proposed: these results could be exploited in upcoming unmanned missions targeting the exploration of this Martian moon. These applications include: low-thrust hovering and orbits around Phobos for close-range observations; the dynamical substitutes of periodic and quasi-periodic Libration Point Orbits in the ER3BP-GH to enable unique low-cost operations for space missions in the proximity of Phobos; their manifold structure for high-performance landing / take-off maneuvers to and from Phobos' surface and for transfers from and to Martian orbits; Quasi-Satellite Orbits for long-period station-keeping and maintenance. In particular, these orbits could exploit Phobos' occulting bulk and shadowing wake as a passive radiation shield during future manned flights to Mars to reduce human exposure to radiation, and the latter orbits can be used as an orbital garage, requiring no orbital maintenance, where a spacecraft could make planned pit-stops during a round-trip mission to Mars

    Facile in situ growth of ZIF-8 films onto aluminum for applications requiring fast thermal response

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    In this work, we report a simple approach for the synthesis of highly crystalline films of ZIF-8 directly grown onto non-functionalized common aluminum substrates through an easy, short in situ solvothermal methodology. Through several techniques such as XRD, SEM, EDS, AFM and XPS, it is shown that a simple, short pretreatment of the substrate with a dilute hydrochloric acid solution promotes the subsequent solvothermal nucleation and growth of continuous, homogeneous micrometer thickness and very adherent ZIF-8 films. The robustness and usefulness of ZIF-8/aluminum are shown by testing it in the highly exothermic catalytic reaction of carbon monoxide oxidation, in which it presented a high performance and durability, preserving the metal–organic framework integrity during reaction time. This behavior demonstrates that the novel ZIF-8/aluminum systems have a high potential for use in applications at moderate temperatures demanding a fast heat exchange rate between the metal–organic framework (MOF) film and the substrate.Fil: Papurello, Rocio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica "Ing. José Miguel Parera". Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica "Ing. José Miguel Parera"; ArgentinaFil: Zamaro, Juan Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica "Ing. José Miguel Parera". Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica "Ing. José Miguel Parera"; Argentin

    Caracterização dos protocolos de estresse crônico de derrota social em camundongos C57BL/6 machos e fêmeas

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Biologia.A prevalência e incidência dos transtornos mentais comuns são maiores no sexo feminino, entretanto, a maioria das pesquisas em neurociência utiliza animais experimentais machos. Diferenças sexuais neuroquímicas e de comportamento em resposta a diversos estressores já foram observadas tanto em animais experimentais quanto em humanos. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever e comparar dois protocolos de estresse crônico de derrota social (ECDS), adaptados para machos e para fêmeas, e analisar o comportamento de ambas as coortes quando submetidos a testes para avaliação de comportamentos emocionais. No total, foram utilizados 37 camundongos C57BL/6 (machos n=20, fêmeas n=17), dos quais 10 machos e 9 fêmeas foram submetidos ao protocolo de ECDS. Enquanto que os machos exibiram coping ativo ao longo dos 10 dias de ECDS, as fêmeas demonstraram redução gradual das estratégias ativas, dando ênfase em posturas passivas. O teste de interação social revelou um prejuízo no comportamento social nos machos, mas não nas fêmeas, observado pela redução no índice de interação social e pelo aumento do tempo despendido nas zonas de canto, sugerindo um comportamento de esquiva social. Os resultados dos testes de comportamento emocional demonstraram que as fêmeas expostas ao ECDS exibiram um aumento na latência para e imobilidade no teste de suspensão pela cauda. Além disso, as fêmeas expostas ao ECDS exibiram comportamento tipo-ansioso no teste do campo aberto, explorando a área central e mais exposta do aparato por mais tempo que o grupo controle. Contudo, o ECDS não afetou a atividade locomotora no campo aberto ou a exploração no labirinto em cruz elevado em fêmeas. Nos machos, não foram observados efeitos do ECDS nos testes que avaliaram locomoção e comportamento emocional, como o teste do campo aberto, teste de suspensão pela cauda e labirinto em cruz elevado. Foi observado neste trabalho que machos e fêmeas apresentaram estratégias diferentes de coping durante o ECDS. Além disso, o ECDS afetou o comportamento social dos machos, mas não o das fêmeas, e afetou o comportamento emocional das fêmeas, mas não dos machos. O que reforça a necessidade de mais estudos para compreender como os estressores afetam ambos os sexos.Prevalence and incidence of common mental disorders are higher in females, however most neuroscience research uses experimental male animals. Sex differences in behavioral and neurochemical responses to different stressors have already been observed in both experimental animals and humans. Therefore, this study aimed to objective to describe and compare two protocols of chronic stress of social defeat (CSDS) adapted for males and for females, and to analyze the behavior of both cohorts when submitted to tests to evaluate emotional behaviors. In total, 37 C57BL/6 mice (males n=20, females n=17) were evaluated, of which 10 males and 9 females were submitted to the ECDS protocol. Males exhibited active coping throughout the 10 days of ECDS, while females showed a gradual reduction in active strategies, emphasizing passive postures. The social interaction test revealed an impairment in the social behavior in males, but not in females, observed by the reduction in the social interaction index and by the increase in the time spent in the corner zones, suggesting a social avoidance behavior. Results of emotional behavior tests demonstrated that females exposed to CSDS exhibited an increase in latency to immobility in the tail suspension test. In addition, females exposed to CSDS exhibited anxious-like behavior in the open field test, exploring the central and most exposed area of the apparatus for longer periods than the control group. However, CSDS did not affect locomotor activity in the open field or exploration in the elevated plus maze in females. In males, no CSDS effects were observed in tests that evaluated locomotion and emotional behavior, such as the open field test, tail suspension test and elevated plus maze. It was observed in this work that males and females presented different coping strategies during CSDS. Furthermore, CSDS affected the social behavior of males but not of females, and it affected the emotional behavior of females but not of males. This reinforces the need for more studies to understand how stressors affect both sexes

    Concep??es de leitura e de leitor de professores do Projeto Ler & Educar: N?cleo Chapec?

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    Este trabajo tiene por objetivo investigar los conceptos de lectura y lector de los profesores participantes del Proyecto Leer & Educar ? N?cleo Chapec? - Santa Catarina. Para eso, utilizamos como instrumento un cuestionario intitulado ?Perfil do Profesor?, aplicado en escuelas p?blicas en la ciudad de Chapec?. Los datos fueron analizados a trav?s de m?todos cualitativos y cuantitativos, con la intenci?n de investigar, si los conceptos de los profesores se aproximan o se distancian de las teor?as del proceso de lectura bajo una perspectiva interactiva. El aporte te?rico que sustenta la investigaci?n est? basado en autores como Finger-Kratochvil (2015), Sol? (1998), Kleiman (2013), Fulg?ncio y Liberato (2001), que tratan del concepto de lectura, lector y formaci?n de profesores. El an?lisis evidenci? la falta de conceptos consistentes en relaci?n a lo que sea lectura y un distanciamiento entre las actuales teor?as de lectura y la formaci?n del lector h?bil.Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar as concep??es de leitura e leitor dos professores participantes do Projeto Ler & Educar ? N?cleo Chapec? - Santa Catarina. Para isso, utilizamos como instrumento um question?rio intitulado ?Perfil do Professor?, aplicado em escolas p?blicas de Chapec?. Os dados foram analisados atrav?s do m?todo quali - quantitativo, com a inten??o de investigar, se as concep??es dos professores se aproximam ou se distanciam das teorias do processo de leitura sob uma perspectiva interativa. O aporte te?rico que sustenta a pesquisa est? baseado em autores como Leffa (1996), Sol? (1998), Liberato (2001), Kleiman (2013), Finger-Kratochvil (2015), Fulg?ncio e que tratam do conceito de leitura, leitor e forma??o de professores. A an?lise evidenciou a falta de conceitos consistentes em rela??o ao que seja leitura e um distanciamento entre as atuais teorias da leitura e a forma??o do leitor h?bil

    Natural and artificial orbits around the Martian moon Phobos

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    One of the paramount stepping stones towards the long-term goal of undertaking human missions to Mars is the exploration of the Martian moons. In particular, Phobos is becoming an appealing destination for future scientific missions of NASA and ESA. Phobos is a tiny celestial body that orbits around Mars at low altitude. The unique combination of these two characteristics yields the sphere of influence of the moon to be very close to its surface. Therefore, orbital dynamics around Phobos are particularly complex, because many strong perturbations are involved. The classical models of the Keplerian two-body problem, and the circular three-body problem are not accurate enough to describe the motion of a spacecraft in the vicinity of Phobos. In this thesis, the description of the relative orbital dynamics in proximity of this moon is extended to a more accurate nonlinear model. This is undertaken by the inclusion of the perturbations due to the orbital eccentricity and the inhomogeneous gravity field of Phobos. Subsequently, several classes of non-Keplerian orbits are identified, using the analytical and numerical methodologies of dynamical systems theory. These techniques exploit the improved description of the natural dynamics, enabled by the extended model, to provide low-cost guidance trajectories, that minimize the fuel consumption and extend the mission range. In addition, the potential of exploiting artificial orbits with lowthrust is investigated. The performance and requirements of these orbits are assessed, and a number of potential mission applications near Phobos are proposed. These low-cost operations include close-range observation, communication, passive radiation shielding, and orbital pitstops for human space flight. These results could be exploited in upcoming missions targeting the exploration of this Martian moon. Furthermore, the new model can provide evidence to support the accretion theory of Phobos' origin, and to explain the formation of the craters and grooves on Phobos

    The beneficial effect of silica on the activity and thermal stability of PtCoFerrierite-washcoated cordierite monoliths for the SCR of NOx with CH4

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    PtCoFerrierite washcoated on a ceramic monolith is an active and selective catalyst for the SCR of NOx with methane. For our system, we found that the addition of a binder to the slurry used for the washcoat is necessary to improve the adherence and to obtain a selective catalyst. In our case, we used 2 wt.% of Cabot Silica. Ultrasound experiments used to comparatively evaluate the coating adherence showed that silica prevents the washcoat loss due to attrition. Similar monolithic catalysts, but prepared without a binder, resulted in catalysts with poor activity for NOx reduction, but still active for the deep oxidation of methane with oxygen. Monoliths washcoated without a binder showed both Pt segregation to the outer surface of zeolite crystals and formation of the non-selective Co3O4. Segregated Pt clusters and cobalt oxide promote the methane combustion with oxygen, thus leaving the NOx molecules unreacted. Moreover, due to Pt segregation, the necessary intimate contact between Pt and Co active species is not favored in this catalyst, which also contributes to the low selectivity to N2.Fil: Boix, Alicia Viviana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica ; ArgentinaFil: Zamaro, Juan Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica ; ArgentinaFil: Lombardo, Eduardo Agustin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica ; ArgentinaFil: Miro, Eduardo Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica "Ing. José Miguel Parera". Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica "Ing. José Miguel Parera"; Argentin
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