651 research outputs found

    Pakistan lags behind in technical textile

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    This paper highlights and demonstrates the technical and economical impact of technical textiles in the industrially developed countries and their future contribution to the development of economics of newly developing countries, such as China, South East Asia, and North Africa etc. Pakistan still lags behind in technical textile products as neither the government nor the textile industry has made any serious efforts towards synchronizing textile products with the emerging needs of the world market by developing higher value-added products. Although the textile sector is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, the Government as well as the textile industry has kept their focus on conventional textiles, ignoring technical textiles and knowledge-based products. A special focus is placed on the application of technical textiles related automotive, medical, construction/civil engineering and sportswear’s fields.

    Knowledge Transformation and Economic Development: The Role of Digital Technology- An Analysis

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    This paper assesses the role of evolutionary process in knowledge transformation and economic development, especially due to emerging diversified digital technology. Everywhere, in the world, ever-advancing digital technology is performing a revolutionary role in converting the world into a global village. The knowledge, scientific and non-scientific, is being transformed with an enormous speed through digital media. Getting education through technology is providing audio-visual way of enhancing knowledge. But digital technology has its positive and negative affects. It needs some positive steps to ensure the qualitative knowledge transformation. In this article copyrights of accessing computerized data is also discussed, which prevents legal transformation of knowledge for globalisation of the world, research based education, and economic development. There different views of different. Learned authors have presented different views for reflection and deeper understanding. This study, with brief history of knowledge transformation, is worthy of fruitful suggestions.Technology; Knowledge; Transformation; Scientific-Data; Research; Fair- Extract; Revolution and Low-Cost economic development

    Novel Algorithm for Hand Gesture Modeling Using Genetic Algorithm with Variable Length Chromosome

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    Many languages the people can exploit for them in order to communicate among them and get the message delivered, but, these languages should be known by those people in order to understand and speak, contrarily, gesture system is the common language that can be adopted for this objective and need less knowledge as compared with spoken languages that need the grammatically and semantically rules, in this paper we applied a novel algorithm for capturing hand gesture shape using one of the evolutionary algorithms in order to fit the hand segment. Previous techniques in the literature that fully captured hand shape applied some artificial intelligent methods [1] or some statistical methods [2]. Genetic Algorithms (GAs) with variable length of chromosomes is used to model the hand structure. The most effective GA parameters used for this purpose are; the generation of initial population, tournament selection, crossover with variable position of the cutting points in the parents, artificial mutation operator, deleting of the repetitive genes in same individual, and elitism strategy. Experimental results shows the robust and efficiency of applying the proposed algorithm


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    Payung geulis Tasikmalaya is a work of art Indonesian art that has been developed from generation to generation as an ancestral cultural heritage, and is used as a source of income for the life of the people in Tasikmalaya. Payung geulis is a traditional Indonesian art resulting from the acculturation of foreign cultures, especially Chinese culture. This study aims to find data regarding the influence of Chinese aesthetics on the geulis umbrella as well as formulate similarities and differences in the visual aesthetics of the two umbrellas. The result of this study is that the Tasikmalaya geulis umbrella, especially the frangipani floral motif, is heavily influenced by Chinese aesthetics, especially the traditional Chinese umbrella with plum blossom motifs. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide information to readers, especially as a reference for future researchers in studying Chinese aesthetics in Indonesian traditional art. Keywords: payung geulis, chinese traditional umbrella, chinese aestheti

    Analisis Efektivitas Kerja Sama Keamanan Maritim dalam Penanggulangan Illegal Fishing antara Indonesia dan Australia Tahun 2015 - 2019

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    Penelitian berjudul “Analisis Efektivitas Kerja sama Keamanan Maritim Dalam Penanggulangan Illegal Fishing Antara Indonesia dan Australia Tahun 2015-2019” merupakan penelitian yang berfokus pada analisis efektivitas dari kerja sama keamanan maritim antara Indonesia dan Australia terkait kegiatan illegal fishing pada tahun 2015-2019 yang sangat merugikan kedua negara. Berdasarkan analisis penelitian yang dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan konsep keamanan maritim dan teori efektivitas kerja sama internasional, kerja sama yang dilakukan Indonesia dan Australia memberikan gambaran tentang langkah kebijakan dan kepentingan dari masing-masing negara dalam memetakan ancaman maritim untuk menjaga aset terpenting dari wilayah maritimnya. Kerja sama keamanan maritim antara Indonesia dan Australia dalam penanggulangan illegal fishing telah memberikan dampak yang cukup positif, salah satu faktornya adalah patroli gabungan antarlembaga terkait penjagaan perbatasan maritim Indonesia dan Australia selama periode 2015-2019 dimana tahun tersebut tingkat kegiatan illegal fishing di ZEE Indonesia dan Australian Fishing Zone mengalami penurunan jumlah kejahatan dan peningkatan jumlah stok perikanan di masing-masing negara

    Pakistan lags behind in technical textile

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    This paper highlights and demonstrates the technical and economical impact of technical textiles in the industrially developed countries and their future contribution to the development of economics of newly developing countries, such as China, South East Asia, and North Africa etc. Pakistan still lags behind in technical textile products as neither the government nor the textile industry has made any serious efforts towards synchronizing textile products with the emerging needs of the world market by developing higher value-added products. Although the textile sector is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, the Government as well as the textile industry has kept their focus on conventional textiles, ignoring technical textiles and knowledge-based products. A special focus is placed on the application of technical textiles related automotive, medical, construction/civil engineering and sportswear’s fields

    Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Wireless Sensor Network through the Design of Energy Efficient Routing Protocol

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is known to be a highly resource constrained class of network where energy consumption is one of the prime concerns. In this research, a cross layer design methodology was adopted to design an energy efficient routing protocol entitled “Position Responsive Routing Protocol” (PRRP). PRRP is designed to minimize energy consumed in each node by (1) reducing the amount of time in which a sensor node is in an idle listening state and (2) reducing the average communication distance over the network. The performance of the proposed PRRP was critically evaluated in the context of network lifetime, throughput, and energy consumption of the network per individual basis and per data packet basis. The research results were analyzed and benchmarked against the well-known LEACH and CELRP protocols. The outcomes show a significant improvement in the WSN in terms of energy efficiency and the overall performance of WSN

    Pakistan lags behind in technical textile

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    This paper highlights and demonstrates the technical and economical impact of technical textiles in the industrially developed countries and their future contribution to the development of economics of newly developing countries, such as China, South East Asia, and North Africa etc. Pakistan still lags behind in technical textile products as neither the government nor the textile industry has made any serious efforts towards synchronizing textile products with the emerging needs of the world market by developing higher value-added products. Although the textile sector is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, the Government as well as the textile industry has kept their focus on conventional textiles, ignoring technical textiles and knowledge-based products. A special focus is placed on the application of technical textiles related automotive, medical, construction/civil engineering and sportswear’s fields
