2,379 research outputs found

    The association between sensitivity, group size and satisfaction

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    Previous research have looked at the relationship between sensitivity and satisfaction, and between group size and satisfaction. However there appears to be no reported studies that have investigated the interacting effects of group size on the relationship between sensitivity and satisfaction. Data from 257 shop floor workers in a light manufacturing plant in the UK were collected and analysed. Group size was significantly negatively related to satisfaction with co-workers. Statistical tests of hierarchical multiple regression were used to determine the signficance of the interaction terms (sensitivity x group size) on pay and co-worker satisfaction. Support for both hypotheses were obtained. Results suggested that group size significantly moderated the relationship between sensitivity and pay satisfaction, and the relationship between sensitivity and co-worker satisfaction. Linear regression plots showed that the relationship between sensitivity and satisfaction (pay and co-worker) were negative in large groups but positive in small groups

    Measuring the Impact of Industrialization and Financial Development on Water Resources: A Case Study of Pakistan

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    The objective of the study examines the impact of industrialization and financial development on water resources, in the specific context of Pakistan. Data set from 1975-2009 are taken for time series analysis. The result reveals that economic growth positively linked with the water resource, as water plays a pivotal role in the economic development of a country. Thus limiting this resource would affect the process of economic growth. Industrial processes have a negative environmental impact which causing water pollution. Financial development has an indirect effect on water consumption, as it shows that private firms finds more funding opportunities in a country, therefore, avoid dirty industry game.Economics growth, financial development, industrialization, water resource, cointegration, bonds test, Pakistan.

    Improving Emotional Intelligence (EI) using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques

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    Since, Ahmad (2011) who looked at the effectiveness of the alternative techniques of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis, there has been no further research regarding the effectiveness of NLP. This study improves the said research by ensuring that most of the respondents were not self-selected and ensured the use of other NLP techniques, in the context of improving EI. Although there are many self-development training courses advertised on the internet claiming to be able to improve EI, yet no credible research has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals to show whether such techniques can improve EI. This experimental research involved 35 test subjects and 35 control group subjects. Statistical t-tests revealed that with the test group, there were significant improvements in EI scores after undergoing the training compared with before. There were no significant changes in the control group. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Experiment

    Dialektika Arsitektur dan Teknologi Islam Nusantara: Pengaruh Budaya Lokal dan Nilai-nilai Islam

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    This article describes cultural acculturation in Islamic architecture and technology in Nusantara. Cultural acculturation in the architectural aspect is limited to two mosques of the early Islamic era in Nusantara, namely the Great Mosque of Demak and the Gedhe Mosque of Yogyakarta Palace. The cultural acculturation of mosque construction is reflected in the main building, the portico, and the supporting elements of the building, as well as the meaning of symbols and ornamens. The meaning of symbols and ornamens explains the strong acculturation of local culture with Islamic values. Specifically on the technological aspect, this article examines the naval and cannon technology of the Islamic era of Demak and later sultanates. The article concludes that the entry of Islam into Nusantara created a struggle between Islam and the local culture, which was influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, and cults, as well as the original values of the archipelago, which are reflected in the construction of buildings and war equipment

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Retensi Rekam Medis dengan Metode Imaging Berbasis Web

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    Medical record is a file that contains notes and documents about the patient's identity, examination, treatment, actions and other services that have been given to the patient. Based on Minister of Health Regulation No.269 / Menkes / Per / III / 2008 the medical record file can be destroyed (retention) after being stored for a period of 5 (five) years from the last date the patient was treated or returned to avoid the buildup of non-active medical record documents. As one of the private hospitals in the city of Padang that has been operational for 14 years, Siti Rahmah Islamic Hospital has carried out the process of destroying medical record documents with imaging methods and storing them to an external hard drive before the medical record file is destroyed to anticipate various needs. relating to medical records, for example, a medical record that is still valuable to be needed can be searched and reprinted. However, the method used is not optimal because of the potential for data loss and the difficulty of the data search process and has not been managed using an information system in the form of a truly computerized program. Optimizing data processing is needed so that integrity, access rights and data availability can be maintained. The application system that will be proposed later uses PHP and Mariadb programming and web-based. The results of the image will be processed in an application and stored in the database. The diverse data will be managed well, easily and safely in a well-structured system. Keywords: Information Systems, Retention, Imaging, Medical Records, Web &nbsp

    Examining the effectiveness of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques in improving Emotional Intelligence (EI) scores

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    Purpose: Whether selected NLP techniques can improve EI scores. (Although there are many self-development training courses advertised on the internet claiming to be able to improve EI, yet no credible research has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals to show whether such techniques can improve EI.)Design/methodology/approach: This experimental research involved 35 test subjects and 35 control group subjects. Measurements were taken just before and just after the experiments in the test group and compared the results with the control group.Findings: Statistical t-tests revealed that with the test group, there were significant improvements in EI scores after undergoing the training compared with before. There were no significant changes in the control group.Originality/value: Since, Ahmad (2011) who looked at the effectiveness of the alternative techniques of NLP, Time Line Therapy®, and Hypnosis, there has been no further research regarding the effectiveness of NLP. Research limitations/implications: This study improves the study by Ahmad (2011) by ensuring that most of the respondents were not self-selected and ensured the use of other NLP techniques, in the context of improving EI

    Rekonstruksi dakwah era revolusi media studi kasus pergolakan Front Pembela Islam

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    This research that is Islam in Indonesia is a religion in great demand by the public (the majority). This at the same time brings Islamic da'wa to various kinds of developments. The dynamics of the development of da'wa from time to time also experienced significant changes from various aspects. In addition, many Community Organizations (Ormas) were established to strengthen resilience. Where should be with the frills of the majority of Muslims, able to preach very freely and easily accepted by the community? However, in reality, people are increasingly afraid because many community organizations (Ormas) have different opinions and blame each other. The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) is one of the Islamic community organizations (Ormas) that emerged because of its controversial preaching. This study uses a qualitative method with a historical approach, while the research specifications used are descriptive. The results of the study show that da'wa in the current era is experiencing a setback due to the pros and cons of Islamic community organizations (Ormas). Because the majority of Muslims in Indonesia are only concerned with the social status of each individual, not mutually reinforcing one another. Therefore, this incident can be overcome with Islamic community organizations (Ormas) who preach according to Islamic law, not by violence, both verbally and physically, and mutually reinforcing towards an Indonesian Islam that is Rahmatan Lil Alamin.***Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi bahwa agama Islam di Indonesia menjadi agama yang banyak diminati oleh masyarakat (Mayoritas). Hal ini sekaligus membawa dakwah Islam menuai berbagai macam perkembangan. Dinamika perkembangan dakwah dari masa ke masa pun mengalami perubahan yang signifikan dari berbagai aspek. Selain itu, banyak Organisasi Masyarakat (Ormas) yang didirikan guna memperkuat ketahanan. Di mana seharusnya dengan embel-embel mayoritas umat Muslim, mampu berdakwah dengan sangat leluasa dan mudah diterima oleh masyarakat. Namun kenyataannya, masyarakat semakin takut karena banyaknya Organisasi masyarakat (Ormas) yang berbeda pendapat dan saling menyalahkan satu sama lain. Front Pembela Islam (FPI) menjadi salah satu Organisasi masyarakat (Ormas) Islam yang muncul karena dakwahnya yang kontroversial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif  dengan pendekatan historis, sedangkan spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dakwah di era saat ini mengalami kemunduran yang diakibatkan pro-kontra Organisasi masyarakat (Ormas) Islam itu sendiri. Karena mayoritas Muslim di Indonesia hanya mementingkan status sosial setiap individu, bukan saling menguatkan satu sama lain. Oleh karenanya kejadian ini bisa diatasi dengan Organisasi masyarakat (Ormas) Islam yang berdakwah sesuai syari’at Islam, tidak dengan kekerasan baik secara verbal maupun fisik dan saling menguatkan untuk menuju Islam Indonesia yang Rahmatan Lil Alamin.

    Measuring Push, Pull And Personal Factors Affecting Turnover Intention: A Case Of University Teachers In Pakistan

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    It has been observed that professional and qualified teacher’s retention become a challenge for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Pakistan as the turnover rate has been significantly increased in recent years. The main objective of this paper is to access personal, push and pull factors and to find out that which factors contribute more to turnover intention. Primary data were collected from 100 teachers of 5 HEIs using questionnaire methods. The results indicate that all factors (personal, pull and push) have contributed in the employees’ turnover intentions. However, some facets of personal factor have significantly contributed in turnover intentions.Turnover, Higher Education Institution, Job Quit, Personal Factors, Push Factors, Pull Factors

    The moderating impact of resilience on the relationship between workplace incivility and turnover intentions: a proposed study in Dubai retail SME’s

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    This is a theoretical paper that aims to explore the determinants of employee turnover intention among retail SMEs in Dubai in terms of incivility (customer, coworker, supervisor) and the mediating role of emotional exhaustion with the moderating effect of resilience. The retail industry in Dubai will be one of the main beneficiaries of the study since it appears that they suffer high turnover intention and cost. Managements and owners of retail SMEs in Dubai would be able to get a better idea of the determinants of employee turnover intention and workplace incivility through the analysis and recommendations developed by the research. Data would be gathered from participants (i.e. employees of retail SMEs in Dubai) who have direct contact with customers, coworkers and supervisors/ management. Viewed in this manner, data gathered would be analyzed in two stages, using descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling using computer software including, SPSS/STATA, AMOS/ Smart-PLS. This paper would elaborate the literature on turnover intention and incivility Subsequently, the research will illustrate the mediating role emotional exhaustion and the moderation effect of resilience among retail SMEs employees in Dubai. Keywords: Incivility, Turnover intentions, Resilience, SME
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