664 research outputs found

    The Factors Affecting Trajectory Profile of BCP-A2 Offshore Jacket During Launching Front A Transhortation Barge

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    Jacket structures are commonly used in shallow water regions. A jacket can be installed by lifting or launching from a barge into the water. As the jacket becomes heavierin its own weight,launching technique is preferred;economically. However in the other hand the procedure is too risky for the jacket 's design life. The purpose of this studs is to investigate optimum condition during launch based on tarjector analysis result and to obtain main parameter that affect the jacket during, launch from barg

    Pola Diet dan Taraf Pemakanan Kanak-Kanak Prasekolah Iban di Julau, Sarawak

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    Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengenalpasti pola diet dan menilai taraf pemakanan kanak-kanak pra sekolah Iban dan menentukan perkaitannya seramai 119 kanak-kanak prasekolah berumur melebihi setahun hingga lima tahun daripada 10 buah rumah panjang di Julau, Sarawak, telah di pilih menggunakan persampelan rawak berlapis. Dengan menggunakan kaedah ingatan diet 24 jam yang lalu, di dapati pengambilan semua nutrien adalah kurang daripada RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances) Malaysia, kecuali protein. Diet mereka juga kurang dari segi kepelbagaian, khususnya makanan sumber kalori. Makanan sumber protein, vitamin dan mineral mula di perkenalkan pada purata umur 11 bulan manakala sumber kalori di perkenalkan pada purata umur 13 bulan, Sejarah pemakanan menunjukkan 86.6% kanak-kanak pernah menerima susu ibu. Berasaskan ukuran antropometri dan menggunakan rujukan "National Centre for Health Statistics" (NCHS) sebagai piawai, didapati 44.5% kanak-kanak kurang berat badan, 42% terbantut dan 9.3% tersusut. Perkaitan positif dan signifikan didapati di antara pendidikan ibu bapa, pendapatan isirumah, perbelanjaan makanan, saiz isirumah dan bilangan ahli perempuan di dalam isi rumah, dengan pola diet kanak-kanak. Umur, kebolehan membaca dan menulis, pekerjaan ibu bapa, serta faktor-faktor tersebut diatas, kecuali saiz isi rumah, bilangan ahli perempuan serta pendidikan bapa, mempunyai perkaitan positif dan signifikan dengan taraf pemakanan kanak-kanak. Hasil dan tempoh simpanan padi bukit serta bilangan ayam di pelihara, juga mempunyai perkaitan positif dan signifikan dengan pola diet kanak-kanak

    Kesan Mikoriza Arbuskul, Efluen Kilang Kelapa Sawit dan Baja Npk Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Cili dan Sifat Fizik-Kimia Tanah Pasir Bekas Lombong

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    Satu penyelidikan telah dijalankan di rumah kaca 11C-UPM untuk menilai keberkesanan Mikoriza Arbuskul (MA), Efluen Kilang Kelapa Sawit (POME), Baja NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil eili serta sitat fizik-kimia tanah pasir bekas lombong. Anak benih eili berusia 3 minggu di alihkan ke polibeg berisi 5 kg tanah pasir bekas 10m bong yang terdahulu digaul bersama 30 tan ha-1 POME (berdasarkan 5 kg tanah). Empat kadar kulat MA (0g, 30g. 60g dan 90g) dan empat kadar baja NPK (0 tan, 0.75 tan, 1.5 tan dan 3.0 tan ha-1) berfaktorial disusun menggunakan rekabentuk blok rawak penuh lengkap (ReBD) dengan 3 replikasi. Respon tumbesaran tanaman, bilangan spora, peratus jangkitan akar, kandungan nutrien dalam tisu dan hasil menunjukkan peningkatan yang tinggi dengan penambahan 909 MA berbanding tanpa MA pada pemberian baja NPK yang berbeza-beza. Terdapat kaitan linear yang bererti pada pemberian kadar 3.0 tan ha-1 baja NPK dengan peningkatan kadar kulat MA bagi berat basah buah (R2=0.76**) dan berat kering buah (R2=0.73**). Kadar optima kulat MA dan baja NPK tidak diperolehi, maka paras kulat MA dan baja NPK yang memberikan hasil tertinggi dalam julat kajian dikira sebagai kadar yang terbaik

    Four quadrant single phase matrix converter / Siti Zaliha Mohammad Noor

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    In this work the Single-phase Matrix Converter (SPMC) is investigated as a basic four—quadrant single-phase converter with basic DC chopper operation. This is then extended to the operation of a single-phase inverter; without any change in the basic converter topology except with the switch control sequence. An outline of the basic principles of operation is defined. This follows the development of a computer simulation model using MATLAB and PSpice to study the basic behaviour. This is then verified on an experimental test-rig in the laboratory. Uniform pulse width modulation (UPWM) was used for the DC chopper control, whilst the well-known Sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) was used in inverter control. IGBTs are used for its power circuits, with Xilinx FPGA at the heart of its control electronics employing the use of digital techniques. Investigations into basic loads in operation are carried out to ascertain the behaviour. It presented that the SPMC is capable of performing four-quadrant operation as a basic DC chopper and an inverter; theoretically developed, conceived and successfully realized complete with safe commutation strategies

    Single-phase single stage string inverter for a grid connected photovoltaic system with integrated perturb and observe - fuzzy logic control MPPT technique / Siti Zaliha Mohammad Noor

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    This thesis presents a design of Single-phase Single stage String Inverter for Grid Connected Photovoltaic (PV) system. The proposed system use Integrated Perturb and Observe (P&O) - Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) as a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique. Previous works on single-phase single stage inverter comes with various types of circuit configuration and switching techniques incorporating with MPPT. However, each topology has their advantages and disadvantages and also has their own circuit limitation. Therefore, the proposed single stage converter is designed to reduce number of power switching components with higher power conversion efficiency. The new control scheme of MPPT and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) control technique implemented on one power circuit (single stage) without boosted DC-link is introduced. The prototype inverter is tested mainly with 340Wp PV capacity system using two series of STP170s-24/Ac PV modules. The Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) is achieved by changing the modulation index and the phase angle of the inverter's output voltage. This new intelligent controlling based MPPT algorithm is implemented by combining advantages of Perturb and Observe (P&O) and Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC). The inverter switching frequency is set at 25kHz and IGBTs are used as power switching devices with full-bridge configuration. The simulation model is developed and analysed using Matlab/Simulink and Mathcad software. The simulation and experimental results are evaluated under steady state and dynamic operation. The performance of the developed string inverter is also evaluated with standard features as required by international standard. In summary, the proposed inverter complies with IEC 61727 for low THD which is less than 5% at rated output and has fast Maximum Power Point (MPP) tracking which is less than Is. In addition, the inverter has fast turn-off response during loss of utility which is less than 2s. These finding show new control technique is capable to perform effectively on PV system without DC to DC converter or any complex design of new inverter topology

    A study on hygienic standard of food premises and microbiological quality of food in Kota Bharu

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    A cross sectional study was carried out to determine the total plate count, coliform and E. coli counts in 712 selected foods sample taken from 362 food premises in the area under the Municipal Jwisdiction of Kota Bharu. The foods were classified according to the groups. Standard method were used to determine the total plate count (TPC in CFU/gm), coliform count (CC in :M:PN/ml) and E. coli count in ( MPN/ml). Microbiological analysis of food samples showed that 34.08% of sample had unsatisfactory in total plate count, 47.8% in coliform count and 24.7% in E. coli count. E. coli count was detected more in staple foods as compared to snacks/ kuih. There was a significant difference of the satisfactory levels of microbiological analysis amongst different groups of food (P<0.001). This study was found to have overall relationship between microbiological findings of selected food examination and the hygiene score of food premises. Appropriate measures, such as education of food handlers in improving the hygienic practice, particularly by environmental health officers, public health inspectors and local authorities are needed in order to reduce the prevalence of food borne diseases

    Regulation of fruit colour development, quality and storage life of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple with deficit irrigation and plant bioregulators

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    Poor and erratic fruit colour development in ‘Cripps Pink’ apple causes serious economic losses to the growers and/or exporters of Western Australia and other parts of the world. Many internal and external factors such as genetic, light, temperature, irrigation, application of chemicals and also soil and tree factors affect the biosynthesis of anthocyanins consequently fruit colour. Some of the past approaches followed to improve fruit skin colour resulted in limited outcomes. The aim of my research was to evaluate the effects of water saving strategies and newly developed plant bioregulators in improving fruit colour development without adversely affecting fruit size and quality of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple at harvest, following cold and controlled atmosphere (CA) storage. I also investigated the individual polyphenolics profiles, their identification and confirmation in the skin of this apple cultivar. Nine polyphenolic compounds (cyanidin 3-O-galactoside, chlorogenic acid, phloridzin, quercetin 3-O-rutinoside, quercetin 3-O-galactoside, quercetin 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-xyloside, quercetin 3-O-arabinoside and quercetin 3-O-rhamnoside) in the fruit skin of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple were identified, quantified and re-confirmed using high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS). Increased concentration of cyanidin 3-O-galactoside in ‘Cripps Pink’ apple skin coincided with the increase in total anthocyanins concentrations.Water saving strategies, regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) and withholding irrigation (WHI), have been carried out for two seasons (2005-06 and 2006-07, and 2006-07 and 2007-08, respectively) in a commercial apple orchard. The treatment (75% RDI applied for 72 days, commencing on 135 days after full bloom (DAFB) and WHI for 20 to 30 days, commencing on 135 and 145 DAFB) increased red skin colour, concentration of total anthocyanins and polyphenolic compounds such as cyanidin 3-O-galactoside and quercetin glycosides. These treatments also improved fruit firmness and soluble solids concentration (SSC) of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple at harvest without adversely affecting postharvest quality in cold and controlled atmosphere (CA) storage, and also saved the irrigation water. To the best of my knowledge, this may be the first report on the effects of water-deficit on accumulation of flavonoids and other phenolic compounds in red-skinned apple particularly ‘Cripps Pink’ cultivar and also its impact on postharvest storage performance in CA storage. Soil-plant water relations such as volumetric soil water content, stomatal conductance, leaf water potential and stem water potential was pronounced with the application of these water saving strategies applied in the middle of stage II of fruit development of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple. The sparse leaf abscission due to water-deficit has improved light penetration, consequently improved red skin colouration through increased accumulation of anthocyanins particularly cyanidin 3-O-galactoside. This highlighted the importance of water stress and light in regulating colour and biosynthesis of anthocyanins.Newly developed plant growth regulator, Prohexadione-calcium (ProCa) improved fruit colour development of this apple cultivar by manipulating the light interception into the tree canopy and onto the fruit through reduction of vegetative growth. The reduction of shoot length was pronounced with three spray applications of ProCa (500 mg∙L[superscript]-1) on 3, 33 and 63 DAFB or two sprays of ProCa (500 mg∙L[superscript]-1) on 2 and 32 DAFB in combination with summer pruning (SP). The above mentioned treatments increased concentration of anthocyanins, cyanidin 3-O-galactoside, and all individual quercetin glycosides (quercetin 3-O-rutinoside, quercetin 3-O-galactoside, quercetin 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-xyloside, quercetin 3-O-arabinoside and quercetin 3-O-rhamnoside) and also maintained other fruit quality attributes such as fruit firmness and SSC of this apple cultivar.Lysophophatidylethanolamine (LPE) spray, 125 mg∙L[superscript]-1 (at two and four weeks prior to anticipated commercial harvest) or 250 mg∙L[superscript]-1 (at four weeks before harvest) appeared to be promising in improving fruit colour development, accumulation of anthocyanins and polyphenolic compounds (cyanidin 3-O-galactoside, quercetin glycosides and also individual quercetin glycosides such as quercetin 3-O-xyloside, quercetin 3-O-arabinoside and quercetin 3-O-rhamnoside), and other fruit quality attributes of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple. However, the mode of action of LPE in improving red colour in apple skin is possibly associated with enhanced ethylene production.In conclusion, fruit colour development of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple can be improved by applications of water saving techniques in the middle of stage II of fruit development such as 75% RDI for 72 days commencing on 135 DAFB or WHI for 20 (135-155 DAFB) to 30 (145-175 DAFB) days, and also newly developed plant bioregulators such as ProCa (three spray applications of ProCa (500 mg∙L[superscript]-1) on 3, 33 and 63 DAFB or two sprays of ProCa (500 mg∙L[superscript]-1) on 2 and 32 DAFB in combination with SP) or LPE (two spray applications (125 mg∙L[superscript]-1) at two and four weeks prior to anticipated commercial harvest or single spray (250 mg∙L[superscript]-1) at four weeks before harvest) without adversely affecting other fruit quality attributes

    Impact of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on Fruit Quality and Postharvest Storage Performance of ‘Cripps Pink’ Apple

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    This study aimed to develop an irrigation strategy for apples to improve fruit skin colour without adversely affecting postharvest life and quality. Regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) at different levels [(i) 100%, commercial irrigation (CI) (70 L•h-1); (ii) 25% RDI (50 L•h-1); (iii) 50% RDI (35 L•h-1); and (iv) 75% RDI (20 L•h-1)] was applied from 135 days after full bloom (DAFB) continuously for 72 days till harvest. RDI (75%) significantly reduced leaf water potential as compared to CI. RDI (75%) improved fruit skin colour via enhanced accumulation of anthocyanins, increased soluble solids concentration (SSC), fruit firmness and slightly decreased fruit diameter. The RDI fruit (75%) stored for 135 days at 0±0.1°C, 90±2% RH remained firmer and had higher SSC compared to CI fruit. Similarly, RDI fruit (75%) stored for 155 days in controlled atmosphere (CA) comprising of 2.7% O2 + 1.9% CO2 at 0°C had higher SSC and fruit firmness than in CI fruit. In conclusion, RDI (75%) imposed at the late fruit development stage improved the fruit quality of ‘Cripps Pink’ apple at harvest without adversely affecting postharvest quality in cold and CA storage, and also saved irrigation water

    Production and Characterisation of Thermostable Protease from Bacillus Stearothermophilus Strain F1

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    Screening and isolation of thermophilic proteolytic bacteria were carried out from composting areas, high temperature ponding systems and areas surrounding palm oil mills. Twelve isolates were positive on Skim Milk A gar (10%) of which 11 produced protease in culture broth. A thermophilic and highly proteolytic isolate identifi edas Bacillus stearothermophilus strain F1 isolated from decomposed oil palm branch, was selected for further study. B. stearothermophilus strain F1 could grow up to 80°C within a broad pH ranges (pH 5 to 11) with an optimal growth temperature and pH at 70°C and 9.5, respectively. The doubling time of this bacteria at 60°C was 70 min. Maximum protease production was achieved after 24 h cultivation when grown in 50 ml medium (pH 10.0) under shaking condition at 60°C. Static condition inhibited protease production but not growth. Cultures grown on peptone (iv) generated the highest amount of protease and lower production was observed when glucose or other rapidly metabolized carbon sources were added. Ammonium salt (0.5%) and amino acids (0.5%) interfered with protease formation whenever they were added to the medium. Although the protease production was calcium independ ent, the presence of the ion at 4.5 mM enhanced the yield by two-fold. Protease production occurred during the midexponential growth phase of the bacterial growth and its onset coincided with sporulation

    The Factors Affecting Trajectory Profile of BCP-A2 Offshore Jacket During Launching Front A Transhortation Barge

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    Jacket structures are commonly used in shallow water regions. A jacket can be installed by lifting or launching from a barge into the water. As the jacket becomes heavierin its own weight,launching technique is preferred;economically. However in the other hand the procedure is too risky for the jacket 's design life. The purpose of this studs is to investigate optimum condition during launch based on tarjector analysis result and to obtain main parameter that affect the jacket during, launch from barg