5 research outputs found


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     Di masa pandemi covid-19, pembelajaran berbasis kelas tidak lagi dilakukan dan berubah menjadi pembelajaran online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pola adaptasi terhadap kesiapan pembelajaran online di Sekolah Dasar (SD). Penelitan ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian survei. Teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik simple random sampling dan didapatkan 40 siswa SD di Kabupaten Sragen. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis uji t. Melalui perhitungan uji t-test yang telah dilakukan tersebut maka diketahui nilai signifikansinya sebesar 0,000 < 0,05, yang berarti bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara kesiapan siswa dalam proses adaptasi pembelajaran online. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil bahwa masing-masing siswa memiliki perbedaan kesiapan dan adaptasi selama pembelajaran online. Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan presentase adaptasi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan presentase kesiapan, sehingga siswa SD di Kabupaten Sragen lebih membutuhkan kesiapan selama pembelajaran online berlangsung

    Keanekaragaman Odonata di Waduk Selorejo Kabupaten Malang dan Sumber Clangap Kabupaten Kediri

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    The Selorejo Reservoir administratively is located in Malang district while Sumber Clangap is located in Kediri district. Both of these locations have different environmental conditions both abiotic and biotic components. Selorejo Reservoir has fewer tree canopies and the area dominated with herbs from Poaceae. Sumber Clangap has heterogeneous vegetation from trees, bush, and herbs. Odonata diversity at Waduk Selorejo is never been studied before while Odonata diversity data at Sumber Clangap needed an update. This study aims to determine the diversity of Odonata in Sumber Clangap and Selorejo Reservoir. The method used in this study is the transect belt and visual day flying to get the data type and number of Odonata. Data were analyzed used the Shannon-Wiener Index. Selorejo Reservoir has 75 individual that is divided into 2 families of Odonata. Sumber Clangap Have 399 individual that is divided into 5 families. The results showed that there were 17 species of Odonata included in six families in both locations. The data showed that the measured diversity by Shannon-Wiener Index at Sumber Clangap H' = 1.81 which is higher than the diversity of the Waduk Selorejo, H' = 1.7

    Komparasi Efektivitas Tiga Tipe Starter Generator yang Digunakan pada Engine Pesawat ATR

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    A starter generator (DC generator) is a DC machine that acts as a motor when starting the engine and will become a DC generator when it reaches a certain speed. The DC Starter Generator will function as a starter mode when the speed is 61.5%. There are several types of starter generators on ATR aircraft: 8260-121, 8260-123, and 8260-124. The uses and functions of the three types are the same, but the maintenance schedule intervals are different. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the planned maintenance intervals (brush change, bearing change, and overhaul) and the causes of differences in maintenance intervals for the starter generator. The type of research used is comparative research, where this research compares several parameters related to the planned maintenance of the Starter Generator, which will be operated within 10,000 FH. The results of the treatment intervals obtained are that types 8260-121 and 8260-123 each will require 16 times maintenance, while types 8260-124 only need 8 times maintenance. The difference in the number of treatments being less in the 8260-124 type is due to the modification of the brush. In addition, the type 8260-124 has also used a new technology commutator. Therefore, this type is superior to the other two because it can save operational aircraft costs

    Global epidemiology of Equine Influenza viruses; “A possible emerging zoonotic threat in future” an extensive systematic review with evidence

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    International audienceAbstract There are different opinions around the World regarding the zoonotic capability of H3N8 equine influenza viruses. In this report, we have tried to summarize the findings of different research and review articles from Chinese, English, and Mongolian Scientific Literature reporting the evidence for equine influenza virus infections in human beings. Different search engines i.e. CNKI, PubMed, ProQuest, Chongqing Database, Mongol Med, and Web of Knowledge yielded 926 articles, of which 32 articles met the inclusion criteria for this review. Analyzing the epidemiological and Phylogenetic data from these articles, we found a considerable experimental and observational evidence of H3N8 equine influenza viruses infecting human being in different parts of the World in the past. Recently published articles from Pakistan and China have highlighted the emerging threat and capability of equine influenza viruses for an epidemic in human beings in future. In this review article we have summarized the salient scientific reports published on the epidemiology of equine influenza viruses and their zoonotic aspect. Additionally, several recent developments in the start of 21st century, including the transmission and establishment of equine influenza viruses in different animal species i.e. camels and dogs, and presumed encephalopathy associated to influenza viruses in horses, have documented the unpredictable nature of equine influenza viruses. In sum up, several reports has highlighted the unpredictable nature of H3N8 EIVs highlighting the need of continuous surveillance for H3N8 in equines and humans in contact with them for novel and threatening mutations.Resumo Existem diferentes opiniões em todo o mundo a respeito da capacidade zoonótica dos vírus da influenza equina H3N8. Neste relatório, tentamos resumir os resultados de diferentes pesquisas e artigos de revisão da literatura científica chinesa, inglesa e mongol relatando as evidências de infecções pelo vírus da influenza equina em seres humanos. Diferentes mecanismos de busca, como CNKI, PubMed, ProQuest, Chongqing Database, Mongol Med e Web of Knowledge geraram 926 artigos, dos quais 32 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão para esta revisão. Analisando os dados epidemiológicos e filogenéticos desses artigos, encontramos uma considerável evidência experimental e observacional de vírus da influenza equina H3N8 infectando seres humanos em diferentes partes do mundo no passado. Artigos publicados recentemente no Paquistão e na China destacaram a ameaça emergente e a capacidade dos vírus da influenza equina para uma epidemia em seres humanos no futuro. Neste artigo de revisão, resumimos os relatórios científicos relevantes publicados sobre a epidemiologia dos vírus da influenza equina e seu aspecto zoonótico. Além disso, vários desenvolvimentos recentes no início do século 21, incluindo a transmissão e estabelecimento de vírus da influenza equina em diferentes espécies animais, ou seja, camelos e cães, e presumida encefalopatia associada aos vírus da influenza em cavalos, documentaram a natureza imprevisível dos vírus da influenza equina. Em suma, vários relatórios destacaram a natureza imprevisível de H3N8 EIVs destacando a necessidade de vigilância contínua para H3N8 em equinos e humanos em contato com eles para novas mutações ameaçadoras