13 research outputs found

    A review of career devoted to biophotonics-in memoriam to Ekaterina Borisova (1978-2021)

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    Regretfully, because of her sudden demise, Assoc. Prof. Ekaterina Borisova is no longer amongst us. COVID-19 pulled away a brilliant scientist during the peak of her scientific career (see Fig. 1). All authors would like to express deepest condolences and sincere support to her family, friends, relatives and colleagues! We, therefore, rightfully commemorate her dedicated and devoted contribution to biophotonics, her readiness to always support, help, motivate and inspire all her colleagues and collaborators

    On the Mechanism of Thermal Decomposition of 1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene (FOX-7) and its Cyclic Derivatives

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    The thermal decomposition of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene (I) and its cyclic derivatives 2-(dinitromethylene)-1,3-diazacyclopentane (II), 2-(dinitromethylene)-1,3-diazacyclohexane (III) and 2-(dinitromethylene)-1,3-diazacycloheptane (IV) was investigated by quantum chemistry methods (PBE/cc-pVDZ), as well as DSC and TG. According to both the theoretical and experimental data, the thermal stability of compounds I-IV increases in the sequence IV < I ≈ III < II


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    Studies effectiveness of the energy management device blast hole charges in nabiytsi criteria for operability, speed departure heels, powder-gas cloud amount and degree of neutralization gas explosionОбосновано эффективность применения устройства управления энергией взрыва в забойке скважинных зарядов по критериям работоспособности, скорости вылета набойки, объема пылегазового облака и степени нейтрализации газов взрываОбґрунтувано ефективність застосування пристрою управління енергіею вибуху в набійці свердловинних зарядів за критеріями роботоздатності, швидкості вильоту набійки, об’єму пилогазової хмари і ступеня нейтралізації газів вибух

    A Panchromatic Cyclometalated Iridium Dye Based on 2-Thienyl-Perimidine

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    Though 2-arylperimidines have never been used in iridium(III) chemistry, the present study on structural, electronic and optical properties of N-unsubstituted and N-methylated 2-(2-thienyl)perimidines, supported by DFT/TDDFT calculations, has shown that these ligands are promising candidates for construction of light-harvesting iridium(III) complexes. In contrast to N-H perimidine, the N-methylated ligand gave the expected cyclometalated &mu;-chloro-bridged iridium(III) dimer which was readily converted to a cationic heteroleptic complex with 4,4&prime;-dicarboxy-2,2&prime;-bipyridine. The resulting iridium(III) dye exhibited panchromatic absorption up to 1000 nm and was tested in a dye-sensitized solar cell

    Development and Implementation of Decision Support Systems for Blast Smelting Control in the Conditions of PrJSC “Kamet-Steel”

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    This article presents a description of three decision support systems (DSS) in the mode of an adviser to the technological personnel of blast furnaces (BF), which were implemented by the Iron and Steel Institute of Z.I. Nekrasov (Dnipro, Ukraine) or underwent pilot testing as part of the automated control system of the BF shop of PrJSC “Kamet-steel” (Kamianske, Ukraine). The first DSS for managing the thermal state was implemented in 2021; it includes the entire list of information necessary for personnel in a convenient and compact form, generates recommendations in case of technology deviations, and, in the case of incorrect actions by the personnel, signals the need for correct actions. The main recommendations from the DSS are to correct the raceway adiabatic flame temperature, coke consumption when its characteristics are specified in (indicators of strength and abrasion, fractional composition, humidity, ash and sulfur), and ore load change. Using the system allows both reducing the specific coke consumption and preventing unplanned downtime. The second DSS for controlling the distribution of fuel additives over air tuyeres is based on information on thermal loads determined on water-cooled elements of tuyere tools. The main recommendations from the DSS are to adjust the amount of injected pulverized coal fuel on individual tuyeres in order to ensure a uniform distribution of the raceway adiabatic flame temperature around the circumference of the BF and, as a result, the energy efficiency of BF smelting. The third DSS for adjusting the parameters of the charging mode is based on information from the means of controlling the temperatures of the gas flow above the surface of the charge in the BF. The functioning of this DSS is based on determining the reference curves for the distribution of the gas flow along the BF radii, corresponding to the minimum consumption of coke and maximum productivity, and on the search for solutions by direct and iterative optimization methods, which allow one, by adjusting the charging parameters, to ensure a rational distribution of charge materials and gas flow in the BF

    Visualization of graphene grain boundaries through oxygen intercalation

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    Efficient control over the grain boundaries (GBs) is a vital aspect in optimizing the graphene growth conditions. A number of methods for visualization of GBs were developed for graphene grown on weakly interacting surfaces. Here, we utilize oxygen intercalation to reveal GBs and study their morphology for graphene strongly bound to the cobalt surface. We demonstrate that upon the intercalation of oxygen, GBs in polycrystalline graphene become easily detectable due to graphene cracking and selective oxidation of the substrate, thus giving a direct insight into the graphene micro- and nanostructure by means of different electron microscopy methods, including scanning electron microscopy, photoemission microscopy and low-energy electron microscopy

    Safety and Immunogenicity of Inactivated Whole Virion COVID-19 Vaccine CoviVac in Clinical Trials in 18–60 and 60+ Age Cohorts

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    We present the results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center clinical trial phase I/II of the tolerability, safety, and immunogenicity of the inactivated whole virion concentrated purified coronavirus vaccine CoviVac in volunteers aged 18–60 and open multi-center comparative phase IIb clinical trial in volunteers aged 60 years and older. The safety of the vaccine was assessed in 400 volunteers in the 18–60 age cohort who received two doses of the vaccine (n = 300) or placebo (n = 100) and in 200 volunteers in 60+ age cohort all of whom received three doses of the vaccine. The studied vaccine has shown good tolerability and safety. No deaths, serious adverse events (AEs), or other significant AEs related to vaccination have been detected. The most common AE in vaccinated participants was pain at the injection site (p p 1:256, the rate of fourfold increase in nAB levels was below 45%; the participants who were seropositive at screening of the 2nd vaccination did not lead to a significant increase in nAB titers. In conclusion, inactivated vaccine CoviVac has shown good tolerability and safety, with over 85% NT seroconversion rates after complete vaccination course in participants who were seronegative at screening in both age groups: 18–60 and 60+. In participants who were seropositive at screening and had nAB titers below 1:256, a single vaccination led to a fourfold increase in nAB levels in 85.2% of cases. These findings indicate that CoviVac can be successfully used both for primary vaccination in a two-dose regimen and for booster vaccination as a single dose in individuals with reduced neutralizing antibody levels