4 research outputs found

    PeFLL: A Lifelong Learning Approach to Personalized Federated Learning

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    Personalized federated learning (pFL) has emerged as a popular approach to dealing with the challenge of statistical heterogeneity between the data distributions of the participating clients. Instead of learning a single global model, pFL aims to learn an individual model for each client while still making use of the data available at other clients. In this work, we present PeFLL, a new pFL approach rooted in lifelong learning that performs well not only on clients present during its training phase, but also on any that may emerge in the future. PeFLL learns to output client specific models by jointly training an embedding network and a hypernetwork. The embedding network learns to represent clients in a latent descriptor space in a way that reflects their similarity to each other. The hypernetwork learns a mapping from this latent space to the space of possible client models. We demonstrate experimentally that PeFLL produces models of superior accuracy compared to previous methods, especially for clients not seen during training, and that it scales well to large numbers of clients. Moreover, generating a personalized model for a new client is efficient as no additional fine-tuning or optimization is required by either the client or the server. We also present theoretical results supporting PeFLL in the form of a new PAC-Bayesian generalization bound for lifelong learning and we prove the convergence of our proposed optimization procedure

    Communication-Efficient Federated Learning With Data and Client Heterogeneity

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    Federated Learning (FL) enables large-scale distributed training of machine learning models, while still allowing individual nodes to maintain data locally. However, executing FL at scale comes with inherent practical challenges: 1) heterogeneity of the local node data distributions, 2) heterogeneity of node computational speeds (asynchrony), but also 3) constraints in the amount of communication between the clients and the server. In this work, we present the first variant of the classic federated averaging (FedAvg) algorithm which, at the same time, supports data heterogeneity, partial client asynchrony, and communication compression. Our algorithm comes with a rigorous analysis showing that, in spite of these system relaxations, it can provide similar convergence to FedAvg in interesting parameter regimes. Experimental results in the rigorous LEAF benchmark on setups of up to 300300 nodes show that our algorithm ensures fast convergence for standard federated tasks, improving upon prior quantized and asynchronous approaches