599 research outputs found

    On dynamic monopolies of graphs with general thresholds

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    Let GG be a graph and Ο„:V(G)β†’N{\mathcal{\tau}}: V(G)\rightarrow \Bbb{N} be an assignment of thresholds to the vertices of GG. A subset of vertices DD is said to be dynamic monopoly (or simply dynamo) if the vertices of GG can be partitioned into subsets D0,D1,...,DkD_0, D_1,..., D_k such that D0=DD_0=D and for any i=1,...,kβˆ’1i=1,..., k-1 each vertex vv in Di+1D_{i+1} has at least t(v)t(v) neighbors in D0βˆͺ...βˆͺDiD_0\cup ...\cup D_i. Dynamic monopolies are in fact modeling the irreversible spread of influence such as disease or belief in social networks. We denote the smallest size of any dynamic monopoly of GG, with a given threshold assignment, by dyn(G)dyn(G). In this paper we first define the concept of a resistant subgraph and show its relationship with dynamic monopolies. Then we obtain some lower and upper bounds for the smallest size of dynamic monopolies in graphs with different types of thresholds. Next we introduce dynamo-unbounded families of graphs and prove some related results. We also define the concept of a homogenious society that is a graph with probabilistic thresholds satisfying some conditions and obtain a bound for the smallest size of its dynamos. Finally we consider dynamic monopoly of line graphs and obtain some bounds for their sizes and determine the exact values in some special cases

    First-Fit coloring of Cartesian product graphs and its defining sets

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    Let the vertices of a Cartesian product graph Gβ–‘HG\Box H be ordered by an ordering Οƒ\sigma. By the First-Fit coloring of (Gβ–‘H,Οƒ)(G\Box H, \sigma) we mean the vertex coloring procedure which scans the vertices according to the ordering Οƒ\sigma and for each vertex assigns the smallest available color. Let FF(Gβ–‘H,Οƒ)FF(G\Box H,\sigma) be the number of colors used in this coloring. By introducing the concept of descent we obtain a sufficient condition to determine whether FF(Gβ–‘H,Οƒ)=FF(Gβ–‘H,Ο„)FF(G\Box H,\sigma)=FF(G\Box H,\tau), where Οƒ\sigma and Ο„\tau are arbitrary orders. We study and obtain some bounds for FF(Gβ–‘H,Οƒ)FF(G\Box H,\sigma), where Οƒ\sigma is any quasi-lexicographic ordering. The First-Fit coloring of (Gβ–‘H,Οƒ)(G\Box H, \sigma) does not always yield an optimum coloring. A greedy defining set of (Gβ–‘H,Οƒ)(G\Box H, \sigma) is a subset SS of vertices in the graph together with a suitable pre-coloring of SS such that by fixing the colors of SS the First-Fit coloring of (Gβ–‘H,Οƒ)(G\Box H, \sigma) yields an optimum coloring. We show that the First-Fit coloring and greedy defining sets of Gβ–‘HG\Box H with respect to any quasi-lexicographic ordering (including the known lexicographic order) are all the same. We obtain upper and lower bounds for the smallest cardinality of a greedy defining set in Gβ–‘HG\Box H, including some extremal results for Latin squares.Comment: Accepted for publication in Contributions to Discrete Mathematic

    Serum lipid profiles in acute myocardial infarction patients in Gorgan

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    Acute myocardial infarction is one of the important reasons of death and unhealthiness in the world. The present study was undertaken to investigate the changes in serum lipids and lipoproteins in patients with acute myocardial infarction. This study was performed in the Biochemistry and Metabolic Disorder Research Center of Gorgan, Golestan province (South East of Caspian Sea), Iran in 2011.The levels of lipid profile were significantly changed in the acute myocardial infarction patients. acute myocardial infarction patients had significantly higher levels of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, VLDL-cholesterol, TG, LDLcholesterol /HDL-cholesterol, total cholesterol /HDL-cholesterol, LDH, CPK and CPK-MB and lower level of HDL-cholesterol, as compared to the control subjects. We found a significant association of lipid profiles with acute myocardial infarction. Changing of dietary and social activity habits of people in this area can help to prevent future atherogenic damaging in AMI patients. Copyright © 2012, Scientific Publisher of India

    On dynamic monopolies of graphs: the average and strict majority thresholds

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    Let GG be a graph and Ο„:V(G)β†’Nβˆͺ{0}{\mathcal{\tau}}: V(G)\rightarrow \Bbb{N}\cup \{0\} be an assignment of thresholds to the vertices of GG. A subset of vertices DD is said to be a dynamic monopoly corresponding to (G,Ο„)(G, \tau) if the vertices of GG can be partitioned into subsets D0,D1,...,DkD_0, D_1,..., D_k such that D0=DD_0=D and for any i∈0,...,kβˆ’1i\in {0, ..., k-1}, each vertex vv in Di+1D_{i+1} has at least Ο„(v)\tau(v) neighbors in D0βˆͺ...βˆͺDiD_0\cup ... \cup D_i. Dynamic monopolies are in fact modeling the irreversible spread of influence in social networks. In this paper we first obtain a lower bound for the smallest size of any dynamic monopoly in terms of the average threshold and the order of graph. Also we obtain an upper bound in terms of the minimum vertex cover of graphs. Then we derive the upper bound ∣G∣/2|G|/2 for the smallest size of any dynamic monopoly when the graph GG contains at least one odd vertex, where the threshold of any vertex vv is set as ⌈(deg(v)+1)/2βŒ‰\lceil (deg(v)+1)/2 \rceil (i.e. strict majority threshold). This bound improves the best known bound for strict majority threshold. We show that the latter bound can be achieved by a polynomial time algorithm. We also show that Ξ±β€²(G)+1\alpha'(G)+1 is an upper bound for the size of strict majority dynamic monopoly, where Ξ±β€²(G)\alpha'(G) stands for the matching number of GG. Finally, we obtain a basic upper bound for the smallest size of any dynamic monopoly, in terms of the average threshold and vertex degrees. Using this bound we derive some other upper bounds
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