8 research outputs found

    Meddelanden från Nordiska föreningen för lexikografi. Dödsfall

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    En av Sveriges främsta lexikografer, förre SAOB-chefen professor SvenEkbo, har gått ur tiden under år 2001. Nordiska föreningen förlexikografi har bett två av hans tidigare medarbetare att skriva enminnesteckning

    Meddelelser fra Nordisk Forening for Leksikografi

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    Leksikografi i et lille sprogsamfund – fordele og ulemper

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    This article – which is based on the ongoing project with the first monolingual Faroese dictionary ever, expected to be published later this year (1997) – deals with some advantages and disadvantages in working in the fields of lexicography in a small society. Idealistically there are the same needs for dictionaries in a small society as in a big, but there seem to be more limitations in reaching these goals in a small society. On the one hand the smallness of the society makes it relatively easy to get a general view of e.g. the vocabulary, as the number of texts produced is fairly limited. On the other hand limits in both economic and human resources to some extent prevent dictionary makers from forming the ideal empirical basis of preparing comprehensive dictionaries. In recent years there has been a tendency toward establishing a kind of dictionary environment in the Faroes. It is however of vital importance strictly to make plans for the needs for different kinds of dictionaries, especially because of the limits in both economic and human resources to fulfil these tasks and to avoid the same tasks from being solved twice at the same time as other remain unsolved. Therefore it's of vital importance to gather all strength concerning lexicography to co-operate

    Færøske ordbøger i 2000-tallet

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    There has been growth in the assortment of Faroese dictionaries within the last decades. Traditionally, Faroese dictionaries are prescriptive, but in modern dictionaries a more descriptive attitude is being expressed, resulting in a relatively high amount of import words. This tendency is more explicit in foreign-Faroese dictionaries than in Faroese-foreign dictionaries

    Språk i fokus: Færøsk

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    Artiklen giver et øjebliksbillede af den situation, som færøsk sprog befinder sig i, med nogle punktnedslag i visse områder, hvor der sker ændringer i sproget. Det gælder syntaktiske ændringer, men også ændringer i det bøjningsmæssige, hvor usikkerhed ser ud til at være tiltagende i brugen af akkusativ og dativ i visse konstruktioner. Bøjning af personnavne lader også til at være på retræte. Generelt sker der ændringer i brugen af det traditionelle bøjningssystem, også i forbindelse med centrale og frekvente ord og syntagmer. Der gives eksempler på engelsk påvirkning i udtale og retskrivning. Mest bliver der dog gjort ud af at gennemgå færøsk nyordspolitik, og der gives et udsnit af nyord gennem tiderne og nu om dage

    Variation in copular agreement in Insular Scandinavian

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    Hartmann J, Heycock C. Variation in copular agreement in Insular Scandinavian. In: Thráinsson H, Heycock C, Petersen HP, Hansen ZS, eds. Syntactic variation in Insular Scandinavian. Studies in German linguistics. Vol 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins; 2017: 233-276