11 research outputs found

    Correlation analysis of bulb yield with growth and yield components of garlic (Allium sativum L.)

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    Two experiments were conducted under irrigation at the Institute for Agricultural Research (I.A.R) Kadawa in the Sudan Savanna zone of Nigeria during 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 (Nov- Mar) dry seasons to study the relationship among growth, yield components and bulb yield of garlic (ex- Kofa var). Growth parameters studied included plant height, number of leaves, total dry matter, crop growth rate (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR) while the yield parameters studied included fresh bulb weight, cured bulb weight, bulb diameter, number of cloves/bulb, weight of cloves and cured bulb yield (kg/ha). Results obtained showed a significant and positive correlation between total bulb yield per hectare and growth as well as the other yield characters except RGR in  2007/2008 trial and CGR as well as the number of cloves in 2008/2009 trial. However, for the combined analysis, CGR, RGR and number of cloves were found not have positive correlation with the bulb yield. These characters should therefore, not be aimed at if the aim is to increase/ improve yielding ability of garlicKey Words: Correlation, Kadawa, Sudan Savanna, Garlic,  Irrigation, growth and yield components

    Evaluation of qualitative phytochemicals and antifungal activity of aqueous leaf extract of Senna tora on downy mildew of cabbage

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    This study was embarked upon to evaluate the efficacy of aqueous extracts of Senna tora leaf against Perenospora parasitica, causing downy mildew on cabbage. Phytochemical analysis of the leaf extracts revealed the presence of some secondary metabolites (Tannins, Saponins, Flavonoid, Glycosides, Alkaloids, Phenolic compounds and Carbohydrates) which have been reported to have antimicrobial effects. Assays were performed using extract concentrations of 1000, 500, 250, 125 mg/ml by agar well diffusion technique. Results obtained, revealed a significant difference in diameter of mycelial zone of inhibition between the concentrations. Highest zone of inhibition was recorded at 1000 and 500 mg/ml (20 and 15 mm) respectively. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Fungicidal Concentration (MFC) were determined and recorded at 250 mg/ml. The antifungal screening revealed that the extract exhibited inhibitory activities at varying concentrations against the downy mildew pathogen. These activities observed could be attributed to the presence of active metabolites contained in the extract.Keywords: Aqueous leaf extract, Downy mildew, Perenospora parasitica and Senna tor

    Quantitative analysis of plant species diversity in Kano zoological garden

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    The study was necessitated by the fact that quantitative floristic inventories provide necessary context for planning and interpreting long-term ecological research. It’s also needed in conservation biology more than ever as an increasing number of threatened species find theirway onto international and national “red lists”. Objective evaluation of population decline and extinction probability is required for sound decision making. Long-term studies of tree population dynamics are critical for our understanding of the conservation needs of tropical forest ecosystems. The study analyzed the present Phyto-sociological, primary and secondary ecological parameters, plant species richness, dominance, similarities and pattern of plant species diversity status in selected habitats in Kano zoological garden. The dominant plant species were found to be Azadirachta indica which have the highest frequency, low frequency were observed in Zizipus spina-christi, Magnifera indica and Adansonia digitataKeywords: Plant, Diversity, Azadirachta indica, Richnes

    Phytochemical, Analgesic And Acute Toxicity Study Of Jatropha Curcus Root

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    Jatropha curcus Linn. is a multipurpose plant in the Euphorbiaceae family. The ethnomedical practice in West Africa showed the application of Jatropha curcus leaves in different forms to cure various ailments like fever, mouth infections, jaundice, guinea worm sores and joint rheumatism. The roots of J. curcus have been used as a decoction for bleeding gums, toothache, eczema, ringworm, and scabies and to cure dysentery. This study therefore assessed the phytochemical and analgesic properties of Jatropha curcus root. The acetic acid induced writhing test in mice was used to study the analgesic effect. The analgesic activity on methanol extract of the root (25mg/kg, 50mg/kg and 100 mg/kg) in the writhing test showed significant reduction of pain induced by acetic acid with the 50mg/kg being more potent. Phytochemical results of the three solvent extracts showed presence of tannins, triterpenes, alkaloids, carbohydrate and flavonoids. The quantitative phytochemical analysis showed that alkaloids (94.0 mg/g) was the highest phytochemical detected in the root while the lowest was saponins and phenols (23.0 mg/g). The results of this investigation may be useful for deriving doses that are safe for human consumption medicinally of Jatropha curcus root. Collectively, this study provides scientific data for the use of Jatropha curcus in the treatment of pains and contribute to the analgesic knowledge of this species. Further study should be carried oot o find out the mechanism of its action and also to isolate, identify and characterize the active agent responsible for these effects in this plant

    Phytochemical and Acute Toxicity Study of Moringa Oliefera Root

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     Majority of Africans today depend either totally or partially on medicinal plants for the healing of their ailments which was used by their ancestors. This form of treatment, which is referred to as ethno medicine is sometimes the only kind of health care available to the rural populations. As part of the efforts to ascertain the healing capability credited to Moringa oleifera by the general public and some traditional practitioners, this work aimed at determining the phytochemical and acute toxicity of M. oleifera was embarked on. The study aimed at establishing a safety profile, evaluating phytochemical constituents. Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis, thin layer chromatography and acute toxicity study was carried out using standard methods. Acute toxicity study was carried standard procedure in rats. Phytochemicals which include alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides and triterpenes were detected in both hexane, ethyl acetate and methanolic extracts. Anthraquinones, carbohydrate, phenol, steroid and saponins were detected in the ethyl acetate and methanolic extract but absent in hexane extract of Moringa oleifera root. The quantitative phytochemical analysis showed that tannins (64.0 mg/g) was the highest phytochemical detected while the lowest was phenol (4.0 mg/g). Eight spots were detected with p-Anisaldehyde spray and the R f values were shown alongside the spots in methanol extract. LD50 was above 5000 mg/kg and did not cause mortality in all the tested rats. The results of this investigation may be useful for deriving doses that are safe for human consumption of Moringa oleifera

    Natural and improved natural pastures on the reproductive performance of first-calf beef cows Pastagens naturais e melhoradas no desempenho reprodutivo de vacas de corte primíparas

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    This work evaluated the reproductive performance of first-calf cows at three years of age, submitted or not to protein supplementation at yearling on natural pastures. After calving, cows were managed on natural or improved pastures. The feeding managements were the following: on natural pastures as yearlings and during pregnancy, post-calving period and breeding season; on natural pastures with protein supplement as yearlings and only natural pasture during pregnancy, post-calving and breeding season; on natural pastures as yearlings and during pregnancy and on improved natural pastures (Lolium multiflorum L., Trifolium repens cv. Yi and Lotus corniculatus cv. São Gabriel) during the post-calving period and breeding season; on natural pastures with protein supplement at yearling, on natural pastures during pregnancy, and on improved natural pasture during post-calving period and breeding season. Cows did not differ on body weight, but from calving to the beginning of breeding season, cows on improved natural pastures presented higher weight gain than those on natural pastures (0.203 vs. 0.109 kg/day). Cows in post-calving on natural pastures lost 1.0 point of body condition score during mating, determinant of the lowest pregnancy rate and later conception in relation to cows on improved natural pasture. Pregnant cows presented higher body weight (440 vs. 413 kg) and body condition score (4.14 vs. 3.66 points) than open cows at the end of the breeding season.<br>O trabalho avaliou o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas primíparas aos três anos de idade, submetidas previamente ou não à suplementação protéica no sobreano sobre pastagens naturais. Após o parto, foram manejadas em pastagens naturais ou naturais melhoradas. Os manejos alimentares foram: em pastagem natural na recria e nos períodos de gestação, pós-parto e reprodutivo; em pastagem natural com suplemento protéico na recria e somente pastagem natural durante os períodos de gestação, pós-parto e reprodutivo; em pastagem natural durante a recria e período de gestação, em pastagem natural melhorada (Lolium multiflorum L., Trifolium repens cv. Yi e Lotus corniculatus L. cv. São Gabriel) nos períodos pós-parto e reprodutivo; em pastagem natural com suplemento protéico na recria, em pastagem natural no período de gestação e em pastagem natural melhorada nos períodos pós-parto e reprodutivo. As vacas não diferiram em peso corporal, porém do parto ao início do acasalamento vacas em pastagem natural melhorada tiveram maiores ganhos de peso do que as vacas mantidas em pastagem natural (0,230 vs 0,109 kg/dia). Vacas no pós-parto em pastagens naturais perderam 1,0 ponto de condição corporal durante o acasalamento, determinante da menor taxa de prenhez e de concepções mais tardias em relação às vacas em pastagem natural melhorada. Vacas que conceberam apresentaram maior peso (440 vs 413 kg) e condição corporal (4,14 vs 3,66 pontos) no final do acasalamento do que as vacas não prenhes

    A mosaic of visions, daydreams, and memories: diverse inlays of organizing and communicating from around the globe

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    This collaboratively multiauthored essay presents diverse tales of organizing and communicative practices in our global context. Authors from India, Nepal, Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, the United States, and Nigeria present individual contributions that coalesce around three clear thematic concerns regarding issues of organizing and communicating: (1) silence and voice, (2) the limits and consequences of linguistic and theoretical translations, and (3) the communal considerations of research politics and participation. The essay concludes with communal reflections on how it is that in attempting to engage with diversity we begin to see remarkable similarities not only in expressing a desire to be heard but also in making a commitment to let others be heard, not only in breaking boundaries and building alliances but also in moving towards a collective, inclusive, and participative conceptualization of the myriad shapes of organizing and communicating that exist in the contemporary global context

    A comprehensive review of barriers to a functional Zakat system in Nigeria: what needs to be done?

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    Purpose: Muslims in Nigeria, like in many Muslim-majority countries, are striving to have a functional Zakat system in search of solutions to the perennial problem of poverty and its damning consequences. Nevertheless, there are still unsettled concerns arising from the current and widespread implementation of dissimilar (diverse) approaches to the Zakat system in various parts of the country. The purpose of this paper is to review comprehensively what are the hindrances of a vibrant Zakat system and how far the identified impediments may affect the system in the Nigerian context.Design/methodology/approach:The methodology adopted is the review of extant relevant literature in the field of scholarly publications.Findings: The findings of this study revealed that the fragmented implementation of the Zakat system within the context of the Nigerian democratic system of government lead to the weak governance with respect to law, administration and management; lack of a generally accepted fatwa from the Muslims scholars (Ulamas); absence of Zakat accounting standard; and low compliance behavior are the major barriers that require the attention of government and other stakeholders such as the traditional leaders, the accounting regulatory bodies, the Ulamas, as well as the economic and accounting researchers.Practical implications: It was recommended that the stakeholders should make concerted efforts toward ensuring success of the Zakat system for attaining salvation in the hereafter and for social security, as well as economic prosperity. Originality/value: The paper is the first paper that comprehensively reviews previous literature in the Zakat environment on factors that become barriers to implement a comprehensive Zakat system in Nigeria