139 research outputs found

    Tingkat Pemahaman Kognitif Peserta Didik dalam Bermain Basket Pasca Daring di Sekolah

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    This study aims to determine the level of cognitive understanding of students in playing basketball after daring (post-online) at school. This type of research is descriptive quantitative with survey research methods. The research subjects totaled 100 students of SMAN 1 at Cigombong, from the results of determining the purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was a questionnaire with a Likert scale of 5. Based on the results of the research, the following data were obtained: 1. Results based on the stages of prior knowledge, the highest frequency was in the 'good' category of 53.00% or 53 students. Meanwhile, in the 'very good' category 0% or 0 students, in the 'fair' category 21% or 21 students, in the 'less' category 19% or 19 students, and in the 'very good' category less' by 7% or 7 students. 2. The results are based on the stages of implementation knowledge, the highest frequency shows in the 'sufficient' category of 50.00% or 50 students. Meanwhile, in the 'very good' category 9% or 9 students, in the 'good' category 15% or 15 students, in the 'less' category 24% or 24 students, and in the 'very good' category less' by 2% or 2 students. 3. Based on the results of the final knowledge stage, the highest frequency is in the 'sufficient' category of 59.00% or 59 students. Meanwhile, in the 'very good' category 10% or 10 students, in the 'good' category 13% or 13 students, in the 'less' category 12% or 12 students, and in the 'very good' category less' by 6% or 6 students. 4. Based on the results of the overall stages, the highest frequency is in the 'enough' category of 53.00% or 53 students. Meanwhile, in the 'very good' category 9% or 9 students, in the 'good' category 13% or 13 students, in the 'less' category 20% or 20 students, and in the 'very good' category less' by 5% or 5 students

    Vehicular Data Cloud Services

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    The advance cloud computing has provided an opportunity to resolve the challenges which effects by increasing transportation issues. Two methods of cloud services are available these are parking and mining. Mobile cloud computing has improved the storage capacity, stand by time of mobile terminals by migrating data processing to the remote cloud. The introduction of smart phones, cloud computing the automotive system is shifting toward the internet of vehicles

    Future Computing: DNA Hard Drives

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    DNA is a hard drive, the memory in every cell of every living organism that has the instructions on how to make that cell. With the exponential growth of our media, the growth of data storage is also increasing. DNA is incredible compact due to its molecular structure and can be used to achieve data attractively through genome sequencing. A raw limit of 1 Exabyte/mm3 (109 GB/mm3) having half-life of over 500 years. With this, all the data of the world can be stored in just a small place of a room

    Improved Software Requirement process for Software Industries

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    In the software system development, requirement engineering plays a great role because system successfulness depends on it. If the requirements are clear and unambiguous in every aspect then the system will be developed error free. A number of clients that are not educated and illiterate, then in this scenario, the given requirements are not clear and full of ambiguous. In this paper, we proposed a method to resolve this problem in the shape of break the requirements, filter it (separate the necessary and un-necessary requirements), break into little bits, numbering them and prioritize them, after it is documented, the requirement that is very helpful for current and future changing in software system and finally shift to the development team for develop the project. We will apply this proposed method on case study as experimental to find out the definite and relevant results

    Ambient Intelligence

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    Ambient intelligence is electronic environment which are sensitive to the presence of people. It is the light of future technologies. All AMI subsystems are interact with each other to accomplish their goal. AMI applications which are directly interact to define the environment. It shows that human environment which are not produced this process. The AMI systems should identify the various emotions of human experience. The AMI systems can also highlight the communication of the user. The AMI systems which is consists of robots and sensors

    أعمال العنف في رواية ليل وقضبان لنجيب الكيلاني (دراسة البنيوية التوليديّة)

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    تحكي رواية ليل وقضبان لنجيب كيلاني عن أحوال حياة السجناء في سجن أبي زعبل في مصر . هذه الرواية يحتوي كثيرًا عن أعمال العنف والسلوك التعسفي ضد قمع الحقائق الإنسانيّة. و تكشف هذه الرواية ذات الطابع الإجتماعي عن أعمال العنف التي يلاقيها السجناء بسبب السلوك التعسفي لرئيس السجون و أعضائه. الغرض من هذا البحث هو لكشف أعمال العنف للشّخصيات في هذه الرواية. ولمعرفة العوامل التي تؤثّر وجود أعمال العنف للشّخصيات في هذه الرواية. و لوصف الرسالة الأخلاقية التي يريد المؤلف إيصالها للقارئ. الطريقة المستخدمة في هذا البحث هي الطريقة الوصفية التحليلية بمدخل دراسة البنيوية التوليديّة لهدف و كشف الأعمال الأدبية على أنها لا تُنشأ من الفراغ ، بل تولدت الأعمال الأدبية من المؤلفون و تأثيرات الحياة الإجتماع التى يعيش فيها الأدباء. و نتائج هذا البحث هي أن هذه الرواية تأثرت بتجربة المؤلف عند احتباسه فى سجن المصر. (1) تتكون أعمال العنف في هذه الرواية من أعمال العنف الجسديّ و أعمال العنف النفسي و أعمال العنف البنيويّ. و أمّا أعمال العنف الجسديّ فى هذه الرواية منها: الضرب ، والجلد ، والركل ، والهجوم ، والصفع ، والتعذيب ، والمزق ، والتسمم. و أمّا أعمال العنف النفسيّ في هذه الرواية منها: التخويف ، التهديد ، التوبيخ ، الشتم ، الصراخ ، المشتبه بهم ، اللعن ، الإهانة ، والمتهمين. و أمّا العمل العنف البنيويّ في هذه الرواية هو الفساد. (2) عوامل التي تؤثّر وجود أعمال العنف هي: العوامل الداخلية التي تشمل من القوة العاطفية ، والعدوان ، وموقف الأفراد في المجتمع. و عوامل أخرى منها عوامل عدم القدر للتعديل الذاتي ، الاستفزاز ، وضعف الأمن في السجن ، والعوامل الإقتصادية. (3) و المغزى لهذه الرواية التي يرغب المؤلف في إيصالها للقرّاء منها : واقع الحياة ، عادل لإخوانه من البشر ، والمسؤولية ، والعناد، وابتعاد عن الأعمال السيئة، ويخدمون القائد ، و يستسلمون لله على ما كان عليه مقدر دائمًا


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    The purpose of this research is getting discription explicity about : syntatic functions and syntatic categories in Kitab Ta’lim Muta’alim. This Research is descriptive research with a comparative-contransitive approach with using special tables of classificate output of research data.                Based on data analysis of research done by research. The conclusion of the research is that there are 35 speech acts of directive commands in the Ta'lim Mutaalim translation book in which syntactic functions and syntactic categories are written. the translation results include the ideology of foreignization

    Computer Viruses, Attacks, and Security Methods

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    with the fast growth of the Internet, computer threats and viruses have become a very serious issue for us, which attract public attention. Therefore, the distribution of computer viruses and worms were discussed in this study. This paper focuses on the effects of computer viruses. The main area of this paperis a brief discussion on computer viruses and security or detection methods. This study is very useful and helpful for computer users to use the different methods, possible steps to protect their system and information from any kind of possible attacks on their system

    Effectiveness of Modern Educational Games on Society

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    The study is about how modern education games are effecting the society. The authors have discussed different point of views published and working in the same domain after critically evaluating previous work in the same domain. The authors have covered how games are changing the way of learning new education trends

    Sero-Surveillance of Hemorrhagic Septicemia in Buffaloes and Cattle in Southern Punjab, Pakistan

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    The present investigation was executed to study the sero-surveillance of hemorrhagic septicemia (HS) in buffaloes and cattle in district Dera-Ghazi-Khan, Punjab, Pakistan. The average geometric mean titers (GMT) recorded against HS in diseased buffaloes and cattle were 5.7 and 6.1, respectively. The morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates were 57.58, 52.30 and 90.83% in young buffalo calves; and 3.17, 1.92 and 60.65%, in adult buffaloes, respectively. Whereas, in case of young cattle calves, morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates were 8.63, 5.27 and 61.11%, respectively. While in adult cattle, morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates were 4.83, 2.18 and 45.23%, respectively. The present study revealed that the mortality, morbidity and case fatality rates due to HS were greater in young calves than the adults both in buffaloes and cattle. Furthermore, buffaloes were found to be more susceptible to the disease than the cattle