2,569 research outputs found

    A Reconfigurable Gate Architecture for Si/SiGe Quantum Dots

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    We demonstrate a reconfigurable quantum dot gate architecture that incorporates two interchangeable transport channels. One channel is used to form quantum dots and the other is used for charge sensing. The quantum dot transport channel can support either a single or a double quantum dot. We demonstrate few-electron occupation in a single quantum dot and extract charging energies as large as 6.6 meV. Magnetospectroscopy is used to measure valley splittings in the range of 35-70 microeV. By energizing two additional gates we form a few-electron double quantum dot and demonstrate tunable tunnel coupling at the (1,0) to (0,1) interdot charge transition.Comment: Related papers at http://pettagroup.princeton.ed

    Scalable gate architecture for densely packed semiconductor spin qubits

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    We demonstrate a 12 quantum dot device fabricated on an undoped Si/SiGe heterostructure as a proof-of-concept for a scalable, linear gate architecture for semiconductor quantum dots. The device consists of 9 quantum dots in a linear array and 3 single quantum dot charge sensors. We show reproducible single quantum dot charging and orbital energies, with standard deviations less than 20% relative to the mean across the 9 dot array. The single quantum dot charge sensors have a charge sensitivity of 8.2 x 10^{-4} e/root(Hz) and allow the investigation of real-time charge dynamics. As a demonstration of the versatility of this device, we use single-shot readout to measure a spin relaxation time T1 = 170 ms at a magnetic field B = 1 T. By reconfiguring the device, we form two capacitively coupled double quantum dots and extract a mutual charging energy of 200 microeV, which indicates that 50 GHz two-qubit gate operation speeds are feasible

    Biotic Interactions Among Estuarine Infaunal Opportunistic Species

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    Biotic interactions among soft-sediment infauna were investigated in a small New England estuary in order to determine what effect(s) established opportunistic species had on subsequent recolonization. Interactions were defined according to successional models developed by Connell and Slatyer (1977), e.g. facilitation, tolerance and inhibition. Adults of the opportunistic polychaetes Streblospio benedicti, Polydora ligni and Hobsonia florida were added at 2 densities to separate cores containing defaunated sediment. These cores and control cores containing no worms were sampled at 10 d intervals for 40 d. Cores containing capillary tubes to simulate polychaete tubes were also deployed and sampled at 10 d intervals. Subsequent infaunal colonization densities of the polychaetes seeded to the cores - and also Capitella capitata, the amphipods Corophium insidiosum and Microdeutopus gryllotalpa and the anthozoan Nematostella vectensis - were analyzed for differences in recolonization with respect to the initial density of each of the established species. While more than 1 particular type of interspecific interaction operated during the study, the results indicate that the species could be divided into 2 groups, the polychaete and non-polychaete fauna. A predominance of inhibitory interactions (recolonization densities were significantly lower in cores with established species than in control cores) occurred among the polychaete fauna of the estuary. Some evidence of interspecific facilitation was found during initial sampling periods when overall densities of organisms were low. The effect of initial worm density on settlement inhibition was variable. The non-polychaete fauna appeared not to have been either positively or negatively affected by established species, thus suggesting some form of tolerance interaction or the lack of interaction. Cores containing simulated polychaete tubes generally had no effect on recolonization. Inhibitory interactions among opportunistic polychaetes may be due to intraspecific gregarious settlement and subsequent preemption of food and space resources. While biotic interactions among opportunistic species may play an important role in controlling successional dynamics, the specific type of interaction that occurs most likely depends on the species present, their density and habitat conditions. There appears to be no “characteristic” type of biotic interaction which influences soft-bottom successional dynamics

    Benchmark calculations for elastic fermion-dimer scattering

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    We present continuum and lattice calculations for elastic scattering between a fermion and a bound dimer in the shallow binding limit. For the continuum calculation we use the Skorniakov-Ter-Martirosian (STM) integral equation to determine the scattering length and effective range parameter to high precision. For the lattice calculation we use the finite-volume method of L\"uscher. We take into account topological finite-volume corrections to the dimer binding energy which depend on the momentum of the dimer. After subtracting these effects, we find from the lattice calculation kappa a_fd = 1.174(9) and kappa r_fd = -0.029(13). These results agree well with the continuum values kappa a_fd = 1.17907(1) and kappa r_fd = -0.0383(3) obtained from the STM equation. We discuss applications to cold atomic Fermi gases, deuteron-neutron scattering in the spin-quartet channel, and lattice calculations of scattering for nuclei and hadronic molecules at finite volume.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    A Coherent Spin-Photon Interface in Silicon

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    Electron spins in silicon quantum dots are attractive systems for quantum computing due to their long coherence times and the promise of rapid scaling using semiconductor fabrication techniques. While nearest neighbor exchange coupling of two spins has been demonstrated, the interaction of spins via microwave frequency photons could enable long distance spin-spin coupling and "all-to-all" qubit connectivity. Here we demonstrate strong-coupling between a single spin in silicon and a microwave frequency photon with spin-photon coupling rates g_s/(2\pi) > 10 MHz. The mechanism enabling coherent spin-photon interactions is based on spin-charge hybridization in the presence of a magnetic field gradient. In addition to spin-photon coupling, we demonstrate coherent control of a single spin in the device and quantum non-demolition spin state readout using cavity photons. These results open a direct path toward entangling single spins using microwave frequency photons

    Investigation of Mobility Limiting Mechanisms in Undoped Si/SiGe Heterostructures

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    We perform detailed magnetotransport studies on two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) formed in undoped Si/SiGe heterostructures in order to identify the electron mobility limiting mechanisms in this increasingly important materials system. By analyzing data from 26 wafers with different heterostructure growth profiles we observe a strong correlation between the background oxygen concentration in the Si quantum well and the maximum mobility. The highest quality wafer supports a 2DEG with a mobility of 160,000 cm^2/Vs at a density 2.17 x 10^11/cm^2 and exhibits a metal-to-insulator transition at a critical density 0.46 x 10^11/cm^2. We extract a valley splitting of approximately 150 microeV at a magnetic field of 1.8 T. These results provide evidence that undoped Si/SiGe heterostructures are suitable for the fabrication of few-electron quantum dots.Comment: Related papers at http://pettagroup.princeton.ed
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