77 research outputs found

    Toxicologic Characteristics of Nanodisperse Manganese Oxide: Physical-Chemical Properties, Biological Accumulation, and Morphological-Functional Properties at Various Exposure Types

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    Nanosized manganese oxide has excellent prospects. Some data imply that its particles can be toxic when introduced in various ways, and it requires further examination of this nanomaterial. The authors conducted research of nanodisperse MnO2 water suspension at intragastric, inhalation, and skin-resorptive introduction into small rodents and obtained profound characteristics of its toxic effects, determined target organs and revealed dose-dependent effects. The substance was characterized with acute toxicity, and its bioaccumulation under long-term exposure caused morphofunctional disorders in brain, lipid peroxidation activation, and lower antioxidant system activity. The authors detected vessel hyperemia, subarachnoid hemorrhages, brain edema with perivascular and pericellular spaces dilatation, nerve fiber demyelinization, and focal dystrophic changes in vessels endothelium. After a long-term introduction in doses from 0.25 to 2.5 mg/kg, oxidizing-antioxidant imbalance occurred, neurotransmitters and electrolytes balance was violated, and there was also brush border epithelium insufficiency. Nanodisperse MnO2 water suspension in doses equal to 2.5 and 0.25 mg/kg at intragastric introduction into Wistar rats did not have embryotoxic or teratogenic effects. It did not have any mutagenic effects in doses equal to 10.3 and 5.15 mg/kg or gonadotoxic effects either when introduced into Wistar male rats in doses equal to 10.3–5.15 mg/kg via gastric tube

    Реформирование управления туристической деятельностью на региональном уровне

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    У рамках економіки різних регіонів України в сучасних умовах туризм відіграє все більшу роль. Однак не всі регіони здатні забезпечити довгостроковий сталий розвиток туризму на своїй території. Однією з основних причин виникнення проблем у розвитку регіонального туризму є недосконалість регіональної системи управління туризмом. У статті розглянуто основні питання, що стосуються впливу туризму на регіональну економіку, а також запропоновано ряд заходів щодо реформування управління туристичної діяльності на регіональному рівні.Within the economy of different regions of Ukraine in modern conditions, tourism is playing an increasingly important role. However, not all regions are able to provide long-term sustainable development of tourism on its territory. One of the main causes of problems in the development of regional tourism is the imperfection of the regional system of tourism management. This article discusses key issues concerning the impact of tourism on the regional economy and proposes a number of measures to reform the management of tourism activities at the regional level.В рамках экономики различных регионов Украины в современных условиях туризм играет все большую роль. Однако не все регионы способны обеспечить долгосрочный устойчивое развитие туризма на своей территории. Одной из основных причин возникновения проблем в развитии регионального туризма является несовершенство региональной системы управления туризмом. В данной статье рассмотрены основные вопросы, касающиеся влияния туризма на региональную экономику, а также предложен ряд мер по реформированию управления туристической деятельности на региональном уровне

    Socio-economic role of service : sector small business in sustainable development of the Russian economy

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    The aim of the present article is to summarize the results of the research on the socioeconomic role of small business in the development of the Russian economy and creation of effective mechanisms for its infrastructure support on the basis of the service sector particular qualities. On the basis of statistical data and the results of their own research, the authors prove the increasing importance of service-sector small business in the sustainable development of the Russian economy. At the closing part of the article the authors justify the necessity of the creation of the mechanisms which are able to support the service-sector small business in terms of its features.peer-reviewe

    Necessity of Changes in the System of Hospitality Industry and Tourism Training in Terms of Import Substitution

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    The purpose of the authors in this study was to prove the relevance of research identifying the necessity of changes in the system of training for hospitality industry and tourism in terms of import substitution. The aim of this research was to assess the significance of tourism in the framework of import substitution, to justify the need for changes in the system of training for hospitality and tourism industry in recent situation. It is also essential to give practical recommendations on training and education development. The authors implemented expert assessment method and statistics analyses, tourists' questionnaires evaluating their travel preferences and personal materials and findings to enable construction of complex model of training and education development for hospitality industry. All above mentioned techniques allow authors to introduce their own findings concerning this issue in terms of import substitution. Through the study the authors scrutinize and generalize the problems concerning training and education for hospitality industry and give offers and solutions to improve activities most vital and perspective for the industry. The authors emphasize that it is essential not only to follow our national concept of import substitution but also to take into consideration the employers' requirements for staff working in hospitality. Furthermore, it is of vital importance to influence hospitality management to take part in educational programs development, while educators and scientists should introduce new technologies of customer service to the business organizations. As a result of implementing authors' recommendations given in the following article it will be likely to generate competitive tourism products and modernized educational programs which will meet customers' demands. The article findings are of practical importance for training and development in hospitality industry organization. It also has practical significance for all types of training organizations in hospitality industry and researchers of international training for the industry in the terms of import substitution. Keywords:  Tourism.  Import substitution. Personnel Training,  Development. JEL Classifications: H25, H54, O14, Z3

    Polyclonal antibody cocktails generated using DNA vaccine technology protect in murine models of orthopoxvirus disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previously we demonstrated that DNA vaccination of nonhuman primates (NHP) with a small subset of vaccinia virus (VACV) immunogens (L1, A27, A33, B5) protects against lethal monkeypox virus challenge. The L1 and A27 components of this vaccine target the mature virion (MV) whereas A33 and B5 target the enveloped virion (EV).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we demonstrated that the antibodies produced in vaccinated NHPs were sufficient to confer protection in a murine model of lethal <it>Orthopoxvirus </it>infection. We further explored the concept of using DNA vaccine technology to produce immunogen-specific polyclonal antibodies that could then be combined into cocktails as potential immunoprophylactic/therapeutics. Specifically, we used DNA vaccines delivered by muscle electroporation to produce polyclonal antibodies against the L1, A27, A33, and B5 in New Zealand white rabbits. The polyclonal antibodies neutralized both MV and EV in cell culture. The ability of antibody cocktails consisting of anti-MV, anti-EV, or a combination of anti-MV/EV to protect BALB/c mice was evaluated as was the efficacy of the anti-MV/EV mixture in a mouse model of progressive vaccinia. In addition to evaluating weight loss and lethality, bioimaging technology was used to characterize the spread of the VACV infections in mice. We found that the anti-EV cocktail, but not the anti-MV cocktail, limited virus spread and lethality.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A combination of anti-MV/EV antibodies was significantly more protective than anti-EV antibodies alone. These data suggest that DNA vaccine technology could be used to produce a polyclonal antibody cocktail as a possible product to replace vaccinia immune globulin.</p

    Clinical, pathomorphological and immunohistochemical evaluation of tissue repair in diabetic foot ulcers

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    Background: It is known that wound healing is Impaired in diabetes mellitus. Possible reasons are widely being searched. However, despite all the available data, reliable markers of reparative processes in diabetes mellitus are needed to be found. Aim: To study morphological and some immunohistochemical markers of tissue repair in patients with diabetic foot ulcers after local treatment. Materials and methods: 70 patients with diabetic foot ulcers before and after surgical debridement were included. Histological (light microscopy) and immunohistochemical (CD68, MMP-9, TIMP-1) characteristics of tissue repair processes in soft tissues of the lower extremities in patients with diabetes mellitus were analyzed. Histological and immunohistochemical examination of soft tissues were performed in 63 patients before and after surgical debridement and 10 days after local treatment. Results: After the surgical debridement a significant reduction in the area of wounds was registered by 23.4% (p &lt;0.05), wound depth by 29.4% (p &lt;0.05). Based on the results of the morphological study, the presence of mature granulation tissue in the wounds was confirmed. Immunohistochemical study of wound biopsies demonstrated a significant decrease in proteolytic activity in the wound as a decrease in MMP-9 expression (p &lt;0.05). Statistically significant changes in the number of macrophages against the initial data were not found, as well as increased expression of TIMP-1 was observed (p&gt; 0.05 and &lt;0.05, respectively). Conclusion: According to the data, there was a significant decrease in the area and depth of wounds during local treatment. The intensity of tissue repair was confirmed by the results of histological and immunohistochemical studies. However, the absence of a statistically significant change in the amount of macrophages on the background of treatment suggests that this repair link is disrupted in diabetes mellitus, which is the reason for the "chronic" wounds and requires further studies

    Resource Saving Innovative Forms of the Industrial Enterprises

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    The relevance of the study is reasoned by the current economic trends which suggest that the reliability of production is possible to be provided, while preserving and enhancing of natural ecological environment, by finding of quality new, revolutionary opportunities associated with the use of resource-saving and energy-saving technologies and alternative reproducible sources of production activities, creation of favorable ecological, economic and social conditions for the accumulation and implementation of human capital. The purpose of this paper is to explore innovative forms of resource saving of the industrial enterprises, aimed at improving of the competitiveness of products, using innovative energy and resource saving technologies, minimizing the generation of waste. The leading method to the study of this problem is the modeling method that allows considering of this problem as a purposeful and organized process to improve the management of industrial enterprises. In paper gives the estimation of modern condition of mineral raw material base of hydrocarbons; scientifically substantiates recommendations on the appropriateness of innovative forms' choice of resource-saving at industrial enterprises. The practical value is in the fact that the results of the study allow better and more targeted adjusting of innovative activity of industrial enterprises through the application of innovative forms of resource saving and can be used in the framework of sector programs that are of interest for the state statistics bodies, ministries and agencies who are responsible for strategic analysis and planning. Keywords: Resource Saving, Innovation, Competitiveness, Equity Sharing of Profits. JEL Classifications: O31, P28, Q32

    «DIARISK» — the first national prediabetes and diabetes mellitus type 2 risk calculator

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    BACKGRAUND: The need to create a national questionnaire for screening the population for disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.AIMS: Develop a highly specific and sensitive questionnaire-calculator of the risk of prediabetes (PreD) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2T) based on depersonalized data of individuals who have these diagnoses confirmed in the national epidemiological study NATION.METHODS: The express method of prediabetes (PreD) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2T) risks has been created, validated and proposed for clinical usage for the first time in the Russian Federation, it was based of NATION epidemiologic study database (more than 26 000 participants). The following mathematical instruments have been used: mathematic modelling, main components methodology, binary variables, correlation analysis and single-factor analysis of variance.RESULTS: Highest coefficients of logistic regression for PreD (p&lt;0.05) were identified for age — ≥52 years old for women and ≥59 years old for men (1,48); body mass index ≥31 (0.75); waist circumference ≥100 сm for women and ≥112 cm for men (0.90). In the same time coefficients for DM2T were for for age — ≥52 years old for women and ≥59 years old for men (1,24); body mass index ≥31 (1,19), high blood fasting glucose analysis in the past (1,37); waist circumference / hip circumference ratio ≥0.85 for women and ≥0.92 for men (1,05), high blood pressure (0.69). Correlation coefficients were taken into account and score has been used for specialized questionnaire creation. Sensitivity and specificity for PreD were 83,8% and 59,3% accordingly, for DM2T — 85,4% and 73,6% accordingly. DM2T may be suspected when total score of questionnaire is 11 and higher, and PreD — when total score will be ≥7 and &lt;11.CONCLUSIONS: The calculator based on questionnaire (DIARISK) allows to separate of potential patient for PreD and DM2T confirmation during first examination or dispanserization. A patent for innovation has been issued

    CD4+ T Cell Depletion, Immune Activation and Increased Production of Regulatory T Cells in the Thymus of HIV-Infected Individuals

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    Mechanisms by which HIV affects the thymus are multiple and only partially known, and the role of thymic dysfunction in HIV/AIDS immunopathogenesis remains poorly understood. To evaluate the effects of HIV infection on intra-thymic precursors of T cells in HIV-infected adults, we conducted a detailed immunophenotypic study of thymic tissue isolated from 7 HIV-infected and 10 HIV-negative adults who were to undergo heart surgery. We found that thymuses of HIV-infected individuals were characterized by a relative depletion of CD4+ single positive T cells and a corresponding enrichment of CD8+ single positive T cells. In addition, thymocytes derived from HIV-infected subjects showed increased levels of activated and proliferating cells. Our analysis also revealed a decreased expression of interleukin-7 receptor in early thymocytes from HIV-infected individuals, along with an increase in this same expression in mature double- and single-positive cells. Frequency of regulatory T cells (CD25+FoxP3+) was significantly increased in HIV-infected thymuses, particularly in priorly-committed CD4 single positive cells. Our data suggest that HIV infection is associated with a complex set of changes in the immunophenotype of thymocytes, including a reduction of intrathymic CD4+ T cell precursors, increased expression of activation markers, changes in the expression pattern of IL-7R and enrichment of T regulatory cells generation