4,140 research outputs found

    Wick's Theorem and a New Perturbation Theory Around the Atomic Limit of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems

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    A new type of perturbation expansion in the mixing VV of localized orbitals with a conduction-electron band in the UU\to\infty Anderson model is presented. It is built on Feynman diagrams obeying standard rules. The local correlations of the unperturbed system (the atomic limit) are included exactly, no auxiliary particles are introduced. As a test, an infinite-order ladder-type resummation is analytically treated in the Kondo regime, recovering the correct energy scale. An extension to the Anderson-lattice model is obtained via an effective-site approximation through a cumulant expansion in VV on the lattice. Relation to treatments in infinite spatial dimensions are indicated.Comment: selfextracting postscript file containing entire paper (10 pages) including 3 figures, in case of trouble contact author for LaTeX-source or hard copies (prep0994


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    The research is devoted to a study of the role of the state in organization of micro-financing aimed at encouragement of the development of small and medium business. The international experience of using the potential of the state for regulation of the economy in the context of increased financial capabilities of small and medium business has been analyzed. All the countries which have provided a sufficient level of financing for their small and medium business by financial and credit institutions and the state achieved that entirely due to a systemic involvement of the state in the said process. In Ukraine, the rates of the micro-financing tool formation by no means satisfy the needs of the national economy development. All kinds of state financial support for small and medium business that are specified in the Law of Ukraine “On Development and State Support for Small and Medium Enterprises in Ukraine” should be based on a system of measures within the framework of monetary, budget, and fiscal policies implementation. Yet, unfortunately, practically none of them have been put to work on a full scale, nor reasonably planned or sustained with all the necessary resources. The government of Ukraine should have worked more closely on encouraging the development of micro-financial organizations, the functioning of which would ensure support for small and medium businesses associated with advancement of prioritized activity areas of the national economy. Serious concern is caused by the economically destructive activity of the National Bank of Ukraine connected with its monetary policy which results in the instability of the Hryvnia, exorbitant interest rates for the representatives of the real sector of the economy, and lack of “long-term” money. The highest bodies of public authority ignore the fact that micro-financing not only provides for dynamic development of small and medium enterprises, but also can become an effective tool in fighting poverty and improving the living standards for financially disadvantaged citizens. Overcoming the “money hunger” currently existing in Ukraine should be premised on building of a principally new model of the economic system based on a full-fledged agency of the state in implementing financial policy, which is related to replacement of corporate (colonial, oligarchic, etc.) capital with a true people’s management.Посвящено изучению роли государства в организации микрофинансирования, направленного на стимулирование развития малого и среднего предпринимательства. Изучен зарубежный опыт привлечения потенциала государства по регулированию экономики в контексте расширения финансовых возможностей малого и среднего предпринимательства. Правительство Украины должно более решительно поощрять развитие микрофинансовых организаций, функционирование которых обеспечило бы поддержку малого и среднего предпринимательства, связанного с развитием определенных направлений деятельности национального хозяйства. Преодоление действующего в Украине «денежного голода» должно основываться на построении принципиально иной модели экономической системы, основанной на полной субъектности государства в осуществлении финансовой политики, что связано с замещением корпоративного (колониального, олигархического и т. п.) на действительно народное управление.Присвячено вивченню ролі держави в організації мікрофінансування, спрямованого на стимулювання розвитку малого i середнього підприємництва. Вивчено зарубіжний досвід використання потенціалу держави відносно регулювання економіки в контексті розширення фінансових можливостей малого i середнього підприємництва. Усі країни, що забезпечили достатній рівень фінансування малого i середнього підприємництва  з боку фінансово-кредитних установ i держави, досягли цього, виключно завдяки системній участі держави в цьому процесі. В Україні темпи становлення інструменту мікрофінансування зовсім не відповідають потребам розвитку національної економіки. Усі види фінансової державної підтримки малого i середнього підприємництва, що містяться в Законі України «Про розвиток та державну підтримку малого і середнього підприємництва в Україні», мали б спиратися на систему заходів у рамках реалізації  грошово-кредитної, бюджетної та фіскальної політики. Але, на жаль, практично всі вони так і залишаються незадіяними в повному обсязі, не були ґрунтовно сплановані та підкріплені всіма необхідними ресурсами. Уряд України мав би більш рішуче заохочувати розвиток мікрофінансових організацій, функціонування котрих забезпечило б підтримку малого i середнього підприємництва, пов’язаного з розвитком визначених напрямів діяльності національного господарства. Велике занепокоєння викликає деструктивна для економіки діяльність Національного банку України відносно здійснення ним грошово-кредитної політики, що призводить до нестабільності гривні, непомірних процентних ставок для представників реального сектору економіки, браку «довгих» грошей. Вищими органами публічної влади ігнорується те, що мікрофінансування забезпечує не лише динамічний розвиток малого та середнього підприємництва, а й може стати дієвим інструментом у справі боротьби з бідністю i підвищенням рівня життя малозабезпечених людей. Подолання наявного в Україні «грошового голоду» має ґрунтуватися на побудові принципово іншої моделі економічної системи, заснованої на повній суб’єктності держави у здійсненні фінансової політики, що пов’язано із заміщенням корпоративного (колоніального, олігархічного тощо) на дійсно народне управління

    Electronic theory for itinerant in-plane magnetic fluctuations in Nax_xCoO2_2

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    Starting from {\it ab-initio} band structure for Nax_xCoO2_2, we derive the single-electron energies and the effective tight-binding description for the t2gt_{2g} bands using a projection procedure. We find that due to the presence of the next-nearest-neighbor hoppings a local minimum in the electronic dispersion close to the Γ\Gamma point of the first Brillouin zone forms. Therefore, in addition to a large Fermi surface an electron pocket close to the Γ\Gamma point emerges at high doping concentrations. The latter yields the new scattering channel resulting in a peak structure of the itinerant magnetic susceptibility at small momenta. This indicates itinerant in-plane ferromagnetic state above certain critical concentration xmx_m, in agreement with neutron scattering data. Below xmx_m the magnetic susceptibility shows a tendency towards the antiferromagnetic fluctuations. We estimate the value of 0.58<xm<0.70.58 < x_m < 0.7 within the rigid band model and within the Hubbard model with infinite on-site Coulomb repulsion consistent with the experimental phase diagram.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; LDA calculations were done with Na in the symmetric 2d position contrary to the 6h position in a previous version of this pape

    Non-equilibrium effects in a Josephson junction coupled to a precessing spin

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    We present a theoretical study of a Josephson junction consisting of two s-wave superconducting leads coupled over a classical spin. When an external magnetic field is applied, the classical spin will precess with the Larmor frequency. This magnetically active interface results in a time-dependent boundary condition with different tunneling amplitudes for spin-up and spin-down quasiparticles and where the precession produces spin-flip scattering processes. We show that as a result, the Andreev states develop sidebands and a non-equilibrium population which depend on the precession frequency and the angle between the classical spin and the external magnetic field. The Andreev states lead to a steady-state Josephson current whose current-phase relation could be used for characterizing the precessing spin. In addition to the charge transport, a magnetization current is also generated.This spin current is time-dependent and its polarization axis rotates with the same precession frequency as the classical spin.Comment: 20 pages, 26 figure

    Superradiance from an ultrathin film of three-level V-type atoms: Interplay between splitting, quantum coherence and local-field effects

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    We carry out a theoretical study of the collective spontaneous emission (superradiance) from an ultrathin film comprised of three-level atoms with VV-configuration of the operating transitions. As the thickness of the system is small compared to the emission wavelength inside the film, the local-field correction to the averaged Maxwell field is relevant. We show that the interplay between the low-frequency quantum coherence within the subspace of the upper doublet states and the local-field correction may drastically affect the branching ratio of the operating transitions. This effect may be used for controlling the emission process by varying the doublet splitting and the amount of low-frequency coherence.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Stripe motion in CuO2 planes of Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7 as observed from the Cu(2) quadrupole resonance

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    The NQR spectra of copper in the compounds YBa2Cu3O7, TmBa2Cu3O7, and Y0.9Pr0.1Ba2Cu3O7 at temperatures of 4.2-200 K are investigated by a pulsed NQR technique at frequencies of 28-33 MHz. Quantitative analysis of the spectra shows that the shape of the "plane" Cu(2) spectra is well described by using a model of 1D correlations of the charge and spin distribution in the CuO2 planes (stripe correlations). In the undoped superconductors the charge-spin stripe structure moves fast in the CuO2 planes, but doping the YBa2Cu3O7 lattice with praseodymium slows this motion down. © 1997 American Institute of Physics

    Comparison of superconductivity in Sr_2RuO_4 and copper oxides

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    To compare the superconductivity in strongly correlated electron systems with the antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the copper oxides and with the ferromagnetic fluctuations in Sr_2RuO_4 a t-J-I model is proposed. The antiferromagnetic coupling J results in the superconducting state of d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry and the ferromagnetic coupling constant I results in the spin-triplet p-type state. The difference in the gap anisotropies provides the large difference in T_c values, for the typical values of the coupling constants: T_c of order of 1K for the ruthenate and T_c of order of 100K for the cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, RevTEX, 3 figs. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Local Inhomogeneity Effects on Nucleation Process in a High External Bias

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    Quantum nucleation processes in the presence of local moderate inhomogeneities are studied theoretically at high biases. The quantum nucleation rate Gamma is calculated for one-dimensional systems in a form Gamma = A e^(-B/hbar) by using the `bounce' method. The bias-dependence of the exponent B is shown to be changed by inhomogeneities. This change is explained by the reduction of the effective spatial dimension of the system. By studying the system-size dependence of the prefactor A, the condition for the appearance of inhomogeneity effects is evaluated. Nucleation rates in thermal activation regimes are also calculated, and compared with quantum tunneling regimes. For higher-dimensional systems, it is shown that the local approximation of inhomogeneity does not hold, and that spatial profiles of inhomogeneity become important.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Semiclassical theory of spin-orbit interaction in the extended phase space

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    We consider the semiclassical theory in a joint phase space of spin and orbital degrees of freedom. The method is developed from the path integrals using the spin-coherent-state representation, and yields the trace formula for the density of states. We discuss special cases, such as weak and strong spin-orbit coupling, and relate the present theory to the earlier approaches.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures. Version 2: revised Sec. 4.4 and Appendix B; minor corrections elsewher