16 research outputs found

    EGFR-HIF1α signaling positively regulates the differentiation of IL-9 producing T helper cells

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    Interleukin 9 (IL-9)-producing helper T (Th9) cells are essential for inducing anti-tumor immunity and inflammation in allergic and autoimmune diseases. Although transcription factors that are essential for Th9 cell differentiation have been identified, other signaling pathways that are required for their generation and functions are yet to be explored. Here, we identify that Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is essential for IL-9 induction in helper T (Th) cells. Moreover, amphiregulin (Areg), an EGFR ligand, is critical for the amplification of Th9 cells induced by TGF-β1 and IL-4. Furthermore, our data show that Areg-EGFR signaling induces HIF1α, which binds and transactivates IL-9 and NOS2 promoters in Th9 cells. Loss of EGFR or HIF1α abrogates Th9 cell differentiation and suppresses their anti-tumor functions. Moreover, in line with its reliance on HIF1α expression, metabolomics profiling of Th9 cells revealed that Succinate, a TCA cycle metabolite, promotes Th9 cell differentiation and Th9 cell-mediated tumor regression

    Принципи управління персоналом сільськогосподарських підприємств (на прикладі Луганської області)

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    У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан сільськогосподарського виробництва в Луганській області та здійснена оцінка перспектив реформування управління персоналом на підприємствах АПК. Регресійним аналізом оцінено ступінь впливу деяких факторів на рентабельність персоналу. Рекомендується використання SWOT-аналізу для дослідження й формування раціонального управління персоналом підприємств АПК.Performed analysis of the current state of agriculture in the Luhansk region, evaluated the prospects for personnel resources reforming for the agricultural enterprises. The degree of factors influencing on profitability of personnel is appraised by the regressive analysis. SWOT-analysis is recommended for research and forming of agrarian enterprises rational management of a personnel

    Canonical Wnt signaling negatively modulates regulatory T cell function

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    Foxp3 is crucial for both the development and function of regulatory T (Treg) cells; however, the posttranslational mechanisms regulating Foxp3 transcriptional output remain poorly defined. Here, we demonstrate that Tcell factor 1 (TCF1) and Foxp3 associates in Treg cells and that active Wnt signaling disrupts Foxp3 transcriptional activity. A global chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing comparison in Treg cells revealed considerable overlap between Foxp3 and Wnt target genes. The activation of Wnt signaling reduced Treg-mediated suppression both invitro and invivo, whereas disruption of Wnt signaling in Treg cells enhanced their suppressive capacity. The activation of effector Tcells increased Wnt3a production, and Wnt3a levels were found to be greatly increased in mononuclear cells isolated from synovial fluid versus peripheral blood of arthritis patients. We propose a model in which Wnt produced under inflammatory conditions represses Treg cell function, allowing a productive immune response, but, if uncontrolled, could lead to the development of autoimmunity

    Rates of processing determine the immunogenicity of immunoproteasome-generated epitopes.

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    Abstract CD8 T cells resolve intracellular pathogens by responding to pathogen-derived peptides that are presented on the cell surface by MHC class I molecules. Although most pathogens encode a large variety of antigenic peptides, protective CD8 T cell responses target usually only a few of these. To determine the mechanism by which the IFN-γ-inducible proteasome (immuno) subunits enhance the ability of specific pathogen-derived peptides to elicit CD8 T cell responses, we generated a recombinant Listeria monocytogenes strain (rLM-E1) that secretes a model Ag encompassing the immunoproteasome-dependent E1B192–200 and immunoproteasome-independent E1A234–243 epitope. Analyses of Ag presentation showed that infected gene-deficient professional APCs, lacking the immunosubunits LMP7/iβ5 and MECL-1/iβ2, processed and presented the rLM-E1-derived E1B192–200 epitope but with delayed kinetics. E1A epitope processing proceeded normally in these cells. Accordingly, infected gene-deficient mice failed to respond to the otherwise immunodominant E1B192–200 epitope but mounted normal CD8 T cell responses to E1A234–243 which was processed by the same professional APCs, from the same rLM-E1 Ag. The inability of gene-deficient mice to respond to E1B192–200 was not explained by insufficient quantities of antigenic peptide, as splenic APC of 36-h-infected gene-deficient mice that presented the two E1 epitopes at steady state levels elicited responses to both E1B192–200 and E1A234–243 when transferred into LMP7+MECL-1-deficient mice. Taken together, our findings indicate that not absolute epitope quantities but early Ag-processing kinetics determine the ability of pathogen-derived peptides to elicit CD8 T cell responses, which is of importance for rational T cell vaccine design.</jats:p

    Enhanced Inflammatory Potential of CD4+ T-Cells That Lack Proteasome Immunosubunit Expression, in a T-Cell Transfer-Based Colitis Model

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    Proteasomes play a fundamental role in intracellular protein degradation and therewith regulate a variety of cellular processes. Exposure of cells to (pro)inflammatory cytokines upregulates the expression of three inducible catalytic proteasome subunits, the immunosubunits, which incorporate into newly assembled proteasome complexes and alter the catalytic activity of the cellular proteasome population. Single gene-deficient mice lacking one of the three immunosubunits are resistant to dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis development and, likewise, inhibition of one single immunosubunit protects mice against the development of DSS-induced colitis. The observed diminished disease susceptibility has been attributed to altered cytokine production and CD4+ T-cell differentiation in the absence of immunosubunits. To further test whether the catalytic activity conferred by immunosubunits plays an essential role in CD4+ T-cell function and to distinguish between the role of immunosubunits in effector T-cells versus inflamed tissue, we used a T-cell transfer-induced colitis model. Naïve wt or immunosubunit-deficient CD4+ T-cells were adoptively transferred into RAG1−/− and immunosubunit-deficient RAG1−/− mice and colitis development was determined six weeks later. While immunosubunit expression in recipient mice had no effect on colitis development, transferred immunosubunit-deficient T- cells were more potent in inducing colitis and produced more proinflammatory IL17 than wt T-cells. Taken together, our data show that modifications in proteasome-mediated proteolysis in T-cells, conferred by lack of immunosubunit incorporation, do not attenuate but enhance CD4+ T-cell-induced inflammation