167 research outputs found

    Is Stress Levels and Coping Mechanism Becomes Factor That Affected Challanging of Mother That Have Children with Mental Retardation

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    Mental retardation is a weakness that occurs in intellectual function. With the burden faced by parents will be able to cause stress and will adversely affect their children if not using the right coping strategies. This study aims to identify the level of stress and coping mechanisms in mothers who have children with mental retardation. The research design used in this research is descriptive. The instrument used is questionnaire. The sample in this research are 30 mothers who have children with mental retardation with Primary School Extraordinary level (PSE) in SLB ACD Pertiwi Kota Mojokerto. Sampling with Total Sampling technique. From the results of this study showed that most respondents experienced moderate stress level as much as 17 respondents (56.7%). Most of the respondents aged 31-49 years as many as 16 respondents (53.3%). Most respondents use adaptive coping mechanism that is 27 respondents (90,0%). The results of the analysis indicate that the stress level of mothers who have children with mental retardation is still in the level of moderate stress. This is due to the influence of mothers with social support. The higher the social support the lower the level of stress experienced by the mother. Therefore respondents should make efforts to cope with stress by changing the problems encountered and expanding the source to overcome them. Keywords : Stress level, coping mechanism, mental retardation. &nbsp

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Sifat Magnetik Serbuk Barium M-Heksaferrit dengan Doping Ion Zn pada Variasi Temperatur Rendah

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    Sintesis Barium M-Heksaferrit (BaFe11,4Zn0,6O19) doping ion Zn telah dilakukan dengan metode kopresipitasi. Bahan yang digunakan dalam sintesis yaitu BaCO­3, FeCl3.6H2O dan ion Zn. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan variasi suhu kalsinasi pada temperatur rendah yaitu 80oC, 150oC, 200oC dan 280oC selama 4 jam. Hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi dengan DSC-TGA (Differential Scanning Calorimetry – Thermogravimetric), XRD (X-ray Diffraction), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) dan VSM (Vibrating Sample Magnetometer). Barium M-Heksaferrit terbentuk pada temperatur 150oC sebesar 72,54% dan mempunyai ukuran partikel sebesar 0,5μm. Kurva histerisis menunjukkan telah terbentuk softmagnetic dengan magnetisasi remanensi (Mr) sebesar 0,01 emu/gr, medan koersivitas (Hc) sebesar 0,00825 Tesla dan mempunyai magnetisasi tertinggi terjadi ketika medan koersivitas (Hc) sebesar 1 Tesla dengan magnetisasi sebesar 0,55 emu/gr

    Pengaruh Temperatur Perlakuan Panas pada Lapisan Hydrophobic Komposit PDMS/SiO2 dengan Fasa Silika Kristobalit

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    Pasir Silika (SiO2) dari Pantai Bancar Tuban telah berhasil dimurnikan melalui proses leaching dan dapat direduksi ukurannya hingga orde nano. Serbuk SiO2 dengan fasa kristobalit telah dikalsinasi dengan temperatur 1200ºC. Bahan silika dan polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) dikombinasikan menjadi bahan komposit pelapis yang bersifat hydrophobic. Komposit tersebut dilapiskan pada permukaan kaca ITO dan diperlakukan panas bervariasi, yaitu 100ºC, 200ºC, 300ºC, 400ºC, dan 500ºC. Berdasarkan pengukuran sudut kontak antara air dan permukaan uji yang menggunakan kamera DSLR Cannon 650D dengan reverse ring sebagai pembalik lensa 58 mm, pada temperatur 100-400ºC terjadi kenaikan besar sudut kontak dimana pada saat suhu 400ºC memiliki sudut kontak paling tinggi, yaitu 126,4º yang mengindikasikan permukaan bersifat hydrophobic, tetapi pada temperatur 500ºC menjadi hydrophilic dengan sudut kontak terendah 72,4º. Untuk tingkat transmitansinya, kenaikan temperatur 100-300ºC cenderung 100%, tetapi 400ºC memiliki nilai transmitansi paling rendah 20

    Pengaruh Tahapan Proses Pelubangan Dan Arah Serat Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik Material Komposit Polyester-pandan Wangi

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    Almost all components, both metallic and non-metallic, experience the process of splicing (joining) with other components. Metal components can be welded, bolted and riveted. However, a special non metal materials such as composites, joining can not be done by welding. One type of connection is suitable for composite materials and keeling bolt connection.              The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the stage of making a hole with drilling machine and a variation of the fiber direction tensile strength of fiber-reinforced composite material with at pandan wangi polyester matrix. On stage perforation process conducted by three stages with the first stage (diameter 2, then continued with a diameter of 4 and 6 mm), stage II (diameter of 4 and then continued with a diameter of 6 mm), and stage III (diameter 6 mm). And for a variety of fiber direction using random fiber direction, the direction, and woven with 30% fiber volume fraction.               The results of this study showed an increase in tensile strength composite material fiber reinforced polyester-pandan wangi with unidirectional fiber orientation, which contained the highest tensile strength of the composite stage I in the amount of 27.20 MPa and a tensile strength composite lowest was at stage III amounting 13:00 MPa. In a composite material with random fiber orientation tensile strength decreased by 19.93% with the highest tensile strength found in stage I in the amount of 17.90 MPa and the lowest tensile strength found in stage III at 8:00 MPa. And the orientation of the woven fiber tensile strength decreased by 51.09% with the highest tensile strength is found in the first stage of 17:30 MPa and the lowest tensile strength found in stage III at 6.80 MPa

    Tegangan Maksimum Dan Faktor Keamanan Pada Poros Engkol Daihatsu Zebra Espass Berdasarkan Metode Numerik

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the maximum stress and safety factor on the crankshaft Daihatsu Zebra Espass based on numerical methods. Material is selected as the crankshaft material is AISI 1053 steel. This numerical method uses CATIA software program to determine the maximum stress based on Von Mises failure theory. Research procedure begins by measuring the dimensions of the crankshaft Daihatsu Zebra Espass, then draw and analyze. Results of analysis in the form of images that show the stress distribution that occurs in the elements of the crankshaft. From the analysis results can be concluded that the highest maximum stress occurred in the area of the crankshaft fillet into 4 at the position 360o angle of 86.5 MPa with the lowest safety factor of 4.22. Keywords: crank shaft, CATIA, maximum stress, safety factor

    Analisis Variasi Jarak Sumbu Poros Terhadap Tegangan Kontak Dan Tegangan Bending Pada Helical Gear Pair Berdasarkan Metode Elemen Hingga

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    This researchs object is determining  the effect of modifying center distance to bending stress and contact stress on the helical gear pair based on the finite element method. And to know the safety factor on each center distance variation within helical gear pair. Gear being analyzed is one of the gears on Honda motor cycles branded Beat. To know the specification of gear, the helical gear geometry measurements were taken. Based on the results of measurements was carried out models of helical gear pair by AUTO CAD software. Then,  bending stress and contact stress analysis with finite element method on  ANSYS 12.1. Optimal center distance of gear pairs is determined by safety factors on the quasi statatis condition. From the research results can be concluded that the change of center distance can affect the bending stress and contact stress on gears and affect of security design. A safe center distance variation is 52.65 mm, 52,75 mm, 52,85mm and 52.95 mm
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