105 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurial acculturation in Malaysia: Efforta and achievements

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    The nature and pace of economic progress in a country depends, among others, on the venturesome qualities of its people. The development of entrepreneurship has, therefore, been taken as an important element in human development sphere in Malaysia. In fact, the Malaysian Government has restructured it entrepreneurship department, hence the birth of Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development (MECD) in 2004. The main objectives of this department are to provide a conducive environment and to promote and assist the entrepreneurial development in the country. The effort of the Ministry is supported by many new policies and mechanisms including funding, entrepreneurial programs and activities, physical infrastructures and business advisory services. This paper endeavors to trace the progress of the entrepreneurial program and assess its achievements towards inculcating the spirit and culture of enterprise among the Malaysians. It also attempt to see whether the contribution increases the pace of development in the country and made an impact on income inequalities and poverty among the target groups.Keyword: Growth; human resource development; risk taking; entrepreneurship, role of the state; Malaysia

    The Case of Kinta Bateri Sdn. Bhd.

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    The case srudy is divided into two parts. Part one of the case facts that include the introduction to the background of the company and the probable cause of the problem that the company faced. Part two, is the case analysis, involving the diaJssion based on the methodology used, problem solving, include the used of the SWOT analysis in identifying the company strenght, weakness, opportunity and threat. The strategies are develop for the company can choose and implement in order to overcome the problems. Finally the used of the SPACE (Stra1egic POSitioning and Action Evaluation) Model to detemine the strategy direction that the company should follow for it future growtn

    Congenital pneumonia

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    Congenital pneumonia is one of the common causes of respiratory distress at birth, with significant morbidity and mortality in neonates, especially among preterm infants, and particularly in developing countries. The etiological agents are many and vary between the developed and underdeveloped parts of the world. Group B streptococci have been attributed as the most common organisms causing severe pneumonia, particularly in developed countries. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is now an increasing risk in underdeveloped countries such as Zimbabwe. Ureaplasma spp. have been highlighted as an important cause of congenital pneumonia in recent years. Clinical manifestations are often nonspecified, and majority of infections appear within the first 48 hours of life. Establishing the microbial diagnosis of congenital pneumonia is challenging. Molecular diagnosis using polymerase chain reaction has an extremely improved diagnostic yield as compared with other conventional detection methods. However, it is often associated with a high level of contamination and may not be available in most hospitals. Management of congenital pneumonia is multifaceted and the most vital is towards eliminating the possible incriminating agent. This review updates the current knowledge on congenital pneumonia and discusses its etiology, diagnosis, preventive strategies, and management

    Analysing the local geography of the relationship between residential property prices and its determinants

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    This paper analyses the local geography of the relationship between residential property prices and its determinants. A semiparametric geographically weighted regression (S-GWR) technique is employed to explore this relationship. Selling prices, structural and locational attributes data were collected from the database of the Department of Valuation and Services of Malaysia, selected maps and reports. The outcome of this paper shows a strong geographically varying relationship between residential property prices and its determinants in which the residential property price determinants have a positive impact on prices in some areas but negative or no impact on the others. The magnitude of the effect is also found to be geographically varied; the capitalisation in residential property prices is found greater in some areas but less or with no effect in some other parts of the areas. The use of S-GWR technique makes it possible to reveal such geographically varying relationships, thus leading to a better understanding of the relationship between residential property prices and its determinants

    Pendidikan bukan formal (PBF) di Malaysia: cabaran dan hala tuju Wawasan 2020

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    Pendidikan Bukan Formal (PBF) adalah pelengkap kepada pendidikan formal dan tidak formal. Justeru itu, ia amat penting dan bermakna kepada pembangunan manusia secara menyeluruh; selain membantu dalam proses pembangunan sesebuah negara. Pendidikan Bukan Formal amat penting kepada sesebuah negara yang sedang pesat membangun seperti Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, pendidikan seumpama ini secara langsung atau tidak langsung mampu membangunkan literasi masyarakat dalam pelbagai disiplin ilmu seperti teknologi maklumat, pengurusan, kemanusiaa dan kemasyarakatan, keusahawanan, kenegaraan dan sebagainya. Pengayaan dan penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan amat penting dalam membina masyarakat yang berilmu dan bertamadun. Tentu sekali, dalam konteks Malaysia ia dapat dicapai menerusi minat dan ketekunan masyarakat dan galakan yang diberikan oleh pelbagai pihak termasuk kerajaan untuk belajar terus menerus sepanjang hayat. Justeru itu, kertas kerja ini akan memerihalkan bagaimana Pendidikan Bukan Formal boleh menjadi katalis kepada Pendidikan Sepanjang Hayat di Malaysia. Secara konseptual, kertas kerja ini akan dimulai dengan definisi konsep, jenis dan bentuk Pendidikan Bukan Formal. Selanjutnya, kertas kerja ini akan menjelaskan tentang faktor penarik dan penolak yang secara tidak langsung memberi kesan terhadap penglibatan masyarakat dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh pihak kerajaan, Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan mahu pun swasta. Paling penting, Pendidikan Bukan Formal ini akan disorot dalam pelbagai perspektif seperti pelan perancangan dan pembangunan negara, modenisasi dan pembangunan sosioekonomi. Selain itu, kertas kerja ini turut mengupas isu permasalahan yang timbul dalam perancangan dan pelaksanaan Pendidikan Bukan Formal Di Malaysia. Akhirnya, kertas kerja ini akan merumuskan akan harapan dan cabaran Wawasan 2020 dan Pendidikan Bukan Formal di Malaysia

    Electronic government: The level of implementation in the state of Pahang

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    E-government is the use of information communication technology in delivering public service via internet.The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development believes that information infrastructures are expected to stimulate economic growth, increase productivity, create jobs and improve the quality of life, and that has been the focus of Malaysian government in upgrading the quality of the citizens’ lives.Sincee government at the state level is equally important to ensure the overall success of Malaysian e-government apart from the federal level, this research has been conducted in Pahang, one of the states in Malaysia, to determine the extent of e-government implemented based on the United Nation E-Government Maturity Stage Model.The study covers the aspects of e-government maturity stage, infrastructure, and website quality.A total of 340 responses were received (77.3% response rate) and the results showed that e-government maturity level in Pahang was at the minimal level of the third stage of the UN-DEPA maturity model, which was the interactive stage

    A Novel DNA Sequence Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Cryptography Encoding Method

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    Abstract— A novel method for Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) has been proposed, based on the concept of how DNA sequence detects disease as both domains have similar conceptual method of detection. Three important steps have been proposed to apply DNA sequence for NIDS: convert the network traffic data into a form of DNA sequence using Cryptography encoding method; discover patterns of Short Tandem Repeats (STR) sequence for each network traffic attack using Teiresias algorithm; and conduct classification process depends upon STR sequence based on Horspool algorithm. 10% KDD Cup 1999 data set is used for training phase. Correct KDD Cup 1999 data set is used for testing phase to evaluate the proposed method. The current experiment results show that the proposed system has obtained good results and these results are equal to 86.36%, 49.69%, and 77.65% for detection rate, false alarm rate and accuracy respectively. These results are considered as a better result when it is compared with the other previous basic algorithms. It is possible to conclude that DNA sequence has potential for NIDS solution and it has potential improvement using a better encoding method

    Pendidik kreatif sebagai teras transformasi literasi kreatif di Malaysia

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    Kreativiti merupakan mauduk dan agenda penting dalam mana-mana orientasi pendidikan di dunia. Institusi pendidikan merupakan tempat terpenting untuk menyuburkan bakat dan kebolehan kreatif pelajar. Hal ini diakui oleh pakar-pakar sains pemikiran kreatif seperti Amabile (1992), Swartz (1989), Buzan (2002), de Bono (1971), Leong (1998) dan ramai yang lain. Amabile (1992) misalnya menyifatkan institusi sekolah merupakan tempat paling penting untuk memupuk alam kreativiti di kalangan kanak-kanak, khususnya dalam konteks prasekolah. Selanjutnya, Cropley (2001), menegaskan bahawa universiti adalah persekitaran yang amat signifikan bagi merealisasikan bakat dan kemahiran kreativiti mahasiswa. Namun begitu, menurut de Bono (19700, tanpa prime mover (dibaca sebagai pendidik) yang menggerakkan persekitaran yang kondusif untuk berkreativiti maka sukar untuk para pelajar untuk berkreasi dengan selesa dan selamat. Sungguhpun begitu, prime mover yang dimaksudkan oleh de Bono itu ialah pendidik yang dibekali dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran kreativiti. Pendidik yang tidak memiliki kemahiran dan pengetahuan kreativiti sukar untuk merealisasikan suasana, ruang dan pengalaman kreatif dalam pengajaran dan pembelajarannya. Oleh yang demikian, kertas kerja ini akan menghuraikan konsep asas apa yang dimaksudkan sebagai pendidik kreatif. Selanjutnya, kertas kerja ini akan memperjelaskan bagaimana pendidik kreatif ini mampu membawa perubahan ke arah memupuk satu suasana kreativiti dalam pengajaran dan pembelajarannya. Selain itu, kertas kerja ini turut menghuraikan apa yang dikatakan sebagai konsep literasi kreatif dan bagaimana dinamisme literasi kreatif boleh dicapai di Malaysia. Selain itu, kertas kerja ini akan memberikan justifikasi mengapa perlunya literasi kreatif ini diberi perhatian oleh pelbagai pihak khususnya dalam sistem pendidikan Malaysia dan akhirnya apakah kesan literasi kreatif terhadap pembangunan dan masa depan negara dalam dunia globalisasi ini

    Response of starfruit shoot and root to varying rooting volumes

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    Shoot and root responses of root-pruned starfruit (Averrhoa carambola) seedlings in different rooting volumes, were studied using root observation chamber. Plant height and internode number were linearly correlated with rooting volumes over time, but stomata and epidermal cell number showed no response. Negative linear relationship was shown between the first-order root laterals and distant from root apex but root elongation had positive linear correlation with rooting volumes. Root length density, root surface area and total root length were significantly influenced by rooting volumes. However, there was no significant response on root tip density, coarse root length, percentage of dry matter distribution and root:shoot ratio. Leaf concentrations of N, P and Ca were significantly increased by rooting volumes but K and Mg were unaffected. A positive linear response between root elongation and plant height was observed

    Environmental concern towards green technology usage: A study among STML students

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the level of environmental concern and green technology usage among STML students.Environment issues get to be overall worries subsequent to the world population and economic growth expanding quickly. Therefore, environment concern is critical and it is turned into an obligation of everybody as activities of commitment to save our mother earth. Green technology usage is an initiative evolving different sorts of systems and materials for creating vitality to non-harmful items. Furthermore, green technology usage is a wide term for more environmentally friendly solutions. The motivation behind becoming environmentally friendly is to utilize products or procedures that would not influence the earth through pollution. Environmental concern towards green technology is reduces natural damages created by the products and technologies for individuals' comforts. In order to investigate the correlation variables, 200 questionnaires have been distributed to STML undergraduate students.The correlation result shows that environment concern has a positive relationship between green technology usage because the correlation coefficient equal to 1. From the regression result, there is the positive relationship between the environmental concern towards green technology usage.However, there is no significant relationship between demographic factor and green technology usage