146 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Metode Role Playing Terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Dalam Pembelajaran Pkn Kelas IV

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    .This study aimed to obtain information on the effect of role playing methods to the study of students in civic education fourth grade of SDN 01 Kecamatan selakau. The research method used is the method to shape development experimental studies. based on statistical calculation of the average post-test results of the control class at 67.40 and 77.25 for the experimental classes obtained thitung of 4.602 and ttable (a = 5% and dk = 1.602) mean t hitung> t table then this means that application of role playing method gives a considerable influence on the high learning outcomes to fourth grade of SDN 01 Kecamatan selakau

    Meningkatkan Aktivitas Peserta Didik pada Pembelajaran IPA Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi Sdn 13 Manis Mat

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    Ion: This research background is the problem of activity learn educative participant process moment learn to teach to take place. Its target is to get picture USAge of method demonstrate to make-up of activity learn educative participant in study of IPA V Sekolah Dasar Negeri class 13 Manis Mata. used Method Research is deskriftif method with approach qualitative. Form of research is classroom action research. collecting data use observation technique, test. Used appliance is observation sheet and problem sheet. Research in two cycle. At cycle I participant physical activity equal to 63%, activity bounce equal to 61,5%, and emotional activity equal to 65%. Atcycle II physical activity mount to become 88%, activity bounce to become 79% and emotional activity mount to become 100%. Result learn educative participant at cycle I equal to 69% and become 89% at II cycle. While at I IPKG cycle 1 equal to 2,7 and IPKG 2 equal to 2,85 later at II cycle IPKG 1 equal to 3,54 and IPKG 2 equal to 3,7. This matter of show that USAge of demonstration method can improve result and activity learn educative participant in study Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam V Sekolah Dasar Negeri class 13 Manis Mata

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Karangan Menggunakan Media Audio Visual Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia

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    Skilled Writing Upgrades Indonesian Learning by Using Media Audio Visual on Students This study aims to improve students ability to write a narrative. This research uses descriptive method, a form of research that is classroom action research, collaboratively, kind study is qualitative, the subjects in this study were students and teachers. The observation of teaching writing narrative using the media audio visual at each cycle has increased based on performance indicators. This is shown on cohesion, as well as spelling and punctuation in the first cycle and second cycle. This suggests that learning Indonesian Language using the media audio visual can improve the skilled to write a narrative

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Peserta Didik pada Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif

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    The problem in this research is an attempt to improve the learners' learning activities by using cooperative learning model on Mathematics Subject in class II of District Exemplary Elementary School of Pontianak City. This research method is descriptive, in a form of Classroom Action Research, and the nature of the research is collaborative research. The researchs subjects were teachers, and learners of Class II District Exemplary Elementary School of Pontianak City, amounting to 37 people. The technique used in this study was the technique of direct observation and data collection tool was used as the observation guidelines. The results based on observation of using cooperative learning in the mathematics learning of simple flat up to increase the learning activity of students. This shows that the hypothesis in the application of cooperative learning model on Mathematics Subject in class II of District Exemplary Elementary School of Pontianak City can improve learners' learning activities, accepted

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Menggunakan Media Gambar pada Pembelajaran Pkn di SD

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    . The study aimed to edify learning of learners result using media picture in civic education class I Rawak Upper course SDN 01. This study uses descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative approaches to the TOD from. The research subject is the one grade students of SDN 01 Rawak upper course totaling thirty one students learning. Data collection techniques, namely direct observation techniques, data collection tool used is the observation sheet IPKG 1 and 2. Test learning result which give in action execution. The data were analiyzed and reflected. In observations revealed an increase in learning result. In the first cycle grade on the whole students learning 65 ( in under standard of minimum completenees ) with percent action 51, 61% whereas in the two cycle grade on the whole student learning to reach 80,65 (on standard of minimum completeness) with percent completeness 93,55%. Key Words : Student the learning result, Picture media, civic education with students learning

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Menggunakan Media Gambar di Sekolah Dasar

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    The Method that to be used in this research is descriptive method with the type of Class Action-Research. research Place to direct is SDN 62 great entrenchment, specially III's class with research subject III's class who add to execute it studying and the activity observation sheet student this Research is done many 2 cycle, show research result that (1) activity Leveling physicaly in PKn's studying in the class IIISDN 62 great entrenchmentwith to use it picture media from baseline 32,14% to cycle II 85,72% to undergo as big as leveling 53,58%, enter in category “high enough”. (2) activity Leveling according to mental in PKn's studying in class IIISDN62 great entrenchment with to use it picture media from baseline 19,28% to cycle II 60,73% to undergo as big as leveling 41,45%, enter in category “high enough”

    Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif dengan Metode Diskusi Kelompok Kecil dalam Pembelajaran I P A

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    Lower the creativity think the child, good from intellectual facet, feel the self l confidence , concentration, and personality. This matter is visible from less involve of student in course of study in other dissimilar word have the character of the teacher center. Pursuant to problems of student by appllication is small group discussion method in course of study IPA in SDN 11 Sejowet. This research type is research of class action with the direct observation technique in class, while data collector used by inthe form of observation sheet to ability think creative of student. This research is executed by the two of cycle. At cycle I in study activivity after done/conducted by evaluation of mean score obtained by student 2,06. Later then researcher go on to at cycle II and its reasult is student obtain: get the mean score 3,4. If compared to by reasult of cycle of I and cycle II hence have been happened by the make up of ability think creative of student

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS dengan Media Lingkungan Kelas III Sdn 03 Sangat Molo

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    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS dengan Media Lingkungan kelas III SDN 03 Sangat Molo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengubah perilaku peserta didik yang meliputi pengetahuan, penalaran, kecakapan, dan kebiasaan dengan penggunaan Media Lingkungan Sekitar pada pembelajaran IPS kelas III SDN 03 Sangat Molo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data Pada siklus I diperoleh hasil bahwa hasil belajar belum maksimal. Persentase ketuntasan belajar mencapai 66,67 %. Pada Siklus II setelah dilakukan refleksi dan pembenahan, diperoleh hasil persentasi ketuntasan belajar 91,67%. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh simpulan bahwa melalui penggunaan Media Lingkungan Sekitar, hasil belajar siswa kelas III SDN 03 Sangat Molo Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 dapat ditingkatkan. Akhirnya penulis menyarankan kepada guru mata pelajaran lainnya / guru kelas SDN 03 Sangat Molo untuk dapat menggunakan Media Lingkungan Sekitar dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran yang diampunya. Kata Kunci: Media Lingkungan Sekitar, Prestasi, IPS Abstract: Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS dengan Media Lingkungan kelas III SDN 03 Sangat Molo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengubah perilaku peserta didik yang meliputi pengetahuan, penalaran, kecakapan, dan kebiasaan dengan penggunaan Media Lingkungan Sekitar pada pembelajaran IPS kelas III SDN 03 Sangat Molo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data Pada siklus I diperoleh hasil bahwa hasil belajar belum maksimal. Persentase ketuntasan belajar mencapai 66,67 %. Pada Siklus II setelah dilakukan refleksi dan pembenahan, diperoleh hasil persentasi ketuntasan belajar 91,67%. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh simpulan bahwa melalui penggunaan Media Lingkungan Sekitar, hasil belajar siswa kelas III SDN 03 Sangat Molo Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 dapat ditingkatkan. Akhirnya penulis menyarankan kepada guru mata pelajaran lainnya / guru kelas SDN 03 Sangat Molo untuk dapat menggunakan Media Lingkungan Sekitar dalam pembelajaran mata pelajaran yang diampunya

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA Menggunakan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching And Learning di Sekolah Dasar

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    : This study aimed to describe the increase of learners learning outcomes using contextual teaching and learning approach in matter of leaf structure and function in class IV state elementary school 13 Teluk Pakedai. The method used is descriptive. The research results show the ability of teachers in preparing lesson plan in the first cycle has an average score of 3,45 increase in the second cycle an average score of 3,65 with an increase of 0,2 increased in the third cycle average score of 3,86 with an increase of 0,21. The ability of teachers in implementing the learning in the first cycle has an average score of 3,8 increased in the second cycle an average score of 3,88 with an increase of 0,08 increase in the third cycle an average score of 3,93 with an increase of 0,05. Learning outcomes in the first cycle has an average score of 68,75 increase in the second cycle an average score 85 with an increase of 16,25 increase in the third cycle an average score of 96,25 with an increase of 11,25