1,108 research outputs found

    PLURALITY OF RELIGION: Future Challenges of Religion and Democracy in Indonesia

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    Religious pluralism is a necessity. In Indonesia, there are six officially recognized religions, and some religious denominations. In the context of the challenges of democracy, religion in Indonesia faces daunting challenges This paper focuses on two challenges facing the religions related to the conception of democracy in Indonesia, namely the problem of understanding of religious teachings and politicization of religion. In the context of understanding religious teachings, believers interpret them correctly through exploring the substantial meaning, particularly in understanding religious doctrines regarding to the values of justice, human rights, democratization, and so forth. Furthermore, religion is understood as the truth rather than as an identity and a symbolic form. This is because understanding religion as an identity tends to create conflicts. In regard to the politicization of religion, religious followers provide a basis for common purpose and values that can help maintain a society's political life and national solidarity as well as control to the political system

    Modelling the Non-equilibrium Electric Double Layer at Oil-pressboard Interface of High Voltage Transformers

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    In large oil-filled power transformers, cellulose-based pressboard and paper are used throughout for electrical insulation. Microscopic views have shown that pressboard insulation is a fibrous and porous structure with non-homogeneous surface. It has been recognised that the pressboard structure is more porous towards the edge [1]. The pores within the pressboard allow oil absorption during impregnation process and provide paths for oil to penetrate until saturation is reached. The ratio of fibre and oil changes as the material structure changes from a medium of bulk oil-pressboard composite toward the bulk oil medium. The porosity of pressboard can also result in impurities within the oil being drawn into the pressboard. It has also been recognised that physicochemical process of a liquid in contact with solid wall leads to the formation of electric double layer (EDL) in the liquid region [2, 3]. The material properties and geometry of pressboard thus lead to a complex oil-pressboard interface. A 2-D model of oil-pressboard interface has been constructed using Comsol Multiphysics Finite Element Analysis software and this is shown in Figure 1. The mathematical model considers the dissociation of a generic impurity in the oil into positive and negative ions and considers the role of the porous and non-homogeneous wall of pressboard in the formation of the EDL. The pressboard, which is represented by different arrays of fibre, promotes preferential adsorption and desorption processes between ions in the oil and unoccupied fibre surfaces of oil impregnated pressboard. The model studies the non-equilibrium charge density profile in the EDL at the oil-pressboard interface when the oil is in the stationary condition


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    Abstract: The concept of unity needs to be studied on the basis of Islamic pretexts, describing the unity of Muslims in order to organize the continuity of life. The purpose of this study is to offer the concept of unity according to KH. A Wahab chasbullah so as to provide an understanding of the reader in responding to divisions within the Muslim community, both on a national and international scale. This research took the form of library research , in which several articles were found in the media, especially the NU swara magazine, from 1920-1930. The results of this study have found that KH. A Wahab chasbullah about unity based on QSAli imron verse 103, QS Al-hujurat verse 13, several hadiths and qoul sohabi . According to him, the importance of the unity of the Islamic Ummah is that the purpose of Islam for humanity can be achieved, social order with the understanding of Islam rahmatan lilalamin is able to bridge national and international scale relations. Further research can be developed for researchers by focusing on KH. A Wahab chasbullah in terms of education, politics, or the NU organizational movement in his day.Keywords: Thought KH. A Wahab chasbullah, the concept of unity, MuslimsAbstak: Penelitian ini menawarkan konsep persatuan menurut KH. A Wahab Hasbullah dalam menyikapi perpecahan di kalangan umat Islam, baik dalam skala nasional maupun internasional. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian kepustakaan (library research), di mana ditemukan beberapa artikel yang terdapat dalam media, khususnya majalah swara NU, dari tahun 1920-1930. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pemikiran KH. A Wahab Hasbullah tentang persatuan berdasarkan QS Ali Imron ayat 103, QS Al-hujurat ayat 13, beberapa hadist dan qoul sohabi. Menurutnya, pentingnya persatuan umat Islam adalah agar tujuan Islam untuk umat manusia dapat tercapai, tatanan sosial dengan pemahaman Islam rahmatan lil’alamin. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat dikembangkan bagi para peneliti dengan memfokuskan pada pemikiran KH. A Wahab hasbullah dari segi pendidikan, politik, atau gerakan organisasi NU pada zamannya.Kata Kunci : Pemikiran KH. Seorang Wahab chasbullah, konsep persatuan, umat Islam


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    Abstract: This study aims to determine: (1). How is the application of the story method in learning PAI for class IV SD Pertiwi Makassar, (2) How does the application of the story method affect learning PAI class IV SD Pertiwi Makassar and (3) What are the supporting factors in the application of the story method teaching PAI class IV SD Pertiwi Makassar.           This research method is a qualitative method. The research instrument is the researcher himself as the key instrument. The research data were obtained from observations and interviews with research subjects. The research results were processed using qualitative analysis through data verification and triangulation.          Based on the results of this study, data was obtained that SD PERTIWI Makassar through the story method could: 1. Sharpen students' knowledge related to the story being taught. 2. Practicing comprehension, thinking power, concentration power, developing imagination then educating morals and sharpening the sense that a student has. 3. Get support from teachers in the field of Islamic religious education to work together and continue learning to develop learning and be able to improve learning outcomes of Islamic Religious Education class IV SD PERTIWI Makassar. Keywords: Application of Story Method, Islamic Religion Learning Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1). Bagaimana penerapan metode kisah dalam pembelajaran PAI kelas IV SD Pertiwi Makassar, (2) Bagaimana pengaruh penerapan metode kisah dalam pembelajaran PAI kelas IV SD pertiwi Makassar dan (3) Bagaimana faktor pendukung dalam penerapan metode kisah pembelajaran PAI kelas IV SD Pertiwi Makassar.          Metode penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri sebagai instrumen kunci. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil observasi, dan hasil wawancara dengan subyek penelitian. Hasil penelitian diolah dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif  melalui verifikasi dan trigulasi data.         Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, diperoleh data bahwa SD PERTIWI Makassar melalui metode kisah, dapat : 1. Mengasah pengetahuan siswa terkait dengan kisah yang di ajarkan . 2. Melatih daya tangkap, daya berpikir, daya konsentrasi, mengembangkan Imajinasi kemudian mendidik Akhlak dan mengasah rasa yang di miliki seorang siswa. 3. Mendapatkan dukungan dari guru-guru  bidang studi pendidkan agama Islam untuk saling bekerja sama dan terus belajar untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran dan  dapat meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam kelas IV SD PERTIWI Makassar. Kata Kunci :Penerapan Metode Kisah , Pembelajaran Agama Islam

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar dengan Pendekatan Kooperatif Tipe Stad dalam Pembelajaranilmu Pengetahuan Sosial

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    ; Increased Activity Learning With Type STAD Cooperative Approach in Teaching Social Studies Fourth Grade Elementary School District 31 Sumiak Porcupine District. This study aims to improve students\u27 learning activities using cooperative approaches to learning STAD Type of Social Sciences. Benefits of this research is to provide new knowledge and skills through a variety of actions that the teacher in action research. Forms of research used was Classroom Action Research with the kind of research that examined the performance kualitatif.Indikator approach is physical activity, mental activity and emotional activity with at least 65% completeness criteria of student attendance. namely physical activity ranging from the base line to the second cycle in a row is 20.83%, 44.16%, and 67.49%, mental activity ranging from base line to the second cycle in a row is 3.12%, 37.49%, and 65.62%. Emotional activity ranging from base line to the second cycle in a row is 8.33%, 46.66%, and 72.49%, thus the research using STAD cooperative approach can improve students\u27 learning activities

    Penggunaaan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Model Kartu Arisan dengan yang Tidak Menggunakan di Sekolah Dasar

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    This study aims to determine the differences in student learning outcomes between the use of active learning strategies with a social gathering card models that do not use the learning of social science class V elementary state school 17 Siantan . The method used in this study is the experimental method . Used form of experimental research is quasi exsperimental design with nonequivalent control group types . The sample was 54 students . Based on the results of the data analysis , that the average post-test in the class who did not apply active learning strategies gathering card model ( control group ) amounted to 67.70 while the average post-test on the applicable class of active learning strategies gathering card model ( experimental class ) amounted to 71.66 . T test results obtained t of 4.15 and > ttable of 2.008 , which means thitung > ttable ( 4.15 > 2.008 ) mean Ha accepted , it can concluded that HO is rejected and HA is accepted
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