98 research outputs found

    Forensic assessment on landfills leachate through electrical resistivity imaging at Simpang Renggam in Johor, Malaysia

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    From years to years, the usage of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) method dominated by geophysicist has increased tremendously in geotechnical engineering application owing to the efficiency and effectiveness of the method in term of time, cost and also data coverage. The forensic assessment performed with respect to the particular reference to ERI in assessing the landfills leachate at Simpang Renggam, Malaysia. There were two lines of ERI performed at the study area by using ABEM Terrameter LS 2 set of equipment based on Schlumberger array. Furthermore, the analysis made based on the electrical resistivity anomaly managed to detect the presence of chemical contaminants in the soil with particular reference to the chemicals resistivity values which was associated to low resistivity anomaly. Besides, the heterogeneous of the subsurface material presented in the paper by using integrated ERI analysis enabled forensic assessment of the leachate. The leachate from the landfills was believed to occur owing to the failure of the systems in accommodating and treating the waste which became worst with the present of heavy rainfall. In retrospect, the ERI result was applicable to be adopted in detecting the leachate and thus can assist the authority in taking immediate measure to prevent the frequent water disruptions at the study area

    Effect of optimum utilization of silica fume and lime on the stabilization of problematic soils

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    Chemically stabilized soil studies have revealed that the efficiency of stabilization is primarily depends on the natural environment of the soil. Because of its poor qualities, this sort of soil is classified as problematic. Expansive soils such as clay soil does not satisfy the standards for structural applications at this stage because its load applied from the building's apex will be transmitted to the soil layers. This study aims at the soft kaolin clay stabilization by utilizing 4% and 6% of silica fume and several percentage inclusion of lime. The lime percentages of 3%, 5%, 7%, and 9%, whereas the ratio of silica fume is set at 4% and 6%. The primary goal of this study is to increase the shear strength of soft kaolin clay soil blended with 4% and 6% of silica fume (SF) and varying amounts of lime (L). The soil parameters were evaluated for soft kaolin alone and for 4% and 6% of silica fume blended with varying percentages of lime. The findings disclose that the optimal percentages of silica fume and lime in terms of maximum shear strength at 176.91 kPa of improvement were 4% and 7% respectively due to the pozzolanic reaction between silica fume and lime was more successful with soil particles. The combination of silica fume and lime blended with the soft kaolin clay can highly enhanced the strength and the internal friction angle of the soil compared to the lime and silica fume mixed alone. The optimal proportion for increasing the undrained shear strength and friction angle was 4% of silica fume and 7% of Lime which can cut costs, reduce environmental disturbance, and act as an eco-friendly substance in soil stabilization

    Stabilization of kaolinitic soil using crushed tile column

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    Kaolinitic soil is a problematic soil that causes poor carrying capacity and excessive settlement, resulting in significant damage to buildings and foundations. Therefore, soil enhancements were introduced to improve the engineering characteristics of the soil. Crushed tiles were taken from the construction area to substitute aggregate or natural sand. Hence, the purpose of the study is to investigate the lateral load capacity of the crushed tile column on the kaolin clay at various column dimensions. Reinforced kaolin clay samples were tested via several laboratory tests, including Particle Size Distribution, Atterberg limits test, Relative Density, Compaction test, Permeability test, Unconfined Compression Test, and Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Test with encapsulated crushed tile with geotextile encasement. The authors investigated the effects of column diameter, height, area replacement ratio, height penetration ratio, height to column diameter ratio, volume replacement ratio, and confining pressures on the shear strength of the encapsulated crushed tile columns at a diameter of 6 mm and 8 mm and at a height of 25.33 mm, 38 mm, and 76 mm. The findings showed that using crushed tile columns at various above listed parameters can enhance the soil's shear strength up to 52.00 % at the optimal utilization of a single enveloped crushed tile column with a diameter of 6 mm and height of 76 mm. The crushed tile granular column is practical to be implemented to enhance the strength of the problematic soil. However, the limitation of utilizing this approach is that the crushed tile granular column may not be suitable for deeper soil layers. Hence, the study demonstrated the significant enhancement of the lateral load capacity of soft kaolin clay soil by utilizing crushed tile waste as a granular column

    Rainfall induced residual soil slope instability: building cracked and slope failure

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    Rainfall is one of the factors of slope failures due to the intensity of rainfall that will seep and increase the moisture content of geo-materials. One of the important role in slope stability is matric suction. This study present the relationship between rainfall and suction of soil which induced the slope instability and the slope stability analysis involving a building which may cause by instability due to suction variation. The slope had separated into three parts which are top of slope, middle of slope and toe of slope. Every part has been inserted with three tensiometer with 0.3 m, 0.45 m and 0.9 m depth. Suction of soil on slope was carried out by using tensiometer. Intensity of rainfall was collected by using rain gauge which placed at open area which to compare with matric suction of soil. Several site and laboratory tests were carried out to identify the soil properties. Stability of slope was analyzed using Slope/w and Manual Calculation via input parameters collected from laboratory test and field test. Fellenius’ method was used to interpret the factor of safety for slope study. This includes the analysis of the factor of safety of slices at the selected area with its matric suction value. It was found that when the rainfall increased, the suction of soil decreased and affected to decrease of factor of safety. Hence, the constructed slope was suggested to be redesign to improve its safety factor

    Granite Exploration by using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI): A Case Study in Johor

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    Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) is a tool used in near surface geophysical surveys by flowing an electric current through electrodes that were injected into the ground. The usage of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) method dominated by geophysicist has increased tremendously in geotechnical engineering application owing to the efficiency and effectiveness of the method in term of time, cost and also data coverage. The survey performed with respect to the particular reference to ERI in determining the granite rock underneath the ground. There were seven (7) lines of ERI performed at the study area by using ABEM Terrameter LS 2 set of equipment based on Schlumberger protocol. Six (6) boreholes were also drilled to obtain engineering properties of rock at the study area. In order to develop the relationship between resistivity and engineering properties, a comparison between borehole field test result and the resistivity value were made. Results from the ERT indicated the presence of zones with high resistivity values identified as overburden soil, fractured granite and solid granite. The findings of this study also showed that the electrical resistivity imaging coupled with borehole drillings were applicable tools for the determination of the granite rock underneath the ground via subsurface profiles and such as depth of overburden soil and engineering properties of soil

    Investigation of groundwater table under rock slope by using electrical resistivity imaging at Sri Jaya, Pahang, Malaysia

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    Over the years, rock slope will undergo the natural phenomenon of weathering, leading to the weakening of strength and physical properties of the slope material. In Malaysia, one of the causes of the weathering of rock is due to the presence of water, which can form groundwater table in the subsurface of rock slopes. The weathering of rock material in slopes can have significant effect on the stability. In Sri Jaya, Pahang, a large body of rock is exposed in cut slope, where different weathering grade was observed on the surface. The study aims to investigate the groundwater table under the rock slope surface and determine the extent of weathering of the rock slope. For that purpose, the electrical resistivity imaging (ERI)was chosen as a geophysical method to map the subsurface condition of the slope. Resistivity values from the survey were interpreted based on established work that correlates weathering condition of rock material with resistivity value. Different zones of weathering grade and groundwater were determined based from the profile

    The effect of utilizing silica fume and eggshell ash on the geotechnical properties of soft kaolin clay

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    The application of chemical stabilizer in soil stabilization can effectively reduce the negative environmental impact in the construction industry. However, the stabilization of soft clay remains a challenge due to the costly and non-eco-friendly materials such as cement and lime. This research demonstrates the combination of SF and ESA in stabilizing the kaolin soils, based on the basic engineering properties and undrained shear strength (USS). Its effect was studied via the inclusion as cement replacement material in kaolin soil at 2, 4 and 6% (by weight of dry soft kaolin clay soil) of SF and ESA substitutions of 3, 6 and 9% (by weight of dry soft kaolin clay and SF content). The result shows a considerably lower specific gravity (4.9% reduction), reduced plasticity index (PI)(48.4% reduction), decreased maximum dry density (MDD) (5.5% reduction), increased optimum moisture content (OMC)(8.7% increment), and higher USS (68.8%). In conclusion, the combinations of SF and ESA as soil stabilization agents successfully enhance the soil strength of the kaolin opening a route to the low cost and eco-friendly materials in soil stabilization

    Geotechnical properties of bauxite: A case study in Bukit Goh, Kuantan, Malaysia

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    The research focuses on the basic and morphological characteristics to ensure bauxite ore reached the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code) standard before being exported to other countries. The testing procedure, referred to as Geo-spec 3: Model Specification for Soil Testing, was performed to discover the basic parameters of the soil, including pore size distribution, water content, particle density, and morphology qualities. At Bukit Goh, Kuantan, about four (4) samples were chosen, whereas two (2) samples were from the stockpile and two (2) samples were from the Bukit Goh mine. The results illustrated that the mean water content of the soil is 20.64% which is above 10% of the recommended value. The value of Bulk Density is not in the range of 1190 kg/m3 to 1389 kg/m3, which is 2836.25 kg/m3 and the particle size distribution for fine material is greater than 30%, and coarse material is less than 70%. The SEM examination revealed a high concentration of tiny particles in bauxite samples. Bukit Goh bauxite cannot be classified as group C under the IMSBC Code. As a result, the bauxite does not meet the criteria and cannot be shipped

    Sustainable ground improvement method using encapsulated polypropylene (PP) column reinforcement

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    This study investigates the effectiveness of encapsulated polypropylene (PP) column in enhancing the undrained shear strength of kaolin (soft clay). The usage of PP in treating problematic soil is a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative compared to other materials. The installation of granular column can be done by using vibro-replacement method. Several geotechnical tests to determine the properties of materials were conducted. The shear strength of treated kaolin sample was examined by using Unconfined Compression Test (UCT). There are seven (7) batches of soil sample in total which included a control sample, three (3) batches of 14 mm and three (3) batches of 20 mm diameter PP column. Different diameters of PP column were examined with 60 mm, 80 mm and 100 mm height, respectively with soil sample of 50 mm in diameter and 100 mm in height. The shear strength improvement of kaolin is 33.82%, 46.51%, and 49.88% when implanted with a PP column with a 7.84 area replacement ratio and 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 penetration ratio. The soft soil treated using 16.00 area replacement ratio with 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0 penetration ratio has a shear strength increment of 25.22%, 33.39% and 37.59% respectively. In short, the shear strength improvement of the kaolin clay depends on the parameter of the PP column used to reinforce the sample

    Stabilization of kaolin clay soil reinforced with single encapsulated 20mm diameter bottom ash column

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    Ground improvement methods are used to reduce the weakness of soft clay, which is low strength and high compressibility. The stone column technique involves replacing any of the soil with crushed stone such as broken rocks or sand which is an efficient method of improving the strength parameters of soil. Bottom ash usage in materials of building will effectively decrease the buildup of the waste and hence protect the environment. This study is to determine the shear strength of kaolin soft clay reinforced with a 20 mm diameter single encapsulated bottom ash column with various lengths. The research will look into the physicomechanical qualities of the materials used, including subsoil and bottom ash. Three (3) batches of samples with each batch consists of five (5) samples were prepared by using compaction method. All kaolin samples with a diameter of 50mm and height of 100mm with single encapsulated bottom ash columns with various lengths which are 60mm, 80mm, and 100mm were tested under Unconfined Compression Test (UCT). The result illustrated that the strength of samples increases as the height and volume of encapsulated bottom ash column increases
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