44 research outputs found

    Pengaruh perjuangan ideologi UMNO dan PAS ke atas perpaduan masyarakat Melayu

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    Malaysia dikenali sebagai sebuah negara majmuk kerana didiami oleh rakyat yang berbilang bangsa dan keturunan. Perbezaan ras atau bangsa yang ketara kewujudannya sebelum ini telah disatukan melalui kontrak sosial di antara kaum yang dicapai semasa negara menuju kemerdekaan. Usaha ini diperhebatkan lagi selepas peristiwa 13 Mei 1969 melalui Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) yang dilancarkan pada tahun berikutnya. Hasil daripada itu, maka Malaysia hari ini kekal dengan identiti negara berbilang kaum yang hidup aman damai dan harmoni. Namun, selepas 47 tahun setelah setiap bangsa saling menerima di antara satu sama lain, kita dikejutkan oleh perpecahan dalam satu bangsa yang sama. Laporan media terutama setiap kali menjelang musim pilihanraya telah mendedahkan wujudnya perpecahan di kalangan bangsa Melayu yang berlaku disebabkan oleh perbezaan ideologi politik. Senario bersembahyang dua imam, tuduh menuduh dan isu kafir-mengkafir adalah di antara indikator yang membuktikan fenomena ini. Justeru itu, tulisan ini cuba meninjau tentang fenomena perpecahan ini melalui pengkajian ke atas dua pertubuhan politik terbesar iaitu Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu (UMNO) dan Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS). Penulis akan menyorot sepintas lalu sejarah penubuhan kedua-dua parti berkenaan sebelum mengenalpasti perjuangan ideologi kedua-dua parti tersebut berdasarkan perlembagaan parti (sebab dan tujuan penubuhan) dan menilai manifesto pilihanraya yang menggambarkan perjuangan ideologi masing-masing. Sorotan sejarah ini penting kerana sejarah penubuhan sesebuah parti menggambarkan ideologi dan perjuangan yang dibawa. Tulisan ini seterusnya akan menilai kesan perjuangan ideologi tersebut ke atas perpaduan masyarakat Melayu

    Tracking the pattern of accountability in the age of market-based reform

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    In response to economic pressures and the growing expectation of citizens, the framework of service delivery in the public service sector has changed continually.Market-based reform strategies such as privatisation, corporatisation, joined-up government and public-private partnerships have dominated the current framework of public service delivery around the globe.The adoption of these strategies has changed not only the framework of service delivery but also the notion of accountability.The objective of this paper is to examine the way in which the notion of accountability has developed in public service delivery, focusing on the adoption of policy strategies under the market state model. Studies show that the framework of accountability in the context of public sector reform appears to be complex, especially in the era of market state model. The involvement of the private sector as a public partner in delivering public services has significantly changed the notion of accountability and we argue that to some extent accountability tends to be eclipsed due to the changes in its accountability focus

    Understanding accountability in an ever-changing New Zealand health system

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    The purpose of this research was to understand how the constant adoption of reforms affected accountability understanding and its practices in the New Zealand public health system. This study adopted a qualitative methodology and took a critical hermeneutics approach in order to explore the reasons for, and formats of, public health reform, and the experience of health policy implementers in dealing with reforms, policy changes, and accountability. To develop new insights about accountability and its practices, this study reviewed a range of policy documents and relevant publications, and interviewed senior health managers who were experienced in dealing with reforms. The research evidence is presented in line with Ricoeur’s stages of understanding; these are: preunderstanding, understanding, and finally, comprehensive understanding. The preunderstanding was developed from study of secondary sources, while the understanding was achieved through interviews. A comprehensive understanding results from both review of and reflection on preunderstanding and understanding. The findings are that reform can be described as a ‘means without ends’ because it was continually implemented in a political loop, in which, demand and supply for change were determined by the government’s political interests. Postreform accountability was full of frustrations because of its complexity in practice. Surprisingly, despite that fact, the health managers still believe that accountability per se is essential. This study proposes that postreform accountability can be understood as two sides of the same coin: accountability means being accountable, in a normative sense, and not being able to be accountable, in practice. The adoption of constant reforms has increased the level of organisational complexity. This has affected the notion of accountability and its practices because accountability rests in the organisational structures. This study suggests that accountability cannot be detached from its normative and mechanism perspectives. No matter how much the policy has changed or will change in the future, the possibility of policy implementers facing similar challenges and the same feelings is high because reform produces two identical outcomes for accountability: i.e., hopes and frustrations. The study contributes in three ways to an understanding of accountability in the context of reform. First, it offers valuable insights into the ongoing developments in the public health system and the issues of accountability. Second, it contributes to the wider understanding of the effects reform have on the notion of accountability and its practices. Third, it advances understanding relating to recent discussions on postreform accountability

    The impacts of ethics education on future managers’ ethical decisions

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    The rise of unethical behaviour like commercial crimes has become an issue and started gaining attention from the government, society and business. Education is seen by scholars as one of the best solutions because it has the ability to produce a holistic result. By educating young generations, who are our future leaders, it will help to awake the interests of people towards building an ethical society. The government of Malaysia started the process of building ethical society by directing all the public universities incorporating ethics education in their curriculum. Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) is also committed in realising this agenda. However, since the policy was implemented, there appears to be very minimal research that has explored the effects of ethics education on future managers’ ethical behaviour including in making ethical decisions. Therefore, this paper aims to study the impact of ethics education on future managers’ ethical decisions. A total of 300 students who were in the second-year and third-year studies from various academic programs have been chosen as respondents. From the survey, 78% (n=234) of respondents completed a course on ethics while 22% (n=66) of respondents will taking their ethics courses in the coming semester. This research revealed that the majority of students recognised the importance of ethics and they found that learning ethics was helpful in improving their ethical understanding and developing their personal ethical values.However, practicing ethical values, including making ethical decisions were challenging as students perceived they were living in unethical environment.The respondents indicated that they were surrounded by unethical people, and for this reason, some of them disclosed that they would rather silent than reveal about unethical actions

    Sistem nilai kerja dan prestasi kakitangan sektor awam: Kajian di Pejabat Tanah di Negeri Kedah

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    Tujuan kajian ini ialah untuk mengenal pasti sistem nilai kerja dan prestasi yang dipunyai oleh kakitangan sektor awam.Selain itu, kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan di antara pemboleh ubah ini.Instrumen Values of Working Questionnaire oleh Flowers et al.(1974) dan Devadoss Doraisamy (1993) telah diadaptasi dan digunakan dalam kajian ini.Kajian ini dijalankan di empat buah Pejabat Tanah di negeri Kedah yang melibatkan 193 orang responden (N=193).Keputusan kajian menunjukkan sistem nilai kerja yang paling dominan adalah sistem nilai ‘tribalistic’.Dari segi hubungan antara sistem nilai dan prestasi, sistem nilai ‘tribalistic’ dan sistem nilai ‘sociocentric’ didapati mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan prestasi organisasi.Namun hubungan yang wujud antara sistem nilai ‘tribalistic’ dengan prestasi adalah bersifat negatif atau songsang.Hasil penganalisaan juga menunjukkan keenam-enam faktor demografi yang dikaji tidak mempunyai perbezaan yang signifikan dengan prestasi.Pada asasnya, pemahaman tentang hubungan antara sistem nilai kerja dan prestasi ini akan menambahkan lagi pemahaman tentang norma kerja dan sikap kerja yang lazim di tempat kerja.Harapan dan usaha pihak pengurusan untuk menggalakkan pekerja ke arah prestasi yang lebih tinggi boleh dipandu oleh pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang sistem nilai dan hubungannya dengan prestasi

    Housing Experiences of Pakistani Immigrant Labors in Malaysia

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    This research considered housing experiences of Pakistani labors in Malaysia that is a main aspect in successful integration. The main focus was on housing rental market, the housing quality and the unfavourable health influences by insufficient housing. Little study was conducted on the housing experiences of Pakistani labor in Malaysia. A qualitative research with inductive approach was applied.Pakistani immigrant labors from Klang Valley were informants in this research. Data were gathered through in-depth interviews. The results indicated that immigrants have their housing more tough than predicted, mostly due to high costs. Immigrants were split about the quality of rental houses. Those who were satisfied could afford the house in private housing market. However, those immigrants who were not satisfied could not afford more suitable housing. They have issues of over-crowding, pest infiltration, damp properties. This research recommended that services of housing and settlement should deliver more direct support to new immigrants. Immigration settlement policies must ensure the presence of more affordable housing; employment opportunities that offer a satisfactory salary and quality programs and services to integrate new immigrants into the public

    Corporate governance in Malaysia: The effect on state business relation

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    The Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 not only introduced the corporate governance term but also drew an attention to the public about the weaknesses of Malaysian corporate governance practice.After 1998, Malaysian government decided to adopt corporate reform that could enhance the quality of good corporate management practice.This reform is clearly stated in the code and rules of corporate governance.The purpose of this research is to study the significance of implementing the code and rules of corporate governance since public already realize the close relationship between business and politics. Three companies were chosen as indicators for this study. As a result, it found that companies, which involve in corporate malpractice but have good relationship with states will always be excluded from the legal corporate action

    The Development of Value Systems in Malaysia: In Search of Effective Initiatives

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    In an effort to ensure that people in Malaysia have a strong character and at the same time have the ability to make mature decisions, they need to be guided by the right moral and ethical principles. In this regard, the development of society's value system requires a strong framework or foundation. However, what are the efforts and policies that develop and support the right value system? This study is under the 'interpretivism' paradigm and is qualitative in nature. The focus of this study is given to the concept of moral values. This study produces a list of important initiatives that are very crucial in the context of society's value system in Malaysia. The results of the research show that: the intervention of value education must be complete and have a comprehensive module or measure; special emphasis and continuous application of values; recognition and promotion of good values by providing special awards and mass promotions and involving all mediums; implementation in the form of a team and must be comprehensive rather than ad-hoc and one-off; an active discussion that involves various levels and continuous; formalize value education and provide a complete module as a guide; the creation of social imaginations and shared values; the study needs to be done continuously; guideline on the use of media and ensure development in a local context and adopting local culture. It will contribute to the existing work by providing considerable insights into value system initiatives in Malaysia

    Federalisme: keperluan fungsi fiskal dalam sistem kerajaan

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    Meninjau sempadan politik di dunia, hampir keseluruhan masyarakat berbeza dari segi budaya, bahasa dan agama.Kepelbagaian ini kompleks dan rumit, di satu peringkat, konflik ketegangan boleh tercetus jika keperluan dan matlamat individu yang berbeza tidak disepakati. Bagaimana membentuk hubungan harmoni dalam pecahan sosial (social cleavage) ini? Ideologi federalisme adalah antara perkiraan terbaik untuk itu. Bertepatan dengan slogan ‘diversity in unity’, falsafah federalisme menekankan norma melindungi minoriti, menggalakkan penyertaan politik dan melindungi kebebasan umum. Atas alasan ini, federalisme wajar disifatkan sebagai prinsip pengaturan institusi kerana menekankan self-rule plus shared rule, dengan kuasa politik, pentadbiran dan fiskal diagih kepada setiap unit kerajaan berperingkat. Bagaimana kuasa dan fungsi ini diagih secara cekap tanpa pertindihan dan konflik keperluan masyarakat? Huraiannya dibuat dalam rangka federalism yang bersesuaian dengan acuan sistem kerajaan

    Pengetahuan Generasi Muda Terhadap Gagasan Rukun Negara (Young Generation Knowledge towards the Philosophy of Rukun Negara)

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    Rukun Negara adalah deklarasi falsafah kebangsaan yang telah diwujudkan sejak berpuluh tahun yang lalu. Ia mempunyai matlamat untuk memastikan masyarakat berbilang kaum di negara ini dapat hidup harmoni dan bersatu padu. Kajian dan tulisan mengenai Rukun Negara agak terhad terutamanya berkaitan kesedaran dan penghayatan generasi muda. Walaupun terdapat usaha untuk mengukuhkan kesedaran masyarakat dari masa ke semasa, kita masih belum jelas dengan keberkesanannya. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menjawab persoalan mengenai tahap pengetahuan generasi muda terhadap gagasan ini. Kajian tinjauan telah dijalankan dalam kalangan mahasiswa yang berusia dalam lingkungan umur 20 hingga 25 tahun. Rasional pemilihan mereka adalah kerana merekalah yang akan mencorakkan dan seterusnya menerajui negara di masa depan. Jika sekiranya mereka mempunyai kesedaran yang tinggi, maka ia merupakan satu petanda yang sangat baik kepada negara. Ini akan menjadi asas dalam usaha untuk memantapkan penggunaan Rukun Negara sebagai wadah perpaduan dan kemajuan negara. Dapatan daripada tinjauan terhadap 240 responden menunjukkan generasi muda mempunyai pemahaman yang agak baik berkaitan Rukun Negara. Secara keseluruhannya, mereka mampu untuk menjawab persoalan asas berkaitan Rukun Negara dengan sebaiknya. Ini menunjukkan teras kepada pembentukan jiwa generasi muda untuk pengukuhan perpaduan sudah wujud, maka usaha seterusnya perlu dilaksanakan dengan baik. Kajian ini sangat signifikan dalam memberikan pemahaman mengenai status dengan baik. Kajian ini sangat signifikan dalam memberikan pemahaman mengenai status pengetahuan pengetahuan generasi yang bakal menjadi pemimpin negara pada masa depan terhadap generasi yang bakal menjadi pemimpin negara pada masa depan terhadap falsafah kebangsaan