33 research outputs found

    The Antecedents And Consequences Of Work-Family Conflict Among Doctors In Public Hospitals In Peninsular Malaysia

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    Kajian ini menghasilkan dan menguji satu model konflik kerja-keluarga kalangan doktor melalui tiga cara. This study developed and tested a model of work-family conflict (WFC) among dotors in three ways

    Malaysian peak daily load forecasting

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    Time series analysis has been applied intensively and sophisticatedly to model and forecast many problems in the biological, physical and environmental phenomena of interest. This fact accounts for the basic engineering problem in forecasting the daily peak system load to use time series analysis. ARMA and Regression with ARMA errors models are among the times series models considered. ANFIS, a hybrid model from neural network is also discussed as for comparison purposes. The main interest of the forecasts consists of three days up to seven days ahead predictions for daily data. The objective is to find an appropriate model for forecasting the Malaysian peak daily demand of electricity. The pure autoregressive model with an order 2 or AR (2) has the minimum AIC statistic value compared with other ARMA models. AR (2) model recorded the value for the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) as 1.27% for the prediction of 3 days ahead from Jan 1 to 3, 2005. Besides AR(2) model, Regression model with ARMA errors and ANFIS were found to be among the best forecasting models for weekdays with MAPE value from 0.1% to 3%

    Moving holidays' effects on the Malaysian peak daily load

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    Malaysia’s yearly steady growth in electricity consumption as a result of fast development in various sectors of the Malaysian economy have increased the need to have a more robust, reliable and accurate load forecasting for short -, medium-, or long-term. A reliable method for short term load forecasting is crucial to any decision maker in a power utility company. Many studies have been made to improve the forecasting accuracy using various methods. The forecasting errors for the holiday seasons are known to be higher than those for weekends. This paper aims to determine which model would be a better model to estimate the holiday effects and therefore give a better forecasting accuracy for the peak daily load in Malaysia. Some of the holiday effects in Malaysia are from Eid ul-Fitr, Christmas, Independence Day and Chinese New Year. The seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) and Dynamic Regression (DR) or Transfer function modelling are considered. Furthermore, the final selection of the models depends on the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and others such as the sample autocorrelation function (ACF), the sample partial autocorrelation function (PACF) and a bias-corrected version of the Akaike’s information criterion (AICC) statistic. The Dynamic Regression (DR) model recorded 2.22% as the lowest MAPE value for the 2004 New Year’s Eve and 2.39% for the seven days ahead forecasting. And therefore, DR model is the most appropriate model to be considered for forecasting any public holidays in Malaysia

    Hand dominance on grip strength and muscle activity among physical education pre-service teacher

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    Hand dominance refers to the consistency of favouring to manipulate one hand over the other for the daify skiffed activity. This study was design to evaluate the grip strength and muscle activity for the right- and left-hand dominant among preservice physical education teacher.Fifteen (8 right-handed and 7 left-handed) subjects aged between 24-26 years old were involved in the study. The measurement of the hand grip strength and muscle activity had been measured using the EMG If (Hand Dynamometer) - BIOPAC Student LaM>. The results revealed that the right-hand grip dominant subjects exhibited stronger isometric strength and higher muscle activity than the left-hand grip dominant counterparts. However, no significance differences were shown on the grip strength between right-handed with left-handed subjects. On the other hand, significant differences had shown on the muscle activity on dominant hand preferences (t=2.45, p=0.03) and nolHiominant hand preferences (1=3.10, p=0.008) between right-handed and left-handed SUbjects. The differences of muscle activity amplitude indicate that the non-dominant hand grip requires more electrical impulse generated by muscle cens to after the motor control in undergoing the grip strength test


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    This study aims to analyze and obtain empirical evidence regarding the influence of leadership, courage to take risks, innovation, voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, member economic participation, autonomy and freedom, education; training; information and cooperation among cooperatives on performance. Management of Cooperatives in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia. The method used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis with analysis techniques F test, R2 test, and t test. Based on the results of testing and discussion, the results of innovation, democratic control by members, autonomy and freedom, education; training; information and cooperation among cooperatives affect the performance of cooperative administrators in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia. Meanwhile, Leadership, Courage to Take Risks, Voluntary and Open Membership, and Member Economic Participation do not affect the Performance of Cooperative Managers in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia. Keywords: Leadership, Courage to Take Risks, Innovation, Voluntary Membership and Openness, Control by Members in a democratic manner, Member Economic Participation, Autonomy and Freedom, Education; Training; Information, and Cooperation among Cooperative

    Load forecasting using time series models

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    Load forecasting is a process of predicting the future load demands. It is important for power system planners and demand controllers in ensuring that there would be enough generation to cope with the increasing demand. Accurate model for load forecasting can lead to a better budget planning, maintenance scheduling and fuel management. This paper presents an attempt to forecast the maximum demand of electricity by finding an appropriate time series model. The methods considered in this study include the Naïve method, Exponential smoothing, Seasonal Holt-Winters, ARMA, ARAR algorithm, and Regression with ARMA Errors. The performance of these different methods was evaluated by using the forecasting accuracy criteria namely, the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Relative Percentage Error (MARPE). Based on these three criteria the pure auto regressive model with an order 2, or AR (2) under ARMA family emerged as the best model for forecasting electricity demand

    Islamic psychospiritual theory according to the perspective of Maqasid al-Sharia

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    Islamic psychospirituality is a discipline that combines psychological and spiritual elements based on Islamic principles. The Islamic psychospiritual approach that emphasises on the purificaiton process of the soul (tazkiyyah alnafs) becomes a necessity for man in order to ensure the well-being of his life and achieve happiness in this world and the Hereafter. This need is linked rather closely to the objective of legislating sharia law or the more popularly used term maqasid al-sharia in order to accomplish the good for all human beings. However, there are still gaps in the literature that discusses thoroughly the relationship between Islamic psychospirituality and maqasid al-sharia. Therefore, this article was conducted to discuss Islamic psychospirituality according to maqasid al-sharia. This study was conducted using full library research method for data collection and qualitative approach for data analysis. Based on the anylisis it was found that the relationship between Islamic psychospirituality and maqasid al-sharia can be seen from two views namely from the debates of al-kulliyat al-khams and al-wasilah wa al-ghayat towards the achievement of al-sa’adah (happiness) which is maqasid al -sharia al-’ammah (general maqasid sharia). Ultimately, Islamic psychospirituality plays a very important role in the development of insaniah which eventually leads to the guaranteed preservation of alkulliyat al-khams which is the main core of maqasid al-sharia

    Business opportunities and managerial skills in enhancing the involvement of entrepreneurship in Malaysia

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    The objective of this study is to identify whether business opportunities and managerial skills are the two important factors in enhancing the involvement of entrepreneurs in small medium enterprise (SME) in Selangor.The researcher obtains 120 respondents who are involved in various businesses consisting of the manufacturing and service industries in the state of Selangor, Malaysia.The questionnaire were distributed to 200 entrepreneurs but only 120 questionnaires were returned.The researcher also conducted structural interview after respondents completed answering the questionnaire.The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), frequencies, Pearson correlation and multiple regression.The instrument has a high reliability values.Findings indicated that the business opportunities and managerial skills are the two important factors in enhancing the involvement of entrepreneurs in small and medium sized enterprise

    Dynamic regression intervention modeling for the Malaysian daily load

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    Malaysia is a unique country due to having both fixed and moving holidays. These moving holidays may overlap with other fixed holidays and therefore, increase the complexity of the load forecasting activities. The errors due to holidays’ effects in the load forecasting are known to be higher than other factors. If these effects can be estimated and removed, the behavior of the series could be better viewed. Thus, the aim of this paper is to improve the forecasting errors by using a dynamic regression model with intervention analysis. Based on the linear transfer function method, a daily load model consists of either peak or average is developed. The developed model outperformed the seasonal ARIMA model in estimating the fixed and moving holidays’ effects and achieved a smaller Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) in load forecast

    Malaysian day-type load forecasting

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    Time series analysis has been applied intensively and sophisticatedly to model and forecast many problems in the biological, physical and environmental phenomena of interest. This fact accounts for the basic engineering problem in forecasting the daily peak system load to use time series analysis. ARMA and REgARMA models are among the times series models considered. ANFIS, a hybrid model from neural network is also discussed as for comparison purposes. The main interest of the forecasts consists of three days up to five days ahead predictions for daily data. The pure autoregressive model with an order 2, or AR (2) with a MAPE value of 1.27% is found to be an appropriate model for forecasting the Malaysian peak daily load for the 3 days ahead prediction. ANFIS model gives a better MAPE value when weekends' data were excluded. Regression models with ARMA errors are found to be good models for forecasting different day types. The selection of these models is depended on the smallest value of AIC statistic and the forecasting accuracy criteria