1,777 research outputs found


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    Hizbut Tahrir is an Islamic ideology based on the Qur'an, hadith and ijma of the companions. This party was established in 1953 in Palestinian al-Quds with Taqiyuddin an-Nabhani as first leader. They want to establish an Islamic state that is based on the Qur'an and hadith regarding the rules of the syariat law. There are three foundations for their movement to uphold the khilāfah, namely: philosophical foundation, normative foundation and historical foundation. They argue that khilāfah is not an idea or an idea, but a product of history that has existed in the world. This study focused on the history, ideology and literature hadith as quoted by Hizbut Tahrir to legitimize their arguments for establishing an Islamic state. There are many weaknesses in their understanding of the hadith of the hadith, so impressive that Hizbut Tahrir is an inconsistent and often subjective party in interpreting a hadith

    Peran Amerika Serikat dalam Menengahi Konflik Israel-Palestina melalui Perjanjian Camp David dan Oslo

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    Abstract: Artikel ini membahas tentang peran Amerika Serikat dalam menengahi konflik yang terjadi antara Israel dan Palestina. Konflik tersebut memiliki sejarah yang panjang sejak Inggris mengambil alih wilayah Arab (Palestina) dan kemudian mengakui negara Israel. Hal ini mendapat penentangan dari Palestina dan negara-negara sekitarnya. Menyikapi hal tersebut, Pada konflik Israel – Palestina, AS berperan sebagai mediator untuk mendamaikan konflik kedua negara tersebut. AS mencoba menengahi dengan membuat perjanjian antar kepala negara seperti perjanjian Camp David dan perjanjian Oslo. Perjanjian Camp David merupakan serangkaian upaya membentuk kesepakatan yang ditandatangani oleh Presiden Mesir Anwar Sadat dan Perdana Menteri Israel Menachem Begin di Camp David, tempat peristirahatan bersejarah presiden Amerika Serikat. Setelah adanya perjanjian Camp David, kemudian AS membuat perjanjian Oslo untuk mendamaikan kembali kedua negara karena konflik kembali terjadi. Perjanjian Oslo ini ditandatangani Yasser Arafat dari pihak Palestina dan Yithzak Rabin dari pihak Israel di Washington DC dengan disaksikan oleh Bill Clinton. Kesepakatan Oslo menandai pertama kalinya Israel dan Organisasi Pembebasan Palestina (PLO) secara resmi mengakui satu sama lain.   Kata kunci: Amerika Serikat; Konflik Israel-Palestina; Perjanjian Camp David; Perjanjian Oslo    Abstract: This article discusses the role of the United States in mediating the conflict between Israel and Palestine. The conflict has a long history since Britain took over the Arab region (Palestine) and later recognized the state of Israel. This is opposed by Palestine and the surrounding countries. In response to this, in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the US acts as a mediator to reconcile the conflicts between the two countries. The US tried to mediate by making agreements between heads of state such as the Camp David agreement and the Oslo agreement. The Camp David Agreement is a series of efforts to forge an agreement signed by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin at Camp David, the historic resting place of the US president. After the Camp David agreement, then the US made the Oslo agreement to reconcile the two countries because the conflict happened again. The Oslo Agreement was signed by Yasser Arafat from the Palestinian side and Yithzak Rabin from the Israeli side in Washington DC, witnessed by Bill Clinton. The Oslo Accords marked the first time Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) have officially recognized each other.   Keywords: Camp David Accords; Israel-Palestine Conflict; Oslo Accords; United State


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    The Study on munāsabah occupies an important position in the study of the Koran. Al-Biqā'î is one of the scholars who give a very large portion of the theory of munāsabah. Al-Biqā'î divides munāsabah into two major groups, namely, between surah (chapters) and between ayat (verses). With an exploratory-descriptive method, this paper will specifically explore logical pattern of munāsabah between surah according to al-Biqa'i with a comprehensive example. The findings of this paper are based on: first, there are four possible patterns of munāsabah between surah according to al-Biqa'i. The four patterns are munāsabah between surah’ names and its content, munāsabah between surah and basmalah, munāsabah between the initial description of the surahs and munāsabah between the end of the surah and the other surah. Second, al-Biqa'i in applying a munāsabah theory is quite consistent across patterns; from the first, second, third, and fourth patterns. Third, Munāsabah occupies a very important position because it is able to explain the unity and close relationship that exists between one surah and another while also emphasize the oneness of the Qur'anic themes


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    This article describes the cooperation relationship between Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates in the field of defense. This study uses a defense diplomacy approach. Then to describe the data sources using descriptive analytical research methods. The result of this research is that diplomatic relations between Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates have been ongoing since 1976. In 1978, Indonesia opened an embassy in Abu Dhabi. Then in 1991 the United Arab Emirates opened an embassy in Jakarta. Then the form of cooperation that exists between Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates is that PT Pindad and Caracal will work together to carry out joint production of various weapons, including the AR15-based CAR 816 assault rifle for use by special forces in Indonesia using the barrel component and other components from Pindad. Joint production of the Pindad SM3 5.56 mm machine gun for use by the UAE army and marketed in the Middle East, as well as the use of Pindad-made barrels and other weapons components for weapons made by Caracal. Thus, the two countries can strengthen state security by minimizing the budget for the main weapon system equipment by relying on private products in the context of bilateral cooperation


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    This article explains the attitude that Iran shows towards the attacks, pressures, and condemnation of the United States, especially in its nuclear development program. Through Stephen van Evera's offensive-defensive theory, this article explains four determinants that led Iran to finally adopt a defensive attitude towards all offensive from the United States. The four determinants include the development of military technology, geographical conditions, socio-political constellation, and the order of diplomacy. Furthermore, this article describes the four determinants and relates them to Iran's nuclear development program and the response of the United States. Thus, it appears that Iran is showing a defensive towards the United States offensive


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    AbstractThis article explains the foreign policy of the United States towards Iran after the Arab Spring. Specifically, this article discusses foreign policy during the days of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The method used in this research is descriptive analytical. Then to describe the discussion objectively, researchers used the Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) approach. This approach is used to answer the question of how the US foreign policy towards Iran after the Arab Spring? The findings of this study indicate that there were differences in policies during Trump and Biden tenure. During Trump's time, the US withdrew from the JCPOA and imposed maximum pressure sanctions on Iran. Then during Biden’s period, the US tended to be more gentle towards Iran by trying to get Iran back to nuclear negotiations without applying maximum pressure. This is certainly a good hope for the political constellation in the Middle East.Keywords: Foreign Policy Analysis, JCPOA, Maximum Pressure, the Middle East  AbstrakArtikel ini menjelaskan tentang kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat terhadap Iran pasca Arab Spring. Secara spesifik, artikel ini membahas kebijakan luar negeri pada masa Donald Trump dan Joe Biden. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitis. Kemudian untuk menguraikan pembahasan secara objektif, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA). Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang bagaimana kebijakan politik luar negeri AS terhadap Iran pasca Arab Spring? Adapun hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan kebijakan pada masa Trump dan Biden. Pada masa Trump, AS keluar dari JCPOA dan menjatuhkan sanksi tekanan maksimum bagi Iran. Kemudian pada masa Biden, AS cenderung bersikap lebih tenang terhadap Iran dengan berupaya untuk mengajak Iran kembali ke perundingan nuklir tanpa memberikan tekanan maksimum. Hal ini tentu menjadi harapan baik bagi konstelasi politik di Timur Tengah. Kata Kunci: FPA, JCPOA, Tekanan Maksimum, Timur Tengah 

    Shi’ite Ideology Bias in Al-Qummi Tafsir: Study of Ali Imran and Al-Nisa’ Chapters

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    The study of political bias in Quranic commentary is of great interest following the contexts that led to its emergence. The verse of the Qur'an is often used as a legitimation of understanding in religious discourse. The study of al-Qummi's commentary explains how the verses of the Qur'an are understood in such a way by a person living in the certain context to favor the Shi'a school and attack its opponents. It also explains how the interpretation becomes a field of meaning contestation. This tendencies were found in al-Qummi commentary on Alu Imran and al-Nisa’ Surahs. The presence of such a biased interpretation can not be separated from the author's cultural and social political context as he lives in the midst of contests, rivalries and political intrigues of Muslim groups in a particular era in history.[Kajian tentang bias politik dalam tafsir Al-Quran sangat menarik dilakukan terkait konteks yang menyebabkan kemunculannya. Ayat Al-Qur'an sering digunakan sebagai legitimasi pemahaman dalam wacana agama. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis dan komparatif, studi terhadap tafsir al-Qummi ini menemukan bagaimana ayat-ayat Al Qur'an dipahami sedemikian rupa oleh seseorang yang hidup dalam konteks tertentu untuk mendukung madzhab Syiah dan menyerang lawan-lawan politik. Penafsiran yang demikian berbeda dengan   Al-Qur ’an dan Tafsirnya karya dari Tim Kementerian Agama. Studi juga menemukan bagaimana tafsir al-Quran menjadi medan kontestasi makna antar kelompok. Kecenderungan ini ditemukan dalam penafsiran al-Qummi tentang surah Ali Imran dan al-Nisa’. Kemunculan interpretasi yang bias seperti itu tidak dapat dipisahkan dari konteks budaya dan sosial politik al-Qummi ketika ia hidup di tengah-tengah persaingan dan intrik politik antara kelompok Muslim di era tertentu dalam sejarah Islam.


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    All Muslims agree that the Qur’an is the first and main source of Islamic law. Nevertheless, this scripture does not guarantee the same result of interpretation, given that the background of life surrounding of the interpreter is different. This paper will review the forms of ikhtilaf al-mufassirin and the causes that bring it up. In examining the causes of ikhtilaf al-mufassirin, there are at least two causes; (1) a common cause, such as the occurrence of ikhtilaf in the case of qira’at, i’rab, musytarak, hakakat-majaz, ‘am-khas, mutlaq-muqayyad, mujmal-mubayyan, amr-nahi, nasikh-mansukh, and ikhtilaf in positioning reason as the source of shari’a law; (2) special causes, such as ikhtilaf in criticism of sanad and matan, ikhtilaf in taking a source of law, and ikhtilaf in the case of aqidah and madhhab. While the forms of ikhtilaf al-mufassirin there are also two forms; (1) ikhtilaf tanawwu’, ie dissent of opinion which is all aimed at the same intention; (2) ikhtilaf taddad, that is, differences of opinion which is conflicting and can not be united